
I was Reincarnated in FATE as Kirei Motherfucking Kotomine!!

The world of FATE is very vast and mysterious. Along with the various inhabitants of that universe it isn't a stretch to say that it is one of the greatest universe's there is. With power houses that could even destroy the planet being born there it is a fascinating world for many. That was the impression that our hero had of the world of FATE. Also due to the fact that there were various powerful Servants and all and that most of them were female. It wasn't a mystery why many liked it due to the amount of waifu' in it. So he was very surprised when he found himself reincarnated as a baby in the FATE universe. He was initially happy but his happiness went away when he realised just who he had reincarnated as as he shouted to the Heaven's in his mind. "I was Reincarnated in FATE as Kirei Motherfucking Kotomine!!" This is how the new Kirei will traverse through the World of FATE as he makes his own destiny.

Lust_Demon_Samael · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

9. A Close Call

It has been a few months since he had killed Sancraid and it has caused some problems in the Church. For one Sancraid was part of the conservative faction so his death at his hands was something that made their thoughts of him a bit unfavourable. But the fact that the man had become a Daemon had helped him somewhat.

As for the other not so zealous members of the Church who were more concerned for humanity were actually glad about what he had done. Many of the Church members outside of the Conservative Faction want to spread his teachings and protect humans. To them Sancraid who killed innocent humans wasn't something that they liked.

So in essence while he was seen in an more negative light in the Conservative Faction while in the other circles it was more favourable since he fights for humanity, a mission that the Holy Church was made for. He is currently meditating in his room in Europe as he is trying to clear his mind.

"Things have surely become hectic after I killed him." Kirei said as he opened his eyes and stood up from the floor.

He then looked outside at the blue sky with a neutral face. He sighed as he still hasn't been able to find a way to gain the ability to feel emotions despite him praying for it since childhood. But he decided to not dwell on it and exited his room to walk inside the building for sometime as he passed by a good amount of Church members who greeted her as he greeted them back.

As he was walking a Church member came and asked him to go to the Cardinals office to which he nodded and made his way to the office. It took a good ten minutes for him to get there considering how large their building is. When he entered he saw that in the Cardinals room a dozen or so Executors are there and they turned to look at him when he entered.

"Cardinal." Kirei said as he entered the room.

"Kirei. It's good that you came here. I have an urgent mission for all of you." The Cardinal said to him.

"As you say Cardinal." Kirei said to him as he stood beside his fellow Executors.

Time skip

"I have to ask. Do I really have to be here?" Kirei asked his fellow Executors as they are looking at a castle.

"You doubt the Cardinal?" One executor asked him.

"I had only become 16 a month ago." Kirei said back with a deadpanned look.

"And yet you have a lot of kills to your name and a Daemon as well." The Executor said to him.

"I nearly died at that battle you know. The only reason I won was because I was there when it was born." Kirei pointed out.

"But while I hate to admit it you are without a doubt the most skilled among all of us. You have not only killed many Vampire's in your younger years you had also killed a Daemon as well. You are without a doubt one of our strongest Executors." Another Executor said to him.

"Okay fine but we have to kill a lot of Vampires. It will not be easy." Kirei said to him.

"We'll just have to do what we can." Another Executor said to him.

'I just hope it goes well.' Kirei thought to himself as he pulled out his guns.

On the castle Vampires were slowly starting to come out as they waited patiently. They were using a spell to hide their scent from the vampires as the lead executor raised his right hand as they looked at it. When they were close enough he gave the signal and together all of the Executors attacked together.

The vampires were surprised which they took full advantage of and put a lot of bullets into their bodies as they screamed in pain but due to them being low levels they didn't have much of a personality which they took advantage of. Of course this alerted the rest of the more higher level vampires in the castle as they appeared and saw the Executors.

They reached them in a matter of seconds but Kirei just smirked when he saw that the Vampires are in a group.

"Kyrie Eleison." Kirei said as he activated the spell.

The next moment they were engulfed in white light and while it would've never been effective against physical being since they are vampires and it is a purifying spell it did a great deal of damage on the Vampires. But to make sure that they are fully defeated he threw his Black Keys into each and every one of the Vampire's as they screamed in pain.

The other Executors followed his lead and attacked the vampires as they were turned to dust from the attacks as Kirei took a deep and was happy that he decided to get ready with the Kyrie Eleison spell.

But then a feeling of dread was felt by everyone of the Executors before a clawed hand came out of the chest of one of the Executors as he looked at his chest with wide eyes.

"I have to say, you people of teb Church are getting increasingly annoying." The Vampire said as he took out his hand out of the Executors chest.

The Executor to the previous one's right tried to attack, emphasis on tried because he was decapitated the next second causing the others to become alarmed. They had expected a castle but the didn't think there would be such a strong vampire there since the atmosphere didn't indicate anything wrong.

The vampire then attacked the other Executors as they tried to attack him but he was too fast and their reinforcement didn't seem to do much.

'They don't train that much with their spells and only what they deem necessary.' Kirei thought to himself as he reinforced himself.

Then the next moment Kirei felt his neck being grabbed by the vampire as he is being choked by him as he used his circuits to strengthen himself as the Vampire has an amused look and tightened his hold. Only to be surprised when his strength wasn't enough to kill him as he had reinforced himself to a great degree.

"Hi." Kirei said before he opened his robe. (A/N: The same as the one adult Kirei wears with an addition of a cloak.)

The Vampire's eyes widened when he saw many spikes over his chest before said spikes became embedded in his body causing him to wheeze in pain. Kirei used the exact moment to take out two Black Keys and stab the two eyes of the vampire causing him to scream in pain. Vampire or not, having your eyes stabbed is not a pleasant feeling.

"Kyrie Eleison." Kirei said as the spell activated and enveloped the vampire.

"Aaaaahhhhh!" The vampire screamed in pain before he threw Kirei.

Kirei was thrown through a few trees before hitting one and falling on the ground as he gripped his body in pain. Due to the reinforcement he was a bit fine but he still got a good amount of damage signified by how he spit out blood on the ground as he slowly got up.

'They should've sent more of us.' Kirei thought to himself as he steadied himself before he started to say something in a hushed tone.

"I have to say, you did a great deal of damage on me." The voice of the Vampire was heard as he looked towards from where he was thrown.

The Vampire is at the place where he was burned by the spell. His skin is burned as he can be seen without any dress as his entire skin is burned as his burned flash can be seen which isn't a pleasant sight.

"No executor that I've met has ever been able to damage me so much. Having you as my servant will help me greatly." The vampire said as he picked up the dead body of an executor.

Then he bit into their neck and drank their blood as their body started to regenerate as Kirei's eyes widened. He drew blood until the executor was shriveled up before he threw the body away and gladed at Kirei with his glowing red eyes. Then he appeared before him in a second and grabbed him and raised him in the air by the throat but this time he also grabbed his hands as well.

"You will now serve me for the rest of your life." The vampire said as he opened his mouth to bite him.

"And so HIS chains bind the creatures of Darkness and Sin and shine thy holy light unto them and bring them to purgatory." Kirei finsihed causing the Vampire to stop.

The next moment white chains appeared from Kirei and bound the Vampire who is surprised by it. Also due to the holy nature of the spell he is also weakened by the chains as he let go of Kirei who crouched on the ground. The chains burned the vampire as he screamed in pain as his entire body is chained by the spell.

"I think I would like to refuse your offer." Kirei said as he stood up in front of the vampire.

The vampire could only growl as the chains tightened around him. Kirei then reached to his shoes and pulled out two more Black Keys from each leg and stabbed them through the Vampire's lungs before pulling one out from his back and stabbing his heart as the vampire screamed in pain.

"May you rest in peace." Kirei said as he looked at the vampire.

The vampire screamed in pain before his entire body turned to dust from the spell. The chains soon disappeared afterwards and Kirei let out a breath of air before collapsing on the ground as he stopped the reinforcement. A few beads of sweat were on his head as he spit out some more blood and stretched himself to hear a cracking noise before he fell back on the ground.

"If I hadn't used that spell then I would've been done for." Kirei thought to himself as he looked at the night sky at the moon in the sky.

(A/N: Also, I read someone say something about Kirei becoming a Dead Apostle. I was also intrigued by the process through which Kiara Kisshouin managed to become a demon and higher dimensional being and being able to gain knowledge about the dimension that she is currently in. According to the wiki, she became a higher dimensional demon who was able to gain power and knowledge greater than all of those in her dimension but decided to stay on earth and it's dimension because compared to her new "peers" she is very weak and so she decided to stay where her worth is more. It said she became that due to the Sabbath ritual, what I want to know is how could a Sabbath give her that much power and if so how does it do it? You could help if you know it but theories are also welcome.)