
Chapter Four

"I dare you....toooo spend the night at the Helios haunted house" my best friend Charlotte said.

she is like the best friend anyone could wish for. She was always there to pick me up after every break up I had, she was kind and understanding, but sometimes she thinks the craziest things.

"Charlotte are you sure, I've heard no one makes it out. and if they do they are usually broken down with a haunted look in their eyes"

I choke out.

gulping down a huge breath, something is wrong with that house I just know it.

"Caroline please!" Charlotte whines at me. Practically begging as if her life were on the line.

"Ugh fine but only 1 night though," I said sighing in defeat, she pumps her fist in the air victoriously.

Taking my time and walking out from underneath the tree, then gulping down the last of my lunch. I put on a brave face.my hands going sweaty and clammy, as I shake nervously.

I doubt anybody would fall for my brave facade...I was anything but brave if anything I was scared shitless. Knocking more like banging on the door, the door opens slowly but no one was there.

"Hello?" As I had expected, no answer.

Charlotte takes the lead "see not scary at all Caroline, see what'd I te-" Charlotte was suddenly pulled through the doorway in a blink of an eye.

"Charlotte!!"I hear no answer as I think..right Caroline should I risk my life for my best friend or run like a coward? No, I'm saving her! Or maybe...no Caroline go save her!

I walk in there was only one light in the middle of the floor. As a computer chair swivels around and sitting there was Annabelle.

"What'd you do to my friend!!, Where is she!!!" I say Shouting at Annabelle.

She's up to something and she won't stop until she's satisfied with the result...

She only looks at me blankly, she stands up suddenly from her seat then she was right there ..but her voice said something.. yet her mouth didn't move

"This is only the beginning." She grins victoriously, obviously enjoying this


This chapter has been proofread, just let me know of any mistakes.