
I reincarnated into the Marvel Universe

My life was horrible I had parents who only gave birth to me just to save their marriage they were workaholics who didn’t even care about their own son who suffered extreme depression and child neglect.I was bullied all my life and was ignored by those who I thought loved me I had nothing and I was nothing the only thing I had that kept me from crying myself to sleep was reading comics about heroes who risked their lives to save those who weren’t able to protected themselves.I envied them because at the end of the day they were loved by everyone and looked up to as role models.I dreamed of becoming a hero myself and I would always follow the rule”with great power comes great responsibility’s”.I drowned myself in comics trying to escape the real world and by the time I realized it I had died from extreme stress and exhaustion.I knew no one would care about my death until I heard a familiar voice that said”EXCELSIOR”.And ever since then my life became that of what I dreamed of. Yo it’s your boi sorry if I haven’t been able to upload my mha fan fic I was busy dealing with some tuff things in my life and my dad was hospitalized but he’s better now.Im making this fan fic because of the love I have for Marvel so I hope you all enjoy it and don’t worry I’ll be able to upload for both fan fics.

Mohammed_Jawad · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Chapter 7:Shit happens

Everything went dark,it felt so unreal I knew I was just floating in the dark but it felt comforting like I knew this place and I was safe.While floating for what seemed like hours I saw a white house and saw that I was being drawn to it.

I was finally at the front door and felt extremely confused on why I was here and who brought me.I knocked on the door a couple of times and heard a calm soothing british voice say"come in".

I was immediately on guard because I didn't know who or what was behind that door,if anything it could be a hostile or maybe a future ally.I opened the door and walked into what seemed like a house from an 80s sitcom.I smelt cookies and walked to the kitchen where I was drawn and saw a butler?.

The butler turned around and smiled at me and said"I apologize but your 5,000 years too early to be here,but worry not my lad you won't leave empty handed".

"Who are you and why do you like Alfred,did you bring me here,why did you say I'm 5,000 years too early to be here,where exactly am I,am I dead?".I started to bombard the man who looked like Alfred with questions and all he did was look at me and chuckle.

"All your questions will be answered in due time my boy,say I just made some cookies do you mind if you try them and critique them" the Alfred look alike said with a warm glow around him.

The Alfred look alike than handed me a tray of cookies to which I inspected them before eating just incase he would drug me and steal my kidneys.The cookies looked safe so I picked one up and started to chomp down on them,they were surprisingly good really good probably the best cookies I've ever had in my entire life.

The Alfred look alike laughed and signaled me to sit down on the table with him.He turned to me and politely asked me"Would you like some tea lad it'll help wash down all those cookies you ate".

I smiled and said"as long as you don't poison me or harm me in any way than I'm fine with whatever you give me".The man chuckled and handed me some tea which tasted amazing just like those cookies.

I turned to the man and finally said"Who are you and why am I here".The man turned to me and with a small smile he said"I my boy am Father Time the master of all of time and space and you are in my domain,a pocket dimension to which I can only access,you being here is extraordinary not even higher beings like elder gods or Celestials can enter here".

I was nervous not because I didn't know who Father Time was but because he said that I was in a dimension not even Celestials can get into which means this guy was the real deal.I lost my mojo and I was sweating buckets because the guy in front of me could probably erase me from existence and make an omelet after like any ordinary day.

"Do you know how I got here Mr Father Time Sir"I said confused.He looked at me with wonder in his eyes and replied with a good statement saying"Mhm yes indeed I know how you got here,you being here is a cause of that attack you did on the Wolverine your body wasn't able to handle all that Time energy that you unleashed and that caused a small rip in space and time sending your conscious here while your physical body is back on Earth".

One thing wouldn't leave my mind and it was the words he said so I asked him"What did you mean by I arrived 5,000 years too early you said it like you were expecting me to come here".

"I apologize but no spoilers that would ruin the future chapters and you being here is messing around with space and time so I must bid you fair well after I give you this gift".

He than put his hand on my head and said"I will now put my energy inside of you it might hurt a bit but you'll feel better after".I looked at him nervously and said"I need an adult".In which he replied with a sly smile and said"I am an Adult".

After that was like a world of pain he started to put his energy inside of me and I felt like my body would split in half due to having so much power.After it was over I looked at him and said"I feel so powerful why did you give me so much of this power".

Sorry I can't answer that now good bye a portal opened up behind me and Father Time spartan kicked me through it.

(Father Time short POV)

"How extraordinary I was intending to give that boy only a little of my power but he took more than he could chew.I hope this helps you with everything you'll endure in the future young hero,I still can't help but winded why I can't seem to see his future it was like an open book but now it was like a blank piece of paper waiting to be written on".

"That boy will be special I can't wait to see you become a god see you soon boy and good luck trust me if I think what is going to happen than you'll need it".

"I wonder what would've happened if I didn't disturb that Professor and the extremist from finding him.Well to late now hahahahaha"(

you guys are probably wondering how magneto and The bald man didn't find him after 9 years well it's because Father Time messed with their locating devices and Professor X powers making him disappear from their eyes)



I woke up and saw I was in what looked like a hospital,I started to inspect my surroundings and saw I was in the room I was when I first got here.I got up and when my feet touched the floor I crashed onto the ground,I started to get nervous extremely nervous because u wasn't able to feel my legs.

Someone walked into the room and I looked up to see Rogue right when she saw me on my knees on the floor she put her hands on her mouth and gasped.She ran towards me and hugged me and started to cry something was off and I needed answers.

I looked at Rogue and asked her"what happened how long was I out for,is Logan okay".She looked at me her eyes still red with tears and said"you were in a coma for 3 weeks Hank said it was hard to determine how long you'd be in it for and if you'll ever recover".My mind was blown what felt like 5 hours in the Space and Time dimension was Weeks here,what would've happened if I was there longer.

Rogue then began thanking me for saving her told me that "Logan left the institute and said he wouldn't come back until your awake he's ashamed of himself for what he did to you and blames himself for wilding out".

(Rogue 3 weeks ago Flashback Begin)

Me and Kitty were in the garage begging Scott to drive us to the Mall when all of a sudden the fire alarms went off and caused some people to panic.

Me and Kitty along with Scott and Jean went to the hallway and saw everyone making there way out of the building to the front.We should follow them and ask the Professor what's going on Scott said while pulling on Jean.Everyone started to head out until I remembered I saw Logan and the new kid go down to the danger room.I should probably go see if there still there this alarm was probably a prank that one of the other kids pulled.

I made my way to the elevator which went directly to the Danger Room and my eyes were widened in horror.I saw the new kid being attacked by an enraged Logan who's eyes were blood red.I screamed after seeing all the blood and accidentally hit the attention of Logan.Right before he was able to pounce on me the new kid made a ball of what looked like an energy blast and unleashed it on Logan sending me and him flying while destroying some parts of the danger room.

I got up and ran to the new kid and started to do cpr I kept on pumping his chest until I felt his pulse.He was dead or so I thought,I broke down into tears thinking how if I wasn't distracting him than he wouldn't have ended up like this.

While I was crying I heard a growl and saw that Logan was back up and was still enraged with his bloodshot eyes on me wishing for me to move so he can lunge on me.

I was shocking in fear of my life until I heard the elevator ding and saw Storm,the Professor with Hank and Scott walk in and had there eyes widened in shock of what they just saw like me.

Storm took action and sent a blast of lighting at Logan knocking him out of the right.Hank and the others ran on over to the new kid and took him to the infirmary and to my shock his heart was still beating.

He was in a coma and I was just waiting for him to wake up so I could thank him that's if he'll ever wake up.

(A/N):what's good you beautiful people it's ur boi the author I just stared a Twitch account so go make sure to follow it my username is LaMillionGaming.Also make sure to rate the Fan Fic and send in some power stones if you want.Also sorry if I haven't uploaded in a while I've been busy af with school I decided to upload 2 chapters on mondays,Wednesdays and Friday's.PEACE