
I Shall Smile Forever

Disasters...In the multiverse they are inevitable, they are a necessary part of the basic rules. But at a certain point in time … Too many disasters have been happening continuously... And the multiverse fell into endless despair... ….. As Fagan was looking at the endless disasters. The endless suffering and pain. The endless monsters and demons. Only a bright smile appeared on his face. Then, as he charged, he laughed widely. "If all living beings are suffering, I shall be their joy, I shall be their happiness, I shall be their hope, I shall be their smile!"

Ran_Ben_Nun · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Attack On The City Lord's Mansion!

Fagab has broken through the second-level bottleneck and has become a third-rank warrior!

Now Fagan is confident that he will be able to easily end this battle without relying on external forces.

The physical body of a rank 3 warrior is comparable to steel, now guns cannot penetrate Fagan's skin at all and his strength is already exaggerated compared to normal humans.

In ancient times, ignorant people may even think he is a god.

With a light kick, the thief's body was sent flying at a high speed.


The thief's body hit the sewer wall, creating a big dent with countless cracks spreading from it.

Jeff's smile stiffened, a breakthrough in battles is a thing that only happens in myth and legends, and this ridiculous thing just happened in front of his eyes!

Jeff is a little crazy but not stupid, he understood that he had no chance of winning this fight.

So with a smile, he said, "Little friend, I think we may had a little misunderstanding, this girl is very dangerous and we as the city guards must protect the civilians of "Gray City", we were never the "bad guys"!

Fagan rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "I think you are the one to misunderstand me, I just came here for a walk and suddenly you attacked me for no apparent reason!"

'No apparent reason? Son of a bitch! He clearly was standing in our way in a very contemptuous way...'

"Ha ha ha, I see... My little friend, I have a gift for you that will show you how deeply we apologize for our rude actions", Jeff said that he took out a red pill and swallowed it with a crazy look in his eyes.

Immediately after, Jeff's eyes turned blood red and his body started to emit hot steam.

His skin turned black and a pair of goat horns grew out from his temples.

After this miraculous transformation, his aura has reached the third level!

"He he he he, you forced me to take the demon transformation pill and now you have to face the consequences damn brat!"

Fagan understood that the pill he just took changed his species to that of a demon and by that Jeff's strength reached the third rank, what he didn't know was that this pill had severe side effects on the mind and soul.

If before Jeff had some mental problems now he is a lunatic among lunatics!

This made him far more dangerous than Fagan could estimate.

With incredible speed, he appeared before Fagan and used his dark claws to attack Fagan's head.

Fagan quickly evaded backward and started exchanging blows with Jeff.

But as they continued to fight, Fagan inflicted damage on Jeff but Jeff inflicted quite a lot of damage on him as well.

Jeff didn't defend himself at all and constantly attacked Fagan. his only goal was to kill Faga.

He did care about his own life and death at all.

After a while, Jeff's attacks started to become weaker and slower, his actions started to resemble a drunk man.

"What did you do to me!" Growled Jeff with a panicked tone.

"Just some extraordinary paralyzing poison I sprayed on the sword, you know I didn't intend to kill you in the first place, you are still useful!"

With a karate blow to the neck, Jeff passed out unwillingly, this battle was supposed to be a thrilling battle of life and death but instead, he was defeated in such a shameless way...

Fagan then looked at Jeff's subordinate with a smile...


Jane was running for her life at the fastest speed she had ever run in her life, drops of sweat-like rain were dripping all over her body.

The sound of heavy footsteps was heard behind her, this was the sound of the city troops chasing of course!

Suddenly light emerged in front of Jane and numerous city troops holding torches appeared in front of her.

Jane's face was plain as water, she already accepted her fate but it didn't mean she wouldn't fight till the end!

Just When she was about to fight to die here and then let them catch her, a dazzling white smile appeared in the dark sewer!

"Little girl, your hero has arrived!"

Fagan who appeared on the sewer corridor ceiling at an unknown point in time jumped down lightly and smiled at the girl.

Seeing Fagan's sudden appearance, the troops weren't that foolish to stay, they immediately ran away, but Fagam didn't intend to let the city lord's mansion know about his existence.

With a blur, Fagan disappeared silently, and afterward, screams were constantly heard in the dimly lit sewer...


Fagan and Jane were sitting in the residence provided by Disaster Paradise with hot chocolate cups, in front of them was the tightly tied City guard supreme commander Jeff!

"Well, Jeff you leave me no choice but to use the ultimate torture method if you shall continue not to cooperate with me!"

Jeff who was covered in blood laughed hoarsely, "Ha ha ha, torture? I guess You don't understand how painful it was to take that demon pill! This kind of torture is not something humans can withstand!

Not intending to waste any more time, Fagan took out a recording magic device from his pocket and turned it on.

"Over the hills and far away

Teletubbies come to play..."

"What is that, what is that??? Stop it stop!!"

Fagan took Jane's hand and said quietly:"Let's go, this is not a sight suitable for children."

While waiting for the "torture" to break Jeff's spirit, Fagan started to investigate Jane as well.

"So, When you experienced such a flood of negative emotions you felt this 'power' inside of you?"

"Yes", Jane nodded.

"But still, it is quite strange, why didn't you transform completely? Something must be different in your situation! Said Fagan with a thoughtful expression."

Jane thought for a few seconds and said:" My memory of that time is pretty blurry the only thing I can recall is my mother's smile, this smile gave me power!"

After a couple of hours, Fagan stood in front of Jeff again with his arm crossed.

Jeff at this time was constantly murmuring to himself some obscure song with his head swaying From one side to the other.

Fagan himself didn't expect that going to a mage who specializes in music to replicate the Teletubbies song with some bewitching and Hallucination magic would be so effective!

Fagan clapped his hands, waking up Jeff from his daze.

"Are you ready to talk now tough guy?" asked Fagsn with a smile resembling the devil.

Trembling with great horror Jeff replied hastily: "Yes, yes! Just stop this demonic song! Please!! I beg of you!"

"Wise decision."

With a click on the magic device the "demonic song" stopped abruptly.

As the song stopped Jeff immediately started to spit all he knew.

"The lord wants us to bring him every transformed person, he wants to use them to awaken some sort of a demon, I am not really sure."

'Demon..'It should be the disaster demon!'

The panel wizard explained to Fagan that every disaster is caused by a "disaster demon", an entity that controls the disaster.

'But why should he be awakened? Isn't the disaster has already started?'

'It is very weird, very unusual, something unexpected must have happened...'

Fagan looked at Jeff and said with a cold smile:" You have no use anymore."

With a punch through the heart, the mighty city guards supreme commander, Jeff Armstrong, died!


Fagan was sitting in the desolate tavern holding a cup of beer, his eyes had a deep look.

Fagan understands that it won't take too long for turmoil to start in the city after his massacre in the sewer.

And this is a good opportunity to sneak into the city lord's mansion and find out exactly what secrets the city lord hides.


The sound of the tavern's back door was heard and the figure of the bartender walking slowly appeared in front of Fagan's eyes.

"How are you?", asked the bartender with a smile.

"I am fine, by the way, the "party" I told you about is going to start soon, will you help me?"

"Well according to the 'lord of Stars fate coin', helping you is not only a bad thing bad a great service to the Star church, so of course I shall join your "party" ha ha ha."

"Good, very good, this party is going to be very fun!"

Josh then smiled and asked, "So, what's the plan?"

"Well, the city lord is a rank 5 mage, an extremely terrifying existence relative to this small city. If I use your ring theoretically, I can beat him to death, but who knows what trump cards he has as a city lord, and the power of the "existence" behind him is still unknown.

"So, we need to lure the lion out of his cave!"


It was nighttime time and for some reason, the city was still full of bustling crowds and loud talking.

At the city lord's mansion, servants were rushing back and forth like ants their expressions were full of fear and panic.

A servant burst into the city lord's workroom and said hurriedly: "My lord the rumor is confirmed..."

The city lord of "The Gray City" looked like an old man in his fifties with gray hair. He wore a red mage cape decorated with golden threads.

"I see", the city lord said with a calm expression, but if the people who have a close relationship with the city lord were here they would understand that under his calm face, he hides boundless anger!

Seeing this face the servant calmed down a little bit and said:"The corpses of 50 guards and the four guards' commanders were found at the sewer, according to the scene it was a bloodbath! But we didn't find the supreme guard's commander's corpse in the sewer he may still be alive!"

"I see, you can go out for now"

As the servant turned his back and was about to leave a fireball was thrown onto his head, scorching his skull to ashes.

The city lord's expression slowly became terrifying, his smile was so wide that blood could even faintly be seen in the corners of his lips, and his eyes almost bulged out of their pockets!

"It seems that my prestige in the city isn't so respected anymore, ha ha, ha..."


Suddenly a huge explosion was heard in the distance, a mighty roar that spread through the all city!

The city lord looked outside through the window and saw a great explosion reaching straight into the clouds in the place where the city treasury was "supposed" to be!

"My moneyyyy, who dares to touch my moneyyyy!!"

With great magic power, the city lord flew at an extremely fast speed through the window, heading toward the explosion site.

Not far away, a smiling figure was lying lazily on a beach chair, basking in the moonlight, it seemed like everything that happened around him did not affect him in the slightest, but in an an ironic way, he was the culprit of this turmoil!

Fagan didn't intend to go head-on with an enemy of unknown strength yet, so he lured the city lord away from his den.

As the city lord figure slowly disappeared on the horizon, Fagan immediately burst into action.

He took out a black cape from his storage space and wore it quickly.

[Cape Of Invisiblity]

[Description: a mid-level mortal item created by the magical clothes factory of the legendary with azula]

[Effect: you become invisible...]

Immediately afterward, he used the ring of the star guardian transformation ability. As the armor of stars slowly appeared on his body, with a speed in which mortals could only see a slight silver blur, he jumped over the city lord's mansion wall and entered the city lord's mansion!


In the city lord's mansion, a huge silver figure was walking slowly scanning his surroundings, beside him, the city lord's mansion guards and employees were walking past this figure as if he didn't exist.

Every time someone was about to bump into this figure, the figure flashed like lighting to the side and continued walking.

Fagan's destination was the city lord's mansion storage room, according to the information he got from the bartender, this room recently became the most guarded area in this huge mansion!

After some more walking, Fagan stood in front of a huge golden door embedded with a silver mirror, Fagan estimated that this was a magic treasure used to discover intruders.

When getting close enough to this treasure, it will sound an alarm!

There was something like a hundred soldiers surrounding the door in a military formation, and every soldier was actually an extraordinary knight!

Some rank one, some were even rank two!

The cannon fodder soldiers Fagan has seen before were only the hired guards of the city but these guards are from the great royal army of the kingdom!

In every city, there are a certain number of this kind of guards stationed to protect the kingdom territory.

The moment Fagan stepped into the mirror detection range a silver light bloomed from the mirror revealing his position.


'Well, I suppose it's time to stretch my old bones a little bit!'