
I Just Became Lord of a new dimension, AndThe Ancient came toGetLoan?

Traveling through the Marvel world, Leo takes charge of the light dimension and becomes Dimension Mephista( dimensional lord) But not before he dicided to make a plan to invade Earth , for the urgent need to grow in strength. Ancient One actually came to the door first. And, borrowed strength from him. At the same time, the lending system was also Awakened. As a result, the legend of Mephista began to spread in the universe. ........... Borrow the Ancient One and get bonus dimension travel... Borrow Norman Osborn, get bonus energy properties reversed... Loan Gwen, Rewards... ........ Ancient One: He doesn’t even know how to borrow money, so what kind of evil lender is he? ! Doctor Strange: Without a little credit, how do you know where your limits are? ! Villain: Dormammu gives me power! ! =}This is a bad translation of a chinese novel. Read it at expense of losing some brain cells .Real name is in the comments

Webnovel_Addicted · 映画
68 Chs

Chapter 47 Tony: That’S Bad, I’M The Scapegoat!

Dark green light illuminated the sky.

Spanning the distant sky, it eventually encompasses the entire earth.

In everyone's surprised eyes.

The power of time is fully revealed, and everything has changed.

The world is turning upside down and time is moving backwards.

The dark land faded away.

The submerged city reappears from the outside to the inside, like a layered 3D model.

Even the zombies that were humanely destroyed are retreating.

Then metamorphosis occurred under the noses of the magicians, returning to their original human appearance!

As if rewinding a videotape, everything on earth is moving backwards.

As the great force of time is deflected, it is flowing backwards.


in high-dimensional space.

Looking at this scene, Leo suddenly smiled, and his face showed that it was indeed the case.

"The Ancient One did it after all!"

The development of the situation did not exceed his expectations. Everything was exactly as he predicted in his heart.

Humans cannot solve the zombie virus in a short time, and magic can't do anything about it.

The only way Ancient One can solve all this must be to rely on the power of Time Gem!

The sudden appearance of the nuclear bomb just made this guy make a decision faster and accelerated the process.

"It's just that I didn't expect this guy Ancient One to be so cruel!"

Leo looked at the dark green covering the earth and couldn't help but marvel.

He thought it would all happen in Neon.

But the Ancient One dares to swim against the entire world?

This was somewhat different from what he had imagined.

Vaguely, Leo seemed to be able to see huge amounts of clocks.

The power of time is vented without any scruples, the scale is reversing, and time is flowing against the current.

So much so that the entire earth is changing.

"I have to say that the power of Time Gem is really buggy!"

Leo felt something in his heart.

As one of the Infinite Gems, it has had great power since its birth.

Everything in the entire universe and all time is within its sphere of influence.

Just find the right way to use it.

Even Thanos has to kneel down when he comes.

Dormammu even called him a permission dog when he saw it!

Even he had to be wary of this.

Soon, Leo no longer thought about it.

The power of Time Gem changes the entire world and flows across the globe.

Ancient One does have good intentions.

Retrograde time causes everyone except the Ancient One and other magicians to lose their memory of the zombie virus.

Everything in Neon is returning to its original state.

It seems that everything has returned to before the zombie virus broke out, and the world was running normally.

"It's a pity that Ancient One still ignored something after all..."

Leo shook his head slightly, regretting in his heart.

Real time cannot affect everything in the light dimension.

The soul he captured can never return!

This also means that there are nearly 80 million little souls without bodies.

All that is left is an empty human body!

Eighty million little days died at the same time in an instant?

From a human perspective, this is undoubtedly a horrific disaster.

The unknown manner of death is enough to send the world into panic.

It is even very likely to cause greater turmoil than the zombie virus!

"If nothing else happens, we will be able to see new fun soon!"


As the dark green light gradually dissipated.

The world's time no longer flows backwards, and it has begun to operate normally again.


On top of a tall building.

Looking at the surrounding scenes, everyone was in a trance, feeling like a dream.

Tony was even more dumbfounded.

He rubbed his eyes vigorously and removed two eye drops.

"You changed Tokyo back?!"

This great power to control time makes everything return to the way it was before.

Even the J.A.R.V.I.S nuclear strike alarm in my ears was lifted immediately...

Can this be considered magic? !

The power of the Ancient One broke his cognition time and time again, and Tony felt that his whole body was a little numb.

Who can tell me where the limits of magic are?

"To be precise, it should be back to the way it was before the disaster started!"

The Ancient One took back the Eye of Agamotto and answered smoothly.

With that said, he waved his hand and opened a portal.

Step inside the door.

As soon as he entered the door, Ancient One's eyes narrowed.

I found a tube of reagent in front of me, as if it suddenly lost control and was about to fall to the ground.

Seeing this, she quickly opened her palms slightly.

He used his magician hand to carefully hold this dangerous reagent in his palm.

"Fortunately, I caught up!"

Ancient One breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the source of the virus she saw while browsing the world.

If the T virus reagent is broken, the zombie virus will break out again.

Then wouldn't all the hard work she had done be in vain?

Following behind, Tony looked over with a solemn expression and curious eyes.

"Is this the source of the zombie virus outbreak?!"

This is a silver-white reagent.

There is a dark blue complex compound inside that is spiral like DNA.

The originally magnificent and gorgeous colors are now so dangerous in the eyes of magicians.

Just looking at it made me feel scared from the bottom of my heart.

Tony originally thought that the virus was a specialty brought from the darkness by those dark creatures.

But looking at it now, it seems to be some kind of laboratory product?

For a moment, Tony thought about a lot.

The scientist explores everything, and his death instinct makes him ready to act.

The strong sense of crisis made him feel that he should do something.

Tony couldn't help but asked tentatively.

"In order to prevent this kind of disaster from happening again in the future, I think you can leave this thing to me to study and develop the corresponding antidote in advance!"

"What do you think, Ancient One magician?"

"I can guarantee that there will definitely be no accidents!"

Ancient One refused without thinking.


"This dangerous thing will be kept by me and will never be handed over to anyone else!"

She is well aware of human nature.

Countless incidents throughout the ages have shown that there is never a limit to human beings' pursuit of death.

No one knows what kind of disaster this thing will cause if it spreads to the outside world!

She finally solved the disaster and made people forget all about it.

I don't want dangerous creatures like zombies to appear again!

"All right!"

Seeing this, Tony shrugged helplessly, with a somewhat regretful expression on his face.

He understood the concerns of the Sorcerer Supreme.

If it were him, he probably wouldn't want to hand over such dangerous things to others for safekeeping.

At this moment.

Inside the portal, a figure wearing a black and white battle suit came out from the other end.

"Sorry to bother you!"

"Everyone, a new situation has arisen."

Seeing everyone's eyes gathering, Gwen took a deep breath and spoke in a deep voice.

She was climbing tall buildings and wandering around the city, and she had already discovered something unusual.

As soon as possible, come back and seek support from the magicians.

"While the city has been restored to its original state, sadly, everyone has died."

"In other words, Tokyo today has become a dead city!"

"How can it be?!"

Everyone was shocked.

His eyes widened and he looked at the Ancient One with questioning eyes.

Ancient One frowned suddenly, feeling that things were not simple.

Soon, she waved her hand and opened another portal.

Appeared again, already in the city.

Ancient One looked around and felt a chill in his heart.

I saw that the originally bustling and busy streets had become extremely silent at this moment.

It was as if everything had stopped functioning and fell into dead silence.

Cars were placed in the middle of the road as if abandoned.

Pedestrians on the roadside were lying straight on the cold ground, without any movement!

The sun is obviously shining brightly.

But seeing this scene, everyone could not feel the slightest warmth, only feeling extremely cold.

I felt a deep chill from within.

As Gwen said, the entire Tokyo has become a dead city!

And the reason for all this...

Under the gaze of everyone, Ancient One stretched out his hand towards the body lying on the ground below.

After some research, the answer was quickly given.


"They have all lost their souls!"

There are very few people on the entire planet who have the ability to do such a thing.

And someone who would do such an appalling thing so brazenly.

There is and only one!


He gnashed his teeth and said the name again.

Ancient One felt that the anger in his heart was on the verge of exploding, and it became increasingly difficult to suppress it.

If this continues, I'm afraid I won't be able to help but rush out of reality and go to the dark dimension to find something to do for this guy.

Even if this damn guy left, he would still leave her a mess!

She finally dealt with the zombie virus.

As a result, now we have to find ways to appease the panic from the outside world.

He was simply playing her around!

But the good thing is.

It was just a little bit of panic after all.

The loss of the soul brings death and unknown fear to ordinary people, and turmoil is inevitable.

But this outcome is ultimately better than the spread of the zombie virus.

Ancient One took a deep breath, and countless thoughts passed through his mind quickly.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the figure in the steel battle suit, and she suddenly had an idea.

He turned around and said with a serious face.

"Mr. Tony Stark, as the superhero Iron Man, I know you have always been very responsible."

"And now, there's something I can't do without your help!"

"About the deaths of these people..."

Tony was immediately stunned.


No, how do you want me to explain it to others?

If this happens, won't I become a target?

It's broken, I've become a scapegoat!
