
I saved a sex slave and she will be my new friend.

After defeating the Demon King, the only thing I want is to live a quiet life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and have friends. As long as I manage to fulfill one of those dreams, I will die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a Vampire and gave her a new life. "You will be happy again, I promise!"

Rotceh8292 · ファンタジー
35 Chs

CHAPTER 25- A smile that will never be forgotten. Part 2.

CHAPTER 25- A smile that will never be forgotten. Part 2.

(Pov- ?)

"Ah... It's a nice night ... I guess ... I feel calm ... I don't know."

I put my cigarette between my lips, to absorb all the chemicals and weird stuff that this thing has. To be honest, I don't even know what I'm smoking, I just know that I don't like it. Why am I doing this? I don't know. I wanted to relax. I have heard that cigarettes help people calm down. I've never smoked before, I always considered it a waste of money, and I don't like the taste it leaves on my lips either.

Tonight I'm smoking and drinking alcohol just to feel calmer. Since the divorce, everything has turned out very well ... Too good. I should be happy ... I'm supposed to be happy, but I just can't smile.

Three months ago, I found out that the baby my wife had was not mine, she cheated on me and tried to get me to take care of her baby. I am not an idiot, I became suspicious of her behavior before she had the baby. Only a simple paternity test was enough to confirm my suspicions.

When I confirmed that this baby wasn't mine, I didn't get mad or anything, it wasn't worth arguing with her. I just got divorced.

I was hurt by her cheating, but the past can't change. And I won't forgive her either. She even asked me on my knees not to leave her while she was crying. That didn't work for me. What did she think? Did she think I would be a pathetic man and take care of a baby that is not mine? Did she think I was that stupid? I'm not.

"My life has really improved."

I am a light novel writer. 4 of my novels have an anime adaptation and another 2 will have an adaptation soon. My novels have become very popular all over the world, and that makes me very happy ... Or is it supposed to make me happy.

Is this depression? I don't know... Why do not I feel completely happy? I have money, a girlfriend who is 7 years younger than me, a nice house, a nice car and I work doing what I like. I have the perfect life ... Did the cheating really affect me that much? I honestly don't know. I don't know.

I went into my room and took off my shirt.

My current girlfriend, a 23-year-old girl, is lying on my bed, sleeping.

She... She really makes me happy, even if it's a little bit. She is too kind to me. I think I really love her, but I still have my doubts. I've known her for two years, and two months ago we started dating ... I guess it will take longer for me to fully trust a woman again.

I am 30 years old and I live very well ... I must be happy, I'm not complaining about anything, but I just can't smile.

What am I missing in my life? Love is not. Money either. Children? I don't know, I suppose so, but I don't feel like they are necessary either. Sexual pleasure? No, neither, Violet and I have energy to spare for that. I am missing something, but I don't know.

Is this called a midlife crisis? Doesn't it happen at 40 years of age? Ah, I better forget that for now, I remembered that tomorrow I have a meeting with my editor. I hope he doesn't complain again that I added another character who is not a virgin. What does he have against women who are not virgins? I will never understand that. Does it matter that much? I don't know.

I lay down on the bed together with Violet ... Yes... I guess this is fine, right? I mean.. I have a cute girlfriend younger than me and my life is perfect ... Why do I feel like something is missing?

[You lack emotion.]

... It's okay... Max, don't panic or yell.

Yes, a hologram with letters is floating in front of your face, but surely you are drunk and it is just a hallucination ... I haven't had that much to drink though.

[This is not a dream or a hallucination. Follow me if you want to have emotion in your life.]


That hologram walked away and through my door.

... Well... I think I finally went crazy. I knew how much reading fantasy novels was going to drive me crazy. I even have hallucinations ... But it doesn't hurt to go with the flow.

Without making so much noise, I got out of bed and left the room.

[This way.]

I went downstairs and the hologram came through the bathroom door.

I went into the bathroom and closed the door behind me.

[Are you ready? Don't worry, you'll be back soon.]

... I should be scared, but at this point in my life I have to start taking risks. I am already 30 years old, I wasted my childhood and adolescence being a lonely boy, I must begin to be more aggressive and leave behind that shyness and loneliness. I am a grown man. I must take risks and be less serious.

... Ah, I think that's why my ex-wife cheated on me with a 20-year-old boy. Surely that boy is very rebellious ... Be a rebel ... Doesn't sound too bad. Although it looks very bad with someone my age.

"I don't know what's going on, but yeah, I'm ready."

[Perfect. You just have to say the following words: "I want to change the world".]

I see... I am an expert on that subject, after all, my most famous novels are isekai novels. Does that really exist? If so, why me? Why didn't this thing pick someone who is about to commit suicide or a teenager? And I'm not an office worker either. My life is not bad ... But I better not ask, after all, I do want to have emotion in my life.

"I have a question. Will I be able to return to my world whenever I want?"

That's my only question. Like I said before, my life is good, I don't want to lose it. I'd rather run out of emotion than lose this perfect life.

[Oh, of course, you can come back anytime you want. You will receive more information soon.]

"Then I accept."

And as I assumed, a huge completely white circle appeared on the floor and a wooden door started to come out of that circle. This is the famous magic? I must admit that I am a bit disappointed. Shouldn't a magic circle appear with lots of weird and meaningless symbols? I am disappointed that it was only a white circle.

[Opens the door, Max.]

I opened the door without thinking twice. Wow... Okay, I admit it, my heart started beating really fast just seeing that. Huge trees can be seen through this door.

A forest... Wow... I think I'm not really hallucinating.

[Let's go.]

The hologram and I walked through the door. The door disappeared when we walked through it, but I didn't mind that because my eyes focused on a single person.

"Are you ... are you a fairy?"

A majestic fairy was floating in front of me. Yes, she is definitely a cliché fairy.

Could she be the Goddess who asks me to save this world from a Demon King?

If so, I will gladly accept. Why? Reason One: What kind of idiot would dare to waste the opportunity to have magic and see a new world? Second reason: Inspiration. As a writer, I need inspiration to write. In this place I will be able to meet new species, their customs and traditions, the operation of magic, new stories, among other things.

"Fufu. I want you to kneel before the beautiful and perfect Goddess of Fairies, Tanya!"

I did what she asked. If she is telling the truth, she is a Goddess. A being like me, a mere mortal, must respect and obey her.

I would have my doubts about her, but considering that I am in another world and she is floating, my doubts disappeared almost instantly.

"Fufu. I like that. You are obedient, human."

I raised my hand to ask permission to speak.

"What? Do you think you are in a school? Speak without asking permission, idiot."

Well, I guess she's not one of those classic kind Goddesses, but at least she lets me talk without asking her permission."

"Why am I here?"

"You just asked the perfect question! Do I want you to defeat the Demon King?!"

That would be what a person would expect a Goddess to ask.

"Well, you are very wrong!"

But I was wrong.

"No? Do you want me to defeat an evil hero?"

"Mmm... It can be said yes."

The suspicion has already begun. Is she a villain and I'm helping her defeat someone good? To be honest, if that's true, I don't care. I just want to have emotion and get to know the world. What happens to this world does not matter to me as long as it does not affect my original world.

"I see... Why? What horrible things has that hero done?"

"It's a long list. I will tell you his story."

I see.

After an hour, I fully understood why the Gods want that boy named Dreimo dead. The most hated human by the Gods, huh? It sounds too interesting. I think it gave me an idea for a new light novel. I'll write it when I finish writing the current one.

Dreimo was a famous God Slayer. A famous killer of Gods ... Wow.

And to think that something like that is possible.

Goddess Tanya's parents were killed by Dreimo in front of her eyes, just because she accidentally soiled Dreimo's clothes with her lemon ice cream ... Stupid, but I think it's true. If it was a lie, at least she would have said something more incredible than that. Did he seriously kill Goddess Tanya's parents for that stupidity? If so, he is more evil than I imagined.

"Are you sure I can defeat him?"

"With years of training, you can do it. Dreimo will not be able to attack you in this world, he can only attack you when they both have the same strength. He will not attack you, don't worry, the supreme Goddess will protect you."

According to what she told me, the Supreme Goddess is forbidden for Dreimo to interfere with other magical worlds. As long as I don't attack him, he cannot attack me. I will be safe from him while I become powerful.

That guarantee gives me some relief. The final boss won't attack me anytime soon.

"When you have the same strength as him, you can fight him. You have 10 or 20 years to prepare."

I must admit that is quite a long time, considering that some stories are developed as young as 5 years.

"But I'm 30 years old. Why not give that mission to someone younger?"

The youngest are the ones who are most interested in living an adventure like this. Why did she give that mission to someone my age?

"What do you think a teenager would do in a fantasy world?"

"Well… Because of my own experience, I think a teenager would try to have a harem or waste time with his friends."

"Exactly. I chose you, someone with a perfect life, because you only want emotion, you are not looking for the pleasure of sex or to get friends. You just want emotion. You are perfect."

It's true. If any girl tries to flirt with me, I will reject her immediately, as I am a faithful man. And I am not interested in having friends in this place either. Considering what the Goddess told me, only I can achieve the power that Dreimo has, so it's not worth getting friends to help me defeat him. No matter how much my friends train, they will be no match for someone like Dreimo, he would kill them in just seconds. Only I am capable of fighting him, so friends and the harem are not necessary.

As I said before, the pleasure of sex does not interest me, because I am satisfied with my girlfriend.

I have friends in my original world, I don't need more.

"Then you accept?"

"Mmm... And what do I win?"

"What do you want? I can give you what you want."

"Can you give it to me now?"

"No... Well, it depends on what you order."

"I want to have immortality and a body that never ages. And also transformation magic."

"Oh... Interesting. I didn't think you wanted that."

"Don't get me wrong, I ask for those things because, first of all, if I become old in this world, there is a possibility that my abilities will be more difficult to control with an aging body. Ah, by the way, I want my immortality to only work here, I want to grow old in the other world ... In other words, I want the body that I use in this world and my normal body to be two different."

"Yes, I understand you perfectly. Okay, no problem with what you order. In fact, I was going to give you something similar."

She snapped her fingers and I started to feel weird.

My vision blurred and I fell to the ground.

"You'll get used to it soon."

My vision returned to normal and I got up off the ground.

"What did you do?"


A mirror appeared in front of me ... Oh, my appearance changed. My hair turned pink and my eyes are pink ... No, wait... My hair is long... My eyes have a kind of white stars ... My height is ... small.




Okay… I admit, this is too awkward.

"Did you turn me into a girl?"

And not just any girl, an adorable flat-chested girl. Why do I say that I am a girl? I don't feel my member between my legs.

"Dreimo already knows we plan to kill him. This is a way for him not to suspect you."

"I see."

To be honest, being a girl sounds interesting. I'd rather be a man, but I don't think the Goddess wants to make me a man again.

"When I return to my world, I will be a man again, right?"

"Yes. Tomorrow your training will begin. I will train you personally for a week and then you will have to survive on your own. Good bye."

She snapped her fingers and my vision blurred again.

Max fell to the ground and disappeared.

"Fufu. This boy is more mature and serious than the other idiot."

Rauk appeared next to her.

"You still have that childish side. Why did you turn him into a girl?"

"Because it is funny."

"Yes, I assumed so. Anyway, let's go."

My alarm woke me up and I deactivated it ... Was that a dream? There is only one way to find out.

I got out of bed and headed to my bathroom.

I went into the bathroom.

"I want to change the world."

The magic door appeared.

"Woah… It really happened ... Disappears."

The door disappeared and I couldn't help but smile.

"I think my life became very interesting."