
I was the Number One

Pieces of Eden is the most famous and played VRMMORPG nowadays. The game count with almost a billion players worldwide and have at least twenty million players online daily. Since its debut two years ago. The game still have a lot of discover and the wolrd in game could be even greater than Earth itself. To extend that real money started to be generated through playing it. There is a variety of classes and even secret ones. Monsters and Races from every kind of culture are available on the game. Among this all of information only one is unchanged. This began about a one and half year ago when that player started playing. The information was simple World Rank 1 has not being changed since that name was spotted there. The name was so much on the news that people started to name their characters after it. So its even impossible to know if you are talking to a legend within the game. The nickname in game was Greedness.

ESH · Fantasy
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4 Chs


"You want to change your name?", a fortune teller NPC asked him.

"Mine and from a summon."

"Oh. You have a summon. Such rare occasion. It will be twenty thousand gold."

"Here.", he transfered the money.

"So your name is Greedness. A lot of people with this name came to change it."

"Yeah. What were they saying?", he wanted to know others views on his disappearance.

"They were not happy most of them they remembered why they put this name and were attached to it."

"I changed my mind I'll only change the name of the summon then."

"That's okay.", she returned the money. "Which is the name you want to give your summon?"

"Cornelius is too long. So make it Corns.", he smiled.

"It's done.", she said.

"Summon Corns.", the plushy dragon appeared on his shoulder.

"Did you called me, master?"

"Did you like it the new name?"

"Of course, master, your are the meaning of my existence. So anything you bestow upon me shall be treated as a blessing. Such as the name you choose."

"I'll take that as a yes. Dismiss.", the plushy exploded in clouds again.

"Such lovely dragon you have."

Nathan laughed and thanked her before leaving. There was another thing that he could do before starting leveling up. His Free Slot. He would be capable of getting a second class and this is better to get on the earlier levels. He would spend more time on the same ground hunting as he would raise both classes levels.

Now he need to chose a class that suited the Summoner. For what he learned the class wasn't so good in close combat but so it wasn't Bard and he kept playing with it till level 150. So the question changed to what class he would have more fun playing. He stored all the items from his Bard times and went to the center of the city where the Class Tower was.

The options were: Assassin, Archer, Bard, Berserker, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Warrior and Wizard. He had played Bard. So this was off the list on the start. Assassin battling with creatures was unlikely to happen even more that he would lose all the benefits from hiding and other abilities. So this left him with eight classes to go.

"Archer.", he said and what immediately came to his mind was the dragon breath. "I won't be firing arrows. Berserker.", this class was based on their Rage ability and normally they would lost the ability to talk while on this. "I need to talk. Druid.", a spellcaster that could change into animals. "This has some kind of connection but I'll see the others. Monk.", a close combatant but not too tank and not to dangerous. "Out. Paladin.", a hybrid class with sword and magic. "Goes to the white list. Priest.", a full support class with healing spells. "Should I give another game breaking try? Warrior.", this was a full straight class based on weapon. "Simple and good. Wizard.", a full spellcaster that had the most number of spells in the game. "Maybe."

After doing more analysis he went to three classes. Paladin, Priest and Warrior. This was most because of his Bard knowledge he had acquired through playing before. Paladin were extremely balanced between attack and support. Priest would have access to incredible spell on later levels. Warrior was a trumph. It could be literally everything as it was the most played class in Pieces of Eden.

"I can heal. I can fight. Or I can do both.", he said it so he could think more clear.

Warrior looked the most off to him but there were a lot of ways it could be opened while playing it. So it sounded more fun to him even the other Classes being much more useful after talking loud. But he head to the Warrior floor.

"Welcome, Adventurer. Do you want to become a Warrior?", a female dark elf NPC asked him.


"Good. So do this to me."

[Hunting Goblins (Class Mission)]

[Difficult: Easy-Medium]

[Goblins hunted: 0/25]

[Reward: Warrior Class.]

"You can take one weapon from the rack over there.", she finished.

"Okay.", he had some thoughts about what to do but he needed to check. So he picked one sword and one shield put on his Inventory. After leaving the Class Tower, he logged out. "I can't use my Bard connections anymore.", he went search on the internet which Warrior paths had already its method of achievement released.

He found a lot of clues about the Warrior paths. This must be the Class with most online information on internet. He easily read about more than a hundred paths and their achievements. But unfortunately not one that could get his attention.

After looking a little more through he didn't saw a simple method. Double or nothing. Which consisted on doing exactly the double amount asked on the mission. You would receive the normal rewards if done less or more and the counter would not help either.

"That's it.", he grinned.

Nathan didn't know this for his first Class change into Bard. So he didn't know how it would be different this time. Probably there are a lot of people with a Unique Class because of this method but they were smart and keep it shut from the others.

So he logged in again. This method possibly was done by other adventurers but they overdid to be certain. Which led them to fail the true meaning of it. Control. This was a test beyond the system. It was a self challenge if you look better inside the concept. This wasn't within the game but within the player alone.

In order to not trespass the upper limit. Greedness couldn't use any of his Summon. As Corns was still level 156 with all her might Breath intact. So Nathan was only using the sword and shield he got to be a Warrior.

"What kind of Class will I end up with?", he was happy. The trauma of losing all his level was gone and substituted by the nostalgia of reviving his character from zero. "Finally.", he arrived at the Goblin settlement.

This place had a lot of newbies and even veterans. Newbies were training and raising their initial levels. While veterans were looking for prodigies to add into their Guilds. Greedness wasn't part of any Guild before. Nathan felt that this could be another experience to look foward this time.

"Lets go.", he said to himself and equipped the sword and shield.

There was a total of three kinds of Goblins there. Scouts were the ones without a fix position and most commonly picked by solo adventurers. Leaders were fixed on some locations and gather around three to four Scouts as protection. Shamans would appear in greater Leader groups.

Scouts would use shortbow and shortsword. Leaders have their dual scimitars. Shaman could access some level zero, one and two spells from the Druid and Priest spell lists. Even if they took time to use them. It could be still be a problem for novices on the battlefield.

"Pheeeew.", Greedness whistled to a nearby Scout that noticed him and started to pull an arrow on the shortbow. "Good.", he said after getting the aggro.

A monster could not be killed by another player after being caught on someone else's aggro. This is why he used a whistle to grant this advantage. Which made a few veterans change their eyes upon him. He was happy. Maybe he could get a chance to be scouted by a Guild.

The Goblin was ready to fire his arrow when a trajectory line appeared to Nathan. He easily put the shield on the direction and blocked successfully the enemy attack. The hit recoil wasn't so great as the arrow didn't have much weight. So he started to advance cautiously blocking another incoming attacks.

As he arrived on the Scout's location. The monster dropped the weapon and got its shortsword. It was very rusty. Lorewise Goblins didn't know how to forge. So all their weapons were from dead adventurers. This was pretty good explanation for Nathan who enjoyed this kind of information.

This time the trajectory wasn't shown to him. But he knew this was going to happen anytime soon. The block recoil this time was stronger and he even felt a little numb on his left arm. Nothing much that he even looked happy. The enemy's weapon was stuck on his defense. He took this opportunity and cut off the Goblin's arm with a swing.

The Goblin's health bar dropped more than fifty percent. One more hit he could kill the monster. Normally the first monster would make you level immediately. Nathan was looking foward this moment. He wanted to know which Class would receive the additional level. So he lost composture and tried to finish the monster fastly. His attack missed the monster completely.

Monsters that take too much damage on one go tend to flee from combat. Being hasten by his mind this information left his mind and he attacked without any preparation. A newbie mistake made by an anxious veteran player. This was enough to keep the Guilds' eyes away from him.

"Really?", he said looking at their diverting eyes.

He sighed and with a single stroke he stroked the tip of his sword against the Goblin's neck calmly. He noticed as well that this was his mistake. Even being very good on the game he wasn't very good with physical combat. Reach was important when dealing in close quarters. He changed the focus of his training to learn the swordsmanship basics.