
I was transmitted to another world as renekton from league of legends

Ana a normal woman become's the powerful shuriman warrior renekton in the world of legends of the champions Note : for the overlord tag nazarick currently exists in the world but will appear later on the story.

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running from fiora 2

Fiora's gaze rested on Ana, finding the creature before her to be an enigma. Despite emanating a formidable aura of power that surpassed her own, Ana seemed oddly apprehensive in Fiora's presence. It puzzled Fiora, observing how this mighty being displayed signs of fear or unease.

Fiora extended her hands in a gesture, indicating for the creature to follow her.

However, Ana misinterpreted Fiora's intentions, assuming she meant to lead her into captivity. With her lizard-like body, Ana vehemently shook her hands in protest, conveying her refusal in emphatic gestures.

Fiora attempted to communicate her peaceful intentions through gestures, assuring Ana that she meant no harm and simply wanted to bring her along.

Yet, once more, Ana's apprehensions clouded her understanding.

She interpreted Fiora's motions as a threat, envisioning the blade at her neck if she didn't comply.

In a swift, powerful motion, Ana's lizard-like legs propelled her skyward, putting distance between her and Fiora.

Fiora's frustration was palpable as she leaped after Ana, determined to rectify the misunderstanding.


Fiora trailed after Ana, her gestures and urgent cries conveying her peaceful intentions.

Yet, to the giant lizard, Fiora's efforts came across as a barrage of threats and incomprehensible curses.

As they ventured further from the north, Fiora wrestled with a sense of duty. She knew she needed to safeguard her territory in case of a Noxus attack. Reluctantly, she made the difficult decision to cease her pursuit of Ana and turned back towards the north.