
I reincarnated into a cow

I'M A REAL MAN! Real note here: This series doesn't have a giga brain mc or anything like that and they will be smart, but at the same times fairly dumb too. The MC will basically be unable to keep a train of solid thought hence his stupidity. Second thing, reason why being^^ something something cow. Something something past life problems and head trauma equals something something something.

ZeOwl · ファンタジー
28 Chs

To the Mailman's interest

The sound of the horse's gallops were getting faster and louder. I decided to stick around why not! I mean that little calf was a rare breed. The last time I saw someone with a fate like that! I was getting hyped just waiting. I adjusted my bag as it hung upside down.

The Knight's wouldn't detect me at this distance, but if my deliveries fall out of my bag I could get fired. I took out my small notebook though to write down what happens. With my poor memory I would have a hard time remembering the young calf. His name was Akira, starting as a young calfling on a farm.

I put my pen to my lips as I thought about it slightly. I smiled as I wrote, The Calf had memories of the past just like the heroes and monster lords of the past. The farm he was....

I paused again as I stared at the knights passing underneath me. I let my self float along just behind him as I debated whether I should phrase the calf's origin as reborn on or born at. I nodded as I decided on reborn on.

The farm he was reborn on was that of a family that worshiped the monster god! I jotted down more of the calf's small story up to well right now. As the small squadron of Helios knights jumped off their horses and called out to the Farmer and his family.

I smiled, Madock's farm was far off on my deliver route so I always hated him it was fun to see his come ups. The leader of the knights had black long hair. That was likely Everin, he had lost his family to monster god cultists before.

My jaw dropped though as I saw Everin sliced the arm off of Madock! The little Calf also stared slacked jaw I truly didn't expect Everin to attack right away. I heard Everin shout, "Under the Cree of the the Helios Clergy we will strike your names from the world! Men raid the house."

Madock threw himself backwards, I was surprised to see him break pretense. It seemed with Everin's quick action he decided his own as well. Madock's body began trembling as fur replaced the view of his skin. His clothes tore and his face changed to that of a horrid Wererat.

I hadn't known that Madock was a Wererat, and his family seemed to soon follow suit. To my surprise the calf slipped away. He was just as I expected, he was no fool. Not like the others, not like the ones before. While the knights begun cutting down Madock and his family the Calf slipped into the home. Everin Sliced through the neck of the wife a second later.

Madock flew into a rage and yelled at his son. To my surprise the son ran, I could only laugh as I wrote down the scene behind me. The son had ran into the woods and I soon lost sight of him. I wasn't close to Madock and his family and i only knew what I've seen. Though my best guess was the Son was running to some kind of safe house with Madock's old valuables. The son had already ran off with the family sword after all.

My eyes widened as I tuned into the conversation Everin begun to have. "Madock! You were once a brave knight of the empire. How could you turn your back and turn into some filth like this!"

Madock scoffed as he covered his stomach. "I was always like this! Even in the War! I was promised my people's safety! There is no cure for any form of Canthpy! I only wanted happiness and the King betrayed me! It is you who is th-"

Madock's head suddenly was sent flying. Everin swiped once and the blood that was covering his sword was removed from it. Everin then glanced at my direction and I held my breath. I had to bite my lip in worry for the little Calf.

"Go hunt down the son I will search the farm."

"but sir..."

"GO! and forget everything you heard."

The first knight nodded, "Understood sir."

Everin sighed as his men separated from him. I looked to the farm house and flew forward to check on the calf. I let out a sigh of relief as the Calf exited the house just as Everin opened the front door.


I fell into the basement after searching the house for the package. Luckily I found it quickly and decided to search the rest of the house. I managed to find a jewelry box a glowing knife and a bag with bread and fruit within it. Since I didn't have any hands anything that I could hand around my neck would've been useful.

So I was lucky to find the bag I adjusted it with my mouth before getting stuck on the stairs leaving the basement. I heard the front door open so I bucked the basement door open and barreled out. Looking through the window I saw the knight that was fighting the farmer. So looking back to the cows that were all hidden with the barn I sprint off the farm as fast I could as the bag I had bounced across my neck.

I had no idea what would be out here in the forest, but I could only keep running. It was either the forest or the valley. So I decided on the cover of trees just in case.