
I was the Number One

Pieces of Eden is the most famous and played VRMMORPG nowadays. The game count with almost a billion players worldwide and have at least twenty million players online daily. Since its debut two years ago. The game still have a lot of discover and the wolrd in game could be even greater than Earth itself. To extend that real money started to be generated through playing it. There is a variety of classes and even secret ones. Monsters and Races from every kind of culture are available on the game. Among this all of information only one is unchanged. This began about a one and half year ago when that player started playing. The information was simple World Rank 1 has not being changed since that name was spotted there. The name was so much on the news that people started to name their characters after it. So its even impossible to know if you are talking to a legend within the game. The nickname in game was Greedness.

ESH · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Death to Goblins

"I'm terrible with sword and shield.", Nathan was complaining about his skills. "Maybe I should change to another Class still.", he said but he didn't mean it.

He was struggling even more than recent players. This was because he was changing a way to play used for almost two years. But he was enjoying the change. He knew that this was only temporary and so he kept improving. Another reason was that even if he didn't needed money he couldn't feel bad for not receiving from playing.

"Which level I am?", he looked on his Stats.


[Summoner (Legendary) Lv. 1][Warrior (Provisory) Lv. 4]

[Exp: 2369/10000 (0.00%)]

[HP: 1250/1250]

[MP: 5000/5000]

[Strength: 20]

[Agility: 25]

[Stamina: 20]

[Intelligence: 30]

[Wisdom: 30]

[Charisma: 25]

[Will: 50]

[Faith: 20]

[Points to Distribute: 20]

"I finished the 25 Goblins. So now I'll start the other half.", he smiled. He was going very slow. So much that he was only fighting Scouts for all this time. He wasn't sure he could fight multiple enemies as he was. "I need to try anyway."

He looked nearby and found a group with one Leader and three Scouts. This was the minimum capacity of a group. And so this was his chance to train against more than one enemy while using the Warrior Class.

So far he noticed that he could dodge and deal more damage than a low level spellcaster. But he knew that this was going to reversed with high level spells. He remembered how great was to learn those spell when playing Bard. But now the time changed and it was time to improve his Warrior skills.

"Pheeeeew.", he whistled again to get the aggro and the monster were easily caught by it.

But he had leveled up and with them he got some convenient active skills. After getting their attention he Dashed against one of the Scouts. This was a movement skill fused with a on hit effect that could stun enemies. Even if it didn't Nathan knew that within a slash from his weapon he could kill either way. So he did kill the first monster with a vertical slash.

The Leader unleashed both of its weapons from the sheaths and both scimitar shined on the sun. This was had a blind effect but Nathan already knew of it after seeing another newbie being hit. So he raised his shield against one of the Scouts and looked directly to the other. These two were trying to get position to fire arrows while he was blinded but failed from the start.

Greedness fought multiple Goblins and got some drops from them as well. Between them were shortbows, shortswords and sometime some daggers. The last were on a lot more better state than the others and most of them all. It could be thrown.

The boy fastly stab his weapon on the ground and got three daggers on his free hand. The Scouts released their arrows. One was blocked by the shield as it was very well positioned. The other Nathan blocked with one of the daggers dropping the others on the ground. He could hear the Leader walking up to him. So he needed to be fast.

He threw the dagger on the Scout he blocked with it. The weapon pierced through the monster's shoulder and started the bleeding effect. Fastly he made a little spin caughting another dagger on the ground and throwing against the other Scout. This time he only scratched the enemy's shoulder. He got the last dagger and made the final throw. This time the Goblin jumped to avoid the attack. He missed once more.

"That's okay.", the player said and lifted his weapon from the ground already blocking the Leader first attack.

He had a lot of experience on combat but still lacked a lot of skill with weapons. He inversed gripped the weapon so he needed to repair it yet. On his moment the Leader hit him with the other scimitar. His hit points dropped one quarter of his full health. The damage was greater than he expected.

"I can't deal with you yet.", he said to the Leader and dashed to the dodging Scout. By hitting the shoulder the other couldn't use the bow against him. So he needed to finish the one that escaped such fate.

The Goblin was lifting himself when the Dash pushed him back to ground again. It didn't have a chance. The sword beheaded it without much effort. The Leader followed after Greedness and immediately tried to use a Warrior's skill. Double cross. But was blocked by a Shield Dash from his opponent.

Shield Dash was the name Nathan gave but was nothing more than a Dash that used the Shield to block an enemy attack. This self made skill made the Goblin Leader lose its balance and the boy didn't this chance go away. A vertical rising slash on the chest. It cut and pushed at the same time. The Leader started to bleed as well but its was much more worse because of the location.

"Oho.", Nathan smiled and looked at the other Goblin trying to stop the bleeding as well. "I'll take care of you from afar.", he said and went looking for his daggers.

After finding them and finishing the Leader with one slice on the neck. He started to practice hit the target with his daggers and the bleeding Goblin. Even being almost dead this was proven somewhat hard for the boy. So he agreed to himself that this was a good practice to take often.

Far from his location up on a tree was a player looking at Greedness actions. This player arrived late on the settlement and didnt saw the boy's mistake. So it was looking at him without any prejudice. Of course what Nathan was doing was really strange no matter if he was a newbie or a veteran but that was a good way to train no matter what.

"Another Greedness?", the played asked himself after reading Nathan's character's name.

"Four.", the boy said to himself. As now he needed to keep the Goblin count on his mind. He went to the practice target and recovered his daggers. From all the twenty five kills he got only six daggers. "What loot they left to me?", he started to look for items.

Different from mouse and keyboard MMORPGs. Which the items drop weren't physically on the monsters. On a Virtual Reallity this was obviously impossible to happen. The players must look on the monsters body to get their items. So this was what Nathan started to do. And luckily he found something good.

[Random Divine Spell Book (Rare)]

[Durability: 1/1]

[Uses: 1/1]

[On using it the owner will learn a random divine spell.]

"This is extremely rare.", Nathan said after looking it himself. This item was to show that the Shamans didn't shown from nowhere and that they were like a evolution of the others Goblins. "Divine must mean that is from Druid, Paladin or Priest spells."

Nathan did came here when he was already a high level Bard. The option to add a spell without much worries was the best even when it was from a spell list that he hadn't access to. But this time was totally off from his game as his Class was Warrior.

"What should I do?", he asked himself and left from the monsters settlement for the time being.

One of the Classes that he looked on the internet was the Adeptus Knight and the Spiriteer. Both were a Warrior that could use Spellcasting too. The trigger was to learn a Spell from their unique spell lists. Which this time to Nathan was random so he could open one of the possibilities if he used the book.

"This lean more towards the Spiriteer as this is a Divine Spell Book."

The player was iching to stole the Book from the boy's hand but it was even more anxious to see what decision the boy was going to take. The player initially thought that this was a newbie but after this he knew that it was a veteran. A newbie would have used the Book without any worries.

"Lets use. Anything I can only decline the path.", Greedness picked the book.

[Do you wish to use the Random Divine Spell Book?]



[You don't have access to any spell list. The spell will be randomly chosen.]

[Divine Weapon was added to your spell list.]

[The Summoner class was found. The spell will be from its spell list.]

[Berserker's Fury was added to your spell list.]

[Berserker's Fury (200 MP): You'll increase the attack speed of your Summon by 25.0% for 12 seconds.]

"What?", he received the confirmation that he didn't have spell list and did at the same time which was a little confusing. Then it became even more when he received two spells. "Two classes two spells? Is that right?"

[You unlocked the path to become an Spiriteer. Do you wish to change your Warrior (Provisory) to Spiriteer?]
