
I wake up in my boss body

MATURE CONTENT “Give me back my body!” He said furious “Do you really think that I like being stuck in a stupid man’s body?” She said in a disgusted way “I don’t know what type of witchcraft you made but regain your body” he said still in the same tune She sighs heavily “Me too I want to regain my body but I cannot. We have to find how and why we have exchange our bodies “ Krista is a feminist young woman who has been working for her boss for 3 years. She dislikes him very much and him too doesn’t like her as well. One morning , she woke up in her boss body and she got dragged in his world of luxury, lust , prejudice and cruelty. But then she also realized that her boss too was in her own body. Will she regain her own body ? Will she survive in that world? Will something intense will happen between her boss and her? Read the adventures of krista to know it Note: Hey guys! This is my second book , I’m still a newbie in writing but I hope you will like it. The cover is not mine.

Isybebe · 都市
9 Chs

Chapter 6

My boss and I , only agreed on one thing « work » . The only thing that we agreed was our work, we were a good duo and we couldn't deny it but when it comes to others things we were like cats and dogs.

Stay with him for 1 week entirely, I can't.

'' I can't stay with .... Mr William for 1 full week ''

'' Same for me... I can't stay with luthman for even 1 hour''

Leon was amused by the reaction of Krista and William.

'' It will be just for work that you will be together . You will stay in different hotels and chambers, if you wish'' he said with a smile

''We wish! We wish ! '' They Said in unison nodding their head

''Okay, okay. I will arrange everything, you will have to go in 2 days to prepare everything there before the day of the meeting '' Leon Said

They nodded in agreement.




Two days laters, a bloody limousine was waiting for me down my tenement. Descending the stairs and arriving outside, I entered into the car . Mr William was inside the car , he was busy with his phone . I politely greeted him and he ordered the driver to move.

There was an awkward silence inside the car, we were both looking in the opposite direction through the window. Apart from work, we have nothing specific to tell to each other.

The distance From Town T to Ridge burn was fortunately only 4 hours, if not I would have died.

Finally, we reached Ridge Town. We had to go first to the Hotel that Leon has reserved for my boss then the driver will then bring me to my own hotel, still reserved by Mr Leon.

Ridge Burn is a small city and a very beautiful city. The city was surrounded by the ocean , the vegetation was just Amazing, the country was surrounded with cherry tree having white color, pink color and sometimes green. The city was for sure known for it countryside and tourism.

So, we entered in the five stars hotel. Inside is very magnificent. I had never seen nor entered a 5 star hotel, it was so beautiful and attractive almost as in fairytale. Mr William directed himself at the reception hotel . As he was moving every single people was looking at him and murmuring, no wonder, he is one of the most richest man in the country and Is true he is also handsome. He even appeared in the Magazine of the top 10 men sexy and handsome but personally I think that he's not that soooo handsome.

The receptionist was literally slobbering when she saw Mr William. She had that idiotic smile and idiotic voice.

''Hi, is there a reservation for Mr Knight ?'' He asked with a warm smile

[ look at me this playboy ]

''Ye... yess sir'' she replied blushing

She then looked at the reservation book .

''With another person '' she added

Mr William had a surprised expression and me too.

''Who's that?'' He asked curious

'' Miss Krista Luthman ''

''Huh??!'' We both exclaimed

'' You have reserved a suite ''

'' Wait?! We will stay together in the same chamber ? '' I Asked surprised

''Yes, your secretary told me that you will be with your girlfriend ''

[ Sectary, my balls , yes. The bastard! Leon what have you done? ] thought William

''Is there another suite?'' He asked

''Sorry sir, we are full '' she said very sorry

He turned to me and we both looked at each other in horror.

Note: Leon is an intelligent man ( lol )