
Chapter Three

It's funny how after we fight, We get along afterwards.

But I knew this was not going to last long. Unknowingly I walked around the corner ...I heard screeching noises.

I carefully sneak around the corner cautiously. I see Annabelle sharpening the knives that she had earlier and cackles "she'll never see it coming"  She grins to herself.

It's okay Caroline it's not like you just saw your sister sharpening knives around the corner...just go back to bed, and you'll wake up as usual.

I tiptoe back to bed, and lay down for what seemed like hours, Just as my eyes were about to droop I saw something move in the mirror I stared at it ages frozen with fear.

My eyes forced themselves to stay open. But for the greater good, I will have to fall asleep sometime soon, my eyes snap shut and forced myself to sleep.

There was a faint knocking sound at the window it's 3 am in the morning, I ignored it and was about to go back to sleep but the knocking only got louder..this better not be some fuckwit messing with me!...

You know when you hear that piercing sound of fingernails on a chalkboard well that was the sound, and now I had to see what was up...I reluctantly got up out of bed my heart drumming loudly in my ears and threw the curtains open...I kinda expected a clown or something -.- But there wasn't anything outside to cause the noise.I went back to bed and lay down with a huff, convincing myself that I hadn't gone crazy.

But just in case..I turn my head looking at everything around me.

Mmhm closet seems normal...dressing table seems normal...reflection in the mirror seems- hold on a reflection I look at it more closely.

But that was a mistake..the reflection moves closer..and closer towards the mirror until...

"BOO!!" Shouts Annabelle her face pops out of the mirror and disappears her giggles echoing throughout the room...

I looked at the mirror frantically for my sister but she was nowhere to be seen.

{hey everyone just re-editing so it all makes sense}