
I saved a sex slave and she will be my new friend.

After defeating the Demon King, the only thing I want is to live a quiet life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and have friends. As long as I manage to fulfill one of those dreams, I will die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a Vampire and gave her a new life. "You will be happy again, I promise!"

Rotceh8292 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

CHAPTER 26- A smile that will never be forgotten. Part 3.

CHAPTER 26- A smile that will never be forgotten. Part 3.

Tanya and Rauk, after escaping from Dreimo, appeared in a very ornate and childish pink room. A room that you would think belongs to a little girl. And no, even though Tanya looks childish, she prefers the color black. That room belongs to one of her relatives.

"Tsk. Did you lose your mind, idiot ?! We barely managed to convince the Supreme Goddess to allow us to train another human, and you almost caused Dreimo to kill you! You're lucky I found out in time, you fucking old man!"

"Yes... I know... I lost my mind ... Sorry, I couldn't help it."

"Tsk. Dreimo is stronger than you, he will kill you easily. Don't let your guard down, you idiot."

She sighed and sat on the bed.

"Max and Saoko are our only hope. If we fail, Dreimo will have a chance to kill us, and he won't hesitate to do so. Concentrate on training Saoko and I will train Max. Stop wasting time and get to work."

"Tsk. I know."

He disappeared and Tanya lay down on the bed.

"I must be patient ... Parents, I will avenge you, I promise."

(Pov- Dreimo.)

After I finished talking to Sant and the idiotic son of a bitch Nel, I went to my nice and comfortable house and went into my room.

Yuik is asleep. Should I wake her up to give her the gift? No, I'd better wait and give it to her when she wakes up.

For now, I'll go to sleep. I think her mental state has improved, it is no longer necessary for me to continue using my magic to manipulate her dreams, but I will not lower my guard. I'll be watching if she starts to feel bad.

I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes. A relaxing night's sleep will relax me ... Ah, that sounded stupid, I know.

My head kind of hurts… My Succubus blood is hot.

Having Succubus magic has its flaws. I don't want to visit brothels, but I don't want to masturbate either. I must keep my Succubus blood under control. Since I'm not 100% Succubus, not having sex won't affect me, but the headache won't go away.

I better fall asleep and forget that. In a couple of days I will feel better. Why don't I go to brothels? Two reasons. Number 1: I hate prostitution because in the past I was prostituted. Number 2: I don't want Yuik to think I'm a pervert. Maybe someone will recognize me at the brothel and that will reach Yuik's ears. Why don't I use my transformation magic and visit a brothel with another identity? I want to have a normal life, so I avoid changing my appearance.

Anyway, good night.

Ah, I slept pretty well. I must admit that it has been a long time since I slept so calm and comfortable. In the past I had to sleep with one eye open because the Gods of shit did not leave me alone, there was always an idiot who wanted to be killed by me and attacked me.

It took me time to get used to sleeping soundly and letting my guard down.

I got out of bed ... Ah, I have an erection. Something quite normal for men when they wake up, but this is more painful. My Succubus blood asks me to satisfy my sexual energy. In the past, when this happened, I would have headaches for a week and then I would feel better. I have to put up with it.

Yuik isn't in bed so I guess she's making breakfast ... Ah, I feel bad. Tomorrow I'll wake up early and make breakfast myself. I don't want her to think that I consider her a mere servant.

I changed my clothes, used my own magical energy to get my erection down, and left the room.

Yes, she's definitely making breakfast, it smells... burnt.

Well she's human, humans make mistakes ... Or so my father taught me.

Before, I considered humans as mere insects of no value, but since I became a human, that thought has changed. Well, I am a human. It would be very hypocritical of me to call humans insects when I am a human.

And I like being a human more than being a boring God.

I walked into the dining room and Yuik turned to see me. Oh, how adorable, she is too nervous and moves her hands in a ... cute way? I guess I could call it cute.

She is preventing me from seeing what she cooked, because it burned her.

Mmm... She's cooking rice ... She probably did not put oil on it. A classic mistake ... I guess it's classic, I don't know.

"Good morning, Yuik. Don't you want hamburgers? I bought some yesterday. We have to go to work in an hour, so we have to hurry."

Yuik nodded quickly and sat down at the table with me.

I got the bags of burgers and soda from my [Magic Storage] ... Ah, I must take advantage and give her the gift.

I took out a small box and put it on the table, along with the food.

"Here, Yuik."

I offered her the box and she looked at me ... confused? I don't know, her expressionless face sometimes confuses me.

"Open the box."

She took the box and opened it.


She took the smartphone and started watching it everywhere. She looks like a little girl who got her first smartphone ... Well, Yuik is an adult, but it is her first smartphone. Her reaction was what I was waiting for.

"I realized you were curious about smartphones, that's why I bought you one."

I avoided buying her one before because I wanted Yuik to get used to being with me first. If I bought her a smartphone without knowing us, she would be afraid, because a smartphone is something new for her. All in good time is better than rushing.

I walked over to her and sat down next to her.

... Ah... Oh... I detect a nice scent. Yuik smells delicious. Ah, I better not smell her, she'll think I'm a pervert.

"I will teach you how to use it."

While we had breakfast, I was teaching Yuik the different functions that a smartphone has. Unlike human smartphones, Godfer smartphones have extra functions, for example, Yuik can know the characteristics of the different existing worlds. For now, she only knows world 15 and world 98 (her original world). There are 204 different worlds. Magical worlds, modern, highly technologically advanced, magical worlds mixed with technological worlds, among others. There is a great variety.

I'm pretty sure Yuik will be interested in meeting them. There are 8 worlds that I cannot visit because I did some things in the past and the Supreme Goddess forbade me to visit them. What did I do? Nothing bad. I simply kidnapped the Gods of the religions that predominated in those worlds and tortured them in front of their believers. I also pretended that I was the demon who was going to bring suffering and agony to humans, causing thousands ... No, millions of people went crazy, committed murders, suicides ... I basically brought about the end of the world in those worlds. I admit, it was pretty sick of me, but it's not my fault ... Well, not 100%. The crazy Sant's mother made me do that. I enjoyed it because my mind was corrupted at the time, but now that I look back on it with a healthier mind, I realize that I was very sick in the past... Well I'm still sick, but I was sicker before.

I finished explaining the different functions to Yuik. Yuik is smart, so it didn't take her long to fully understand the functions.

Mmm... Yuik is uneducated, but she is smart. Would she like the idea of studying in a school? I can use my magic to transform her into a 15 year old girl and enroll her in a school ... But I'll ask her about that later. Maybe in about 10 years.

"I hope you like it."

Yuik nodded quickly and showed me the smartphone screen.

Oh, she's pointing her finger at the camera app.

"Do you want to take a photo? Sure, I'll take your photo."

Yuik shook her head saying no.


Oh... Now that I remember, she saw some friends at the amusement park taking photos together. I wanted to take a photograph with her, but since I hadn't explained how the smartphones worked, I was afraid she would think I was doing something wrong. Now that I've taught her the features, she knows that friends take photos together.

"Of course."

I moved closer to her and brought my shoulder to hers.

Yes, this pose is classic. Friends take photos like this... I guess.

"Just push the button like I taught you."


She touched the button and took our photo.

I hope I look good in the photo. I'm not used to taking photos of myself... I never take photos... And I don't have social networks either. When I created an account for a social network that exists on Godfer, everyone blocked me. And I can't create social media accounts in world 15 because I keep a low profile.

"Good, you took a photo with Dreimo. Now a photo with the hero."

I returned to my form as the hero Dreimo and Yuik took the photo.


I went back to my boring librarian form.

"Ah, I feel like a teenager."

Although I am over 200 years old.

... Oh. Yuik is staring at the screen of her new smartphone too much. Will she like the photo or is she surprised at the quality? After all, it is a very expensive smartphone, although the clerk gave it to me because he was afraid that I would kill him. Being hated has its advantages.

"Did you like the smartphone, Yuik?"

She looked up and looked me in the eyes.


Wow. My heart began to race.

"T-thank you v-very much!"

Yuik is smiling. Ah, I think I'm having a heart attack. Will I die to see something so beautiful and adorable? It sounds like a ridiculous death, but it's also cute.

It's the first time I've seen her smile. This feeling is not love, I am not in love with her, but what I am feeling is more like ... How can this be explained? I feel like a father watching his son walk for the first time.

Yuik is overcoming her past and began to enjoy her present.

She really reminds me a lot of me. After I killed Sant's mother and freed myself from her control, it took me a long time to feel happy again. The Gods hated me and always tried to kill me, I never had time to relax. When the Supreme Goddess allowed me to reincarnate, I thought I would be happy, but I was prostituted to pedophiles the first few years of my life. It took me many years to get over that and smile again. No one tried to help me be happy ... Well, just Sant, but I ignored her because I had a trauma with the Gods and thought she would betray me.

Nobody helped me to be happy, everyone considered me a cold boy without feelings and they never thought that I was like that because I was afraid and not happy.

And now that I see Yuik smile, it makes me realize how different my current life is compared to my past lives.

Yuik and I are very similar. We share the same past. We were both raped. We were both tortured. We both lost hope. Seeing her smile makes me happy. I managed to make someone like me happy again... Yuik is happy ... And it makes me happy.

Her smile is something I will never forget, as it is one of the few things that has genuinely made me happy.

"You're welcome, Yuik."

I patted her head and smiled.

"Ready to go to work and earn our bread so we don't starve?"

Yuik nodded.

"Let's go."

I finally got a real friend. In my past lives I never had friends. In my first life the other children were distancing themselves from me because I had a perfect soul. They were envious of me and beat me. Sant defended me, she was my only friend, but I stopped considering her my friend when her mother turned me into a killer of Gods.

In my second life I had some friends at school, but I never considered them real friends. I just considered them classmates. And my girlfriends were girls that I honestly never loved. They asked me to go out with them, I tried to make our relationship work, but I ended up with them when I realized that we were not compatible.

When I was summoned to another world, all of my classmates at the magic academy considered me useless and weird. No one approached me to extend their hand and help me. To them, I was just an expressionless weirdo. They judged me without knowing me.

And in my third and current life, the people I considered my friends betrayed me.

Yuik became an important existence in my life. My boring life as a librarian just got more entertaining. Living with someone is more comfortable. Meeting her was the best thing that ever happened to me in this world ... And so I must protect my quiet life.

Soon that assassin will look for me and I must fight. I must protect my quiet life ... And kill those fucking Gods.