
I reincarnated into a cow

I'M A REAL MAN! Real note here: This series doesn't have a giga brain mc or anything like that and they will be smart, but at the same times fairly dumb too. The MC will basically be unable to keep a train of solid thought hence his stupidity. Second thing, reason why being^^ something something cow. Something something past life problems and head trauma equals something something something.

ZeOwl · ファンタジー
28 Chs

Almost a colony

----Sorry these updates are so random-----

Merli had drawn what I suggested. At first I wondered if someone else made something like this. After all there were other reincarnations in this world before this world. Perhaps by the effort of the gods or something. I however just died and then woke up here. So I had no real clue.

That however didn't matter much to me. Even if I just woke up as a baby cow I still retained my memories. With said memories of a odd job worker I had surprisingly seen a lot of blueprints for things. Did I remembered them all, hell no.

Did that matter when constructing a primitive version of an excavator, bulldozer and cement? Oh you bet'cha they didn't. Goblins were measuring out pieces and putting everything together. I was cutting down tree after tree and slowly we were making them.

It took a lot of effort, but in the end? The excavator was decent it needed three people to operate it though since we didn't have the obvious ingredients. The bulldozer was similar requiring the either 2-4 orcs to push it. This allowed us to flatten the ground and so on.

This however was minor compared to the cement. I stuck a finger in it and rubbed hit in my palm. Cement was easy to make if you had what you needed. This was however a little harder than I expected. The cement was flaky and hard.

Key ingredients were calcium, silicon, aluminum, and iron. Now this was through a long process with chemicals to make it perfectly. Ultimately I had figured out a good compromise of said ingreidents and process. We gathered water and crushed bones into it. After creating that mixture next came using gravel and iron dust.

I looked at the goblin mixing the stuff. "Add more sawdust, and mix in more of the clay."

He nodded, normally sand would be needed. However, surprise surprise. The trees of the forest contained a ton of silicon. I paused my self monologue. I whispered to myself, "This was compared to normal trees, I had to make sure to include that in how I explain it."

The clay was only about a cup, however it had just the right amount of softness that allowed it to glue and fuse the ingredients. Once the mix had a more slurry appearance I checked it once more. This was closer to cement. Still hard, but once laid out it would work.

I sighed next came the hard part. Making cement walls around our area of the forest. We would be using bricks as the base and filling gaps with cement. However it was still a lot of work. Not to mention housing. Currently the housing situation was messy.

The orcs lived in wooden long houses with multiple bunks. This is how they normally lived. While goblins had tents. The exception to this rule was that most of their buildings were up against more natural structures, Caves, walls, trees. The opposite of this was the kobolds. Who dug pits and tunnels.

I couldn't even fully see their full burrow. Which left the question, how do we home everyone efficiently?

HM actually had the answer, Kobold burrows generally collapse and subsequently change a lot. However no kobolds ever died in cave ins. Why was this? Well, it was like an apartment structure. So we build along a grid. 

This was a little funky, but we began creating large hexagonal blocks. Laying out boards to create concrete sidewalks. In the hexagonal blocks the Kobolds dug new smaller burrows. Their original burrow after all couldn't be sustained. Originally some orcs did live in it, however they lived trapped at the bottom. While each higher structure was maintained. With the Kobold queen gone it meant more stress on the more mentally fragile kobolds. This adversely effected how they handled their homes.

Essentially they turned into hoarders that lived in filth. The only reason they still had some structure was because they were getting their natural exercise working for me. So in conclusion, smaller burrows. These burrows than were set to be built over. So the Kobold Burrow would literally become the support structure for everyone else's homes.

This left the last problem. This would be efficient as hell, could support way more population than we had and would be difficult to destroy. However, it would look ugly as shit. Which left the flower division.

I looked over at their work and smiled. A relatively rag tag team, two orc women, three goblins and one really flamboyant kobold. This small group well, they came about after the designs of our future city was talked about.

An orc ran over and nearly scared me half to death when he shouted. "Sir! We have a problem!"

My body both tensed and relaxed. making me hunch over slightly in a sigh. "What's up."