
I wake up in my boss body

MATURE CONTENT “Give me back my body!” He said furious “Do you really think that I like being stuck in a stupid man’s body?” She said in a disgusted way “I don’t know what type of witchcraft you made but regain your body” he said still in the same tune She sighs heavily “Me too I want to regain my body but I cannot. We have to find how and why we have exchange our bodies “ Krista is a feminist young woman who has been working for her boss for 3 years. She dislikes him very much and him too doesn’t like her as well. One morning , she woke up in her boss body and she got dragged in his world of luxury, lust , prejudice and cruelty. But then she also realized that her boss too was in her own body. Will she regain her own body ? Will she survive in that world? Will something intense will happen between her boss and her? Read the adventures of krista to know it Note: Hey guys! This is my second book , I’m still a newbie in writing but I hope you will like it. The cover is not mine.

Isybebe · 都市
9 Chs

Chapter 5

Hearing the furious sound of my boss was as if I won an award, it was so nice to hear him screaming my name like that.

''Luthman in my office immediately !'' he screamed in his office and almost all the agency heard him

I chuckled, I got up from my chair and went out of my office. My colleagues were watching going to his office , their expression were like 'what have you done?' and I just shrugged.

I knocked twice .

''Enter'' he said coldly

I opened the door gently, I moved to his table, he was in the opposite way. We could see behind him other buildings since the building of the Knight agency was made up of bay windows and doors .

He stood up from his chair , he was so furious and for real I felt so happy when he was in this state.

''I Don't know if you know Maelys, you know my girlfriend ''

[ One of your girlfriend precisely ]

''She called me and she was so upset, telling me that I'm cheating on her , that I had a rendezvous yesterday. Do you know about it?'' He said with a wary expression and cold voice

I took my most angelic and innocent voice.

''No sir. I know nothing about it, I respect you to much, to do such things '' I Said with an angelic voice

[ This idiot thinks that she will fool me, don't worry, I will teach you a lesson ]

He sighs

''Okay, I wanted to be sure'' he said with a force and fake smile

''Can I go, sir '' I asked still with my angelic smile

''Of course'' he said with a smile

I turned and opened the door, out of the office I chuckled a little and then moved to my office.

''Don't worry, you will get yours '' he said




Few hours have passed since the 'incident ' if I can call it like that. I have been working , when I received a call from Mr Derek, an important call. Mr William was not in his office so I couldn't transmit the call to his office. I have to take the message for him.

When Mr William came back, I directed myself to his office.

I knocked and he let me entered.

''Sir, Mr Derek finally called me and he told me that the meeting about the contract and the partnership will take place next week in Ridge Burn . He forward the meeting to next week because next month he will not be available '' I explained

''That man thinks that , we're his slave ? That we're available whenever he needs? Short, it's okay.'' He said

I nodded and I went out.

Few minutes later, I saw Mr Leon entering in William's office .

''You can't do that to me Leon!'' William Said

I stood up from my chair and went near to the office door, I put my ear on the door , to hear the conversation.

''I'm sorry Will but I have a seminary next week to and it will last for 2 week '' said Leon

''But you're the only one that know all about the contract and the partnership, you can't do that to me''

I finally entered.

''Please sir, is there a problem ?''

They both turned to me.

''She's the solution !'' Said Leon enthusiastically

''Huh??!'' William Said confused

''Huh??!'' I Said confused

''After You and me , Krista know all about the file of contract and partnership '' Leon explained

''You can go with Krista in Ridge burn'' He added

''What??!'' We both exclaimed ourselves

'' I cannot stay in a room with him/her for 1 full week !'' They said at the same moment displeased.