
I take charge of the story

A simple story in which the main character gets reincarnated into their favourite fantasy story, but why is the plot deviating from the original?

canous00 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Shinning Star

The next day, I took off with my father. To be honest, I don't like riding horses, but my father was an excellent horseman who went out of his way to ensure my safety.

I knew because the wind was blowing gently over my face. I couldn't help but feel sleepy. It reminded me of when I was a baby, rocking in my cradle. 

My father patted my back to wake me up, the back of my body was sore and uncomfortable. But all of the pain vanished when I heard the sound of a sword clashing. 

My heart was racing, and the place was bigger than I had anticipated, both in terms of excitement and nervousness.

"Captain, you're here," yelled a woman with brunette hair and green eyes. The sound of her boots as she strided boldly, the woman radiated attraction. 

"Amazing, truly amazing," I thought as her gaze landed on mine. "Looks like you brought your little one," she added, a little sceptical.

"Ah yes marilyn, it's for his school assignment, cmon introduce yourself, champ," he patted my back. I bowed like how I was instructed,

"hello, my name is Kari Nicoletta." Maybe since it was break time, a group of other knights gathered, "Oh my, Captain, your son has grown a lot." 

'Ah right, that's the person whom my father brought; I remember him talking about him being proud of his beard,' I remarked, remembering the man with red hair and a thick beard

'looks like it got shaved' I stare at his now cleaned face. He rubbed my head, making my hair messy.

Marily coughed "what type of school assignment?" My dad then stare at me like he was waiting for me to explain it myself "it's a writing assignment, my teacher told me to write about my family occupation, but really it's a test on how well I write past tense sentences" hearing my answer marilyn smiled at me

"oh I see, well I hope you have good time here" unlike her first previous appearance her smile was very sweet. 

"Thank you," I murmured softly, feeling a little embarrassed. "Yeah, you better write good things about me ahahahah," the man with the red hair replied, laughing maniacally.

After that a bunch of knights took turns showing me around; it was the most fun I've ever had in my life, and I learnt a lot of new things, from history to archery to sword wielding. Everything was a new experience but once break time was over they immediately went back to work and I was left alone. 

To be honest, I was a little worn out from all the chit-chatting, and I needed some time to reorganise all of the fresh knowledge that I'd gained.  So, when I was left alone, I decided it would be a good idea to go exploring.

My father will be furious with me for leaving the training grounds, but I'll just act dumb.  As I strolled around, I noticed a lovely garden.

If I recall properly, the 2nd prince preferred to spend time at this location. The garden of his deceased mother. 

It was gorgeous. Her favourite flower, the marigold, was numerous throughout the garden. The king tends to compare her eyes to these  flowers, which she grows to enjoy.

I inhaled some of the fresh air and sat down. It's no surprise that the second prince enjoyed lounging here; it felt like time had stopped at this very moment. Very soothing.

The sound of birds chirping, the pond's flowing water, and the aroma of marigolds. Its sharpness and richness, combined with that musky undertone, creates a fantastic scent unique and intriguing than many other florals. Everything was incredibly therapeutic that I zoned out while taking notes. 

"Would you mind telling me who you are?"

I couldn't help but smile as I looked at the individual who was asking me this question. The only prince that was born with blond hair instead of golden, the only prince that was born with green emerald eyes instead of blue diamond.

His distinctive features just made him even more charming and alluring. Yes, the person standing in front was the main protagonist of this world, Prince Ozwald Erica.

As seasons turn and the years unfold,

In the marigold garden, a story is told.

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