
I take charge of the story

A simple story in which the main character gets reincarnated into their favourite fantasy story, but why is the plot deviating from the original?

canous00 · ファンタジー
9 Chs

A Dream To Accomplish

Hello, it is I, Kari, at the age of 12, and I've been training secretly in the forest. I also have a friend now, and it's this stick that's been with me throughout the years. We've been training together for a while now, so I named this stick Anderson.

My body has changed as my stamina and strength have increased. So it is probably obvious enough that I am stronger than any other child in this town. 

My mother once forced me to befriend this kid, but I'm sorry I could not be friends with him because he was a hindrance to my training.

Well, I do meet him from time to time because his father gives me free bread, and I must say it's really delicious, but that's beside the point.

I've realised that my body truly has no mana. So I can't become a mage. Well, that's fine, because I've been having sword training with my father, but there's one problem.

In the past, my father and I had DAILY sword training, but now it's only when he feels like it.

It's because my father's annual leave is over, so he's now back working on his post, and sometimes he doesn't come home, but usually he comes home in the afternoon, so he's extremely exhausted.

To catch up with the missing training, I train in the forest, punching and kicking big rocks with my very own made sandbags.

slashing trees and running in a deep river, but not when there's a strong current.

I look like a stick on the outside, but on the inside, I'm hard as a rock. Wait, that sounded weird, but you get the gecko.

But to be honest, if someone saw me doing all of this, I'd say that this so-called training is pretty pathetic.

and training in a forest where there is no threat isn't going to get me anywhere, beside that even if I find a monster. Killing it will be straight-up impossible when you're a 12-year-old.

"Oh, what should I do?"

I need experience and knowledge to get stronger, but the problem is that my father no longer has the time to train with me, and if I asked my mother, she would only hurt me verbally.

I don't think I'm ready for that or will ever be ready for that. Maybe someday, but just not now.

"Well I guess this is the only way"

I knocked on the door while I waited for my father. I took a deep breath to calm myself as I heard my father's footsteps.

This feeling of nervousness reminded me of the day I had to explain to my editor why I had missed the submission deadline.

It's frightening.

The door slowly opened, and I immediately noticed my father's tired eyes.


I say, maintaining eye contact.

"Sorry, not today, youngster.

He moaned as he collapsed on the bed.

I shook my head, annoyed. "I haven't said anything yet," I murmured.

My father's ears twitch. "What did you say?"

"Oh nothing, um, father, can I come with you?" I laugh awkwardly.

"Why?" he asked, tilting his head back on the cushion.

"I have a writing assignment in which I must describe my father's workplace." This was a lie.

"Well, sure, I think tomorrow is fine." My eyes light up in victory. "Thank you, father!"

He nodded. "But don't cause any trouble, okay? Our family name is on the line."

"Of course, father, I'm well aware of that."

Excitedly, I dashed to my room. I began packing my belongings.

I was so pleased that I lost sense of my surroundings until I heard a cracking sound.

When I looked down, I noticed that my feet were on a wooden object.

Anderson was now

split in half.

The euphoria has turned into a sorrowful feeling; the item I've grown attached to has been broken by my very own two hands.

Heartbroken, I attached the wooden stick to the ground.

I did not let the sorrow consume me, as this could mean a new beginning. Whether it is a bad sign or a good one depends on my perspective. What else should I do instead of moving on?

Kari Mom: this is why we shouldn't get him a pet.

Kari Father: At first I disagreed with you but now I understand…

Kari: Im fine :')

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