
I was rebirth as Natasha Romanoff twin Sister (Dropped)

DaoistT5xLmu · 映画
29 Chs


Howard was confused. He had seen her train before. He had gathered samples and data from her since she signed the deal. He knew she didn't need guns.

He frowned slightly. He knew guns had minimal effect on her. Her body would heal while the bullet was still in her, if she lets it.

Dutch also noticed this. Since she got back from the Lee Hong mission her healing increased drastically.

She thought it might have something to do with her adaptability, but she also didn't for sure.

She shook her head. Thinking about this wasn't going to help her right now. She left the underground facility.


A holographic screen appeared in front of Dutch as she sat on a plane. She saw A on the other end.

If she had a question why not ask the person who would know the most.

"I assume your calling to tell me you're on your way to deal with Jegorov." A looked to not be in the mood today.

"Yeah, but I need to ask you a question…. Does our adaptability get stronger or is it something else?" Dutch watched as A smirked.

"Yeah it gets stronger right along with you." Dutch nodded, with a frown. A looked at her curiously.

"What?" She couldn't hold herself back from asking.

"If your healing gets stronger than couldn't it counter the degrading affect later on?" Dutch was stuck right now. It didn't make sense.

A frowned heavily, "what do you mean?" She looked at Dutch intensely.

"When your healing effect increases, could it be possible for it to get to a point where it could slow down or even halt the decay of your body?" Dutch rephrased.

"What do you mean?" A shifted in her seat.

"What?" Dutch realized A might not know anything about the healing effect getting stronger.

"Your healing effect increased? How?" A sat up and impatiently waited for Dutch to tell.

"Lam, he used his chi to attack by body while we were fighting. My healing activated, so I was in a constant state of healing and breaking. After a few days I noticed my healing got stronger, so did my body but that's a given." A sat there not saying anything.

Dutch didn't her rush her thoughts. She sat for a few minutes while A thought.

"If that's the case it's possible, but further tests will have to be conducted. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go start a problem with a drug cartel." A hung up the call. Dutch smiled slightly.

Instead of putting the tablet away, she made another call. This time the holographic screen disappeared. She could only hear what they were saying from the tablet itself.

"Grace speaking." A cold female voice sounded over the tablet.

"How is it?" Dutch rolled her eyes. This girl actually changed her name out of spite. Her and Grace haven't gotten along since she smacked Dutch.

"Jegorov took the bait, like you said he would. He wants us to meet him tomorrow night. He plans on sending a location, two hours before." Grace gave an explanation of what happened.

Dutch nodded. She had planned this one out before she dealth with Lee Hong. Jegorov was a arms dealer.

Dutch got the help from some of the girls from the red room, to ask around about for a arms dealer. As long as the guns were right they didn't mind paying an extra fee.

After making a deal with three other guys, the girls put a lot of people on edge. Thinking they were going to use all the guns for some big.

They made contact with Jegorov. After he heard every deal with them went down successfully. Even going as far as to double their profits. He readily agreed.

Still this didn't lessen his wariness. He knew somebody was killing the father's. He knew they would make a move on him soon or later. He had become even more cautious then before.

This is why Dutch got the girls involved, and why she made them build up such a reputation. She wanted him to at least see the profit in doing the deal.

"That's good. I'll be landing in about an hour. We'll talk more then." Dutch pulled out a large notebook. She had stolen it from Howard's secret compartment. It was a lot easier to get into than she thought it would be.

"Yes ma'am." Dutch dropped the notebook. Grace hung up before Dutch could say anything else. She was surprised by her calling her ma'am.

She knew she had taken up the role as leader from all the privileges she got from Dreykov, but she didn't want to be called ma'am.

She threw it to the back of her mind. She opened Howard's notebook.


Dutch walked around a warehouse with a book bag on her back. A black haired girl with freckles walked beside her.

Dutch looked around she saw fifty girls walking around arranging the warehouse. They were all different ages.

"What's happening?" Dutch asked as a girl holding two large semiautomatic rifles walked past her.

"Since we have all these weapons, Madame B set up the warehouse to store them." A girl with a crate of ammunition walked past them.

Dutch nodded, "that's smart."

Dutch looked at Grace, instead of insulting her or giving her a stank look, she seemed to be polite and respectful.

Dutch frowned at this. She remembered the times her and this girl got put into the ice box because they couldn't work together.

She remembered, how during the rummage, a activity that lets the girls fight to the death who ever had a problem with. This particular time was a free for all. Dutch remembered how savage the girls turned to survive. It lasted a week only sixty girls survived.

This girl targeted her and Natasha and like a roach she survived through everything.

"What happened?" Dutch walked into a small office area. It was only her and Grace. She sat on the couch while Grace closed the door.

She closed the curtains before turning to Dutch. "I swept the room, they're no listening devices." Grace stood in front of Dutch.

She lifted up her shirt. Dutch sat up. She saw Grace's bruised stomach. It was a dark purple almost black bruise.

She turned around, more bruises and scars appeared. "They've been mad lately. Things have gotten worse for everybody."

Dutch looked away. She closed her eyes to prevent tears from falling. She knew why they were mad. S.H.E.I.L.D had been targeting not only them but their allies. Not many people want to work with them until they dealt with their problems.

Dutch opened her eyes and looked at Grace. Her body trembled slightly. She was having a hard time to stand.

Dutch and her might have hated each other, but they still were close. They had both been through some horrific things. No one would truly understood like the girls you trained with.

Dutch hated this. She knew they would be mad but she didn't think they would take it out on their own operatives.

"You can leave." Grace bit back tears after hearing Dutch. She looked at her cold expression, before walking out.

Dutch got up and swept the room again. She didn't trust Grace. She found two bugs in the room. Sighing she crushed them.

She went to her book bag and took out a tablet. She made a call.

"Yes?" A females voice came from the other end.

"Peggy, the red room's take down is going to have to be a little earlier than planned, but first I need you to take care of something for me."


Dutch walked out the office after finishing her call. She found Grace picking out her guns.

"Don't worry everything will be handled." Dutch spoke lowly.

Grace nodded, "Jegorov, sent the location. He wants to meet in an hour." Dutch frowned.

"It's common of him, to change the meeting time and date. I think he's just paranoid." Grace continued.

"Whatever." Dutch turned around and saw all the girls gathered.

"Alright, you all know the plan. So I won't waste my breath." Dutch grabbed a gun out one of the crates.

"Amazing speech." Grace rolled her eyes and spoke sarcastically.

"There's my girl!" Dutch smiled brightly. Grace rolled her eyes again.

"Ok let's go."


Dutch laid flat on a giant steel container. She looked up at a starry night.

"Dutch, Jegorov arrived with his men." A voice sounded in Dutch's ear.

"Ugh," she groaned, taking the ear piece out for a second.

She really needed a vacation. She sighed putting it back in.

"You were right this is an ambush." Another voice came through.

"If we can get this mission done smoothly pizzas on me." Dutch rolled over and stood up.

She moved fast, jumping from container to container. She stopped arriving at a yellow container. Below was a few cars and men with heavy weapons.

Dutch looked down. "Grace, you got eyes on Jegorov?"

"Mr. Jegorov, I understand your caution, but I assure you that's not needed…" instead of answering directly, Grace turned on a public channel.

"Yeah, well you can't be to careful." Dutch heard a heavy Russian accent.

"No, you can not." Dutch jumped down from where she was.

She landed behind the men. Not wasting time she struck out.

Bang bang bang

One of the men let off shots in the air. Dutch rolled her eyes. She heard similar shots sounding from different directions.

She stood there looking at him. He looked at her confused. Wasn't she supposed to be attacking? He asked himself.

He looked down at his gun. Quickly he pointed it at her, think long this was the reason she froze.


A shot rang out. The man head flew back as a bullet wound appeared in his head.

Dutch turned and looked upward. Grace stood there with a hand gun. "Jegorov is secured."

They both moved away from the containers. They didn't go straight to the warehouse, nor did they see any of the girls.

Dutch lead Grace to a small house. Moving inside, they made their way to the basement.

Dutch saw the basement was larger than the entire house. It was brightly lit. Three large couches took up half the room. They faced a large Tv, that played a movie.

Dutch saw a large snack bar, filled with different kinds of juices, foods, and snacks. They girls that she didn't see were all here.

They ate their food and snacks while watching a movie. Grace went to the bar, then joined them. She gave Dutch a greatful nod.

Dutch moved to the back room. She opened a locked door on the back wall.

She saw a man tied up to a chair. He was cover in blood and bruising. His head hung low, showing he was unconscious.

"Hey, come join us." An older girl, with long hair and a tan complexion smiled at Dutch.

Dutch looked back at the girls, before turning to the snack bar. She nodded, locking the door back, she went to get some food and sit on the the couch.

There were blankets and pillows all over. Dutch settled in, while watching the movie.