
I Have Robbed 999 Types Of Powers

"Rob (Rank ???): Able to rob another person’s ability. Yang Xi felt hopeless as the world seemed to want him to shine. At first, he was a nobody trying to save his sister, but he became the one who had to shoulder the future of mankind. Then, he created an organization just so he could hide his identity, but it became a force that had stretched its claw to every corner of the world. And, when he gave one of his subordinates the power of [Training], that subordinate managed to evolve it into the strongest Divine Body…"

Woody · ゲーム
600 Chs

Young Master Liu Is Class D

翻訳者: 549690339

In the memory of the Sour and Spicy Noodle Superman…

"I need information in exchange." The man in the top hat's tone was very strange. He must have changed his voice.

"What information?"”

"It's about some heroes in your company... It's a secret."

Even though he didn't know why the other party was asking for such strange information, the Sour and Spicy Noodle Superman still casually told him a few things.

After all, he had been in the Red Sky Company for so long that he knew about some of the heroes 'dark history.

He didn't expect that some random gossip he made up would actually be exchanged for a few blue pills from the man in the top hat.

Every time they met, the man in the top hat would inform the Hot and Sour Noodle Superman of the time and place of their next meeting.

It was worth noting that during the fourth transaction, the boy in the top hat had specially asked for some information about Yang Xi's alias," Youji."