
I was rebirth as Natasha Romanoff twin Sister (Dropped)

DaoistT5xLmu · 映画
29 Chs

Welcome back

"Welcome back." Madame B spoke as they both approached her. 

"You both missed the New Years celebration." Madame B walked towards the school. Natasha and Dutch followed.

They saw different girls walking past as they entered. Some stopped and stared at them. Not bothering with any of them they both walked through the halls.

They were brought to a small conference room. Dreykov was waiting for them there. He wore a nervous look. Dutch smiled bright and waved. "Drey I'm back." 

Dutch rushed over with a smile. "Wow! You seem to have gotten faster." He smiled seeing Dutch still show him enthusiasm. 

"Yeah, the letters trained me a little, while we stayed there. Oh they taught me some new moves too. It's way more complex then here though. It was kind of hard to learn. 

But B helped us a lot. Also there missing some letters because they made Lady Bell upset..." Dutch rambled on about what happened to them while they were gone, like a child happily presenting stuff to their parents.

Natasha joined in filling in what Dutch forgot. Dreykov smiled happily seeing this. Madame B was in the back taking notes of everything they were saying.


Three Months later 

"I won't tell you again." Madame B stern voice was heard as a group of girls stood in front of her exhausted. They tried their best to moved yet their bodies wouldn't let them.

"Told you it was hard." Dutch whispered to Madame B as she and Natasha stood in the front of the class. Sweat covering Natasha's trembling body. 

They had already agreed Natasha would keep her serum a secret. Her body looked no weaker than the girls around her. Madame B was impressed she still could move. 

"Fine, rest." Madame B scuffed.

Without hesitation she saw girls collapse. Natasha was no different. She fell behind Dutch, who seemed to not notice her. 

"Hmm." Madame B hummed seeing this.

"Take them to their rooms, make sure their cuffed after they clean themselves." Dutch had become the girls keeper of sorts. Dutch didn't mind this. It allowed her to have actual conversations with everyone and go places the others couldn't.


Five months later 

Bang bang bang 

"And time!" A enthusiastic voice sounded.

Girls lined up in rows stopped firing their guns. Madame B walked through examining the dummy targets. All the heads were riddled with holes, she looked closely seeing the head was the only place hit. 

She nodded while looking at the girl with a stop watch in her hand. 

"Ten laps today instead of twenty, as promised." The girls sighed and laughed when they heard this. Madame B looked at Dutch who was getting high fived from most of the girls. 

Dutch had started to doing challenges with Madame B. If the girls win they get a agreed upon reward.

Last week was cake for everybody. This week was a reduced amount of practice time on Monday. 

Madame B agreed to do these challenges on Friday during the exams. She was impressed how far the girls improved. 

She looked at Dutch again, nodding silently to herself. 


Three months later 

"This is getting boring." Dutch watched as the girls practiced. 

Madame B and Dreykov came to her a month ago and told her they had nothing left to teach her. Dutch had already figured this out over five months ago, when they had been sending her back and forth to do different missions.

Compared to the super clones, the ones she is doing now are nothing. She was getting bored. 

She turned around with a bored expression, she saw, Natasha talking to Madame B. She waited until they were done talking to go up to her.

"What's wrong?" 

"They're sending me on a mission in about a week. They said I can stay for our birthday but that's about as long as they can wait." Natasha looked at Dutch sadly.

"How long?" Dutch tilted her head.

"They don't know, but it's definitely the longest time we would be apart." Dutch nodded. The only mission she could think of was the Ohio mission. 

"It's ok, if it really comes down to it. I'll just sneak out to see you. I have to go to the states to find Lady Bell anyway." Natasha nodded. They walked to their rooms.

"Night." They said before entering their rooms, which were now opposite of each others. 


One week later 

"Bye Natasha!" Dutch waved at her as the car with Natasha in the back took off. Dreykov stood not far away from Dutch.

"Bye!" Natasha called back. Her head sticking out the window.

"Now, you ready to get to work?" Dreykov smiled, when the car was out of view.

"Sure!" Dutch excitedly followed Dreykov.

"Now, you are a independent contractor.... We are going to use that to our advantage." Dutch and Dreykov walked down the hall. Most of the girls were out on missions. Some short simple missions while other would take longer to complete. 

"In a few days Howard stark and his wife will be assassinated..." Dutch's eyes opened wide with shock.

Dutch finally realized why they were showing the girls more about things happening in the world. 

"You want me to stop it?" Dutch sat in the conference room. She leaned back in her chair, speaking with little care.

"No, I don't care about them. What I care about is the person who's assassinating them." A white sheet was pulled down. A projector started to shine on the sheet.

Dutch wasn't surprised it wasn't a holographic screen. She figured out that red room wasn't as advanced as the other organizations. 

"This man." Dreykov pointed to the image of a man with a mask on. His hair tied back while a metal arm shined. A red star was painted on the shoulder. 

"The winter soldier." Dutch whispered to herself. 

"This is the winter soldier. A operative of Hydra...." after giving Dutch a little information he finished off by saying, "I want you to apprehend him. You'll be provided with a location to drop him off." 

Dutch stayed quiet for a while looking at his picture. She turned to Dreykov and smiled, "shouldn't be a problem." 

Dreykov smiled, "that's my girl." He stood up rubbing his hands in excitement. "Madame B will handle your travel arrangements. I unfortunately have to go to another meeting." 

"Ok, have fun." Dutch smiled and waved Dreykov goodbye.

Madame B looked at Dutch curiously. "You don't like him very much do you?" She spoke while looking at Dutch's facial expressions.

"Huh?" Dutch caught off guard by the question, played confused. 

"Nevermind, we have business to talk, you will leave tomorrow morning so be ready by then." Madame B left shortly after. 


"Now, you understand the importance of this mission. Bucky Barnes must be captured alive." Madame B reminded Dutch, while helping her with her seatbelt.

"I could've did it myself." Dutch whined

"Yeah well you didn't." Madame B retorted.

"bye." Dutch waved as the Madame B walked away from the car. 

Getting a distance away, Madame B turned around. Seeing Dutch's face, she gave a small nod.


"Do you really want to go after hydra?" Madame B looked at Dreykov 

Dreykov smiled, "Don't worry, your girls are strong." 

Dreykov walked away before Madame B could refute him. She looked at were Dutch had left.

"I am not worried about them, I'm worried about you. You might not be able to see it, but your to dependent on that one." Madame B spoke loudly.

"We still have her sister, she's not going anywhere." Dreykov went into the building after speaking his peace.

Madame B shook her head. "Down with the red room it is."