
I was transmitted to another world as renekton from league of legends

Ana a normal woman become's the powerful shuriman warrior renekton in the world of legends of the champions Note : for the overlord tag nazarick currently exists in the world but will appear later on the story.

eondreamsi · その他
11 Chs

cloud drake

The Cloud Drake, a majestic creature born from the ancient dragon lineage, bore a striking resemblance to its legendary forebears. From its soaring flight to the fearsome dragon breath it wielded, every aspect echoed the mightiness of true dragons.

In this vast world, numerous species thrived, each unique in its own way.

Yet, among them, dragons stood as paragons of strength and power.

They held a place of unrivaled prominence, commanding respect from all who shared this realm.

In her flight, Ana sought refuge within a cave, hoping for safety.

But what greeted her was a sight of awe and trepidation—a colossal drake, over 15 meters tall, stood before her.

Its skin shimmered with a silver sheen, a radiant contrast to the cave's shadowy depths. The drake's jaws were vast, akin to the size of a grown man.

Despite its imposing stature, the mighty creature slumbered, unaware of Ana's presence.

She gazed upon this magnificent beast with a mix of wonder and caution, captivated by the breathtaking spectacle before her.

As Ana began to carefully retreat from the cave, her eyes fixed on the slumbering drake, she inadvertently tripped over a stone with her lizard-like leg. The sound echoed through the cavern, shattering the stillness.

In an instant, the mighty dragon's eyes snapped open.

It fixed its gaze upon Ana, who met its intense stare with wide-eyed surprise. The cave seemed to hold its breath once more, suspended in the tense moment that hung between the two beings.


A resounding boom echoed through the cave, shattering the uneasy calm. "Why? I was just leaving!" Ana exclaimed, frustration lacing her voice as the drake lunged at her, jaws snapping in an attempt to bite.


Ana declared, her lizard-like form expanding rapidly until she stood as a colossal 20-meter-tall giant with a crocodile-like visage.

The drake's gaze flickered with a mix of fear and aggression in response to her towering size.

Feeling cornered, the drake unleashed a torrent of attacks, driven by a surge of defensive aggression.

After a few tense minutes, Ana settled by a crackling fire, her form now reverted to that of a human-sized lizard.

She skillfully prepared a meal, sizzling the meat over the flames.

It was the drake's own flesh, a testament to the formidable battle that had unfolded within the cave.

The aroma of cooking meat filled the air, mingling with the lingering sense of conflict, creating an eerie yet strangely satisfying atmosphere.

"Oooh, I didn't expect it to be this good!" Ana exclaimed with surprise and delight.

She savored each bite of the drake's meat, the flavors rich and satisfying.

It was a marvel how the meat of a creature over 15 meters in size seemed to disappear before her, as if by magic.

Half of the colossal feast had vanished in her stomach.

The cave's atmosphere seemed to shift, from one of confrontation to one of nourishing sustenance