
Good day

After that terrifying moment trying to prevent Kasumi from continuing to invite me to form a band with this girl Tsundere, once glitter green finish we leave the place.

 At all times Kasumi would be with bright eyes smiling non-stop as if he had seen the most wonderful thing in the world.

 "I'm going home, give me this," the Tsundere would say without further ado and then grab the guitar and leave. In her eyes I could see that she was afraid that Kasumi would invite her again.

 Don't leave me here alone with her , coward!

 "Goodbye, thanks for everything!" Kasumi would say goodbye to her with her hand lifting her as high as she could and then look at me with that smile full of emotion which would be cute for many but for me right now it was a scary smile.

 "Haru-kun let's make a band!" Those words she said gave me chills, I knew this girl was someone who wouldn't give up until she got it...

 "Emm Toyama-san..." I wanted to refuse, to say that I didn't want to be part of a band of girls for anything in the world but... Kasumi's face was so adorable... it hard 

 She is using the "puppy eyes" card trap !!!

 It was difficult for me to break the illusion of her with those eyes that she had, showing a lot of desire to be able to form a band, so the only thing I could do was sigh and say

 "I'll think about it" was the answer I could give her, neither a yes nor a no, it seems that that was enough for her, looking very happy.

 "Great! Thank you haru-kun" Kasumi, full of joy, hugged me, making me blush a little because it took me by surprise, she was very soft and I quickly looked away.

 If this keeps up I'll end up saying yes to wearing a skirt!

 "I-it's nothing..." Thinking how to divert the topic I would remember the Tsundere that ran away and an idea would come to my mind , small evil smile would appear in my face

 It was time for revenge

 "Hey Toyama-san, I think you should talk to that girl later , she's look like serching for friends but she doesn't know about that things ¿You were looking to make friends too, right? They should be able to get along." I decided to punish the coward by making Kasumi direct her attention to her and not me.

 My words seemed to hit the mark as Kasumi showed a huge smile.

 "Really? Do you think she and I can be friends?" Kasumi would say with great enthusiasm, releasing me from the hug.

 "Without a doubt, you are a nice person Toyama-san" I nodded with a calm expression as I looked her in the eyes, my words were sincere since her enthusiasm and passion in everything showed what a good friend she would be to anyone, it was difficult for anyone to not like her , is so cute

 "Hehe, thank you, Haru-kun, I will do my best to make it like that." Happy with my words, she would show a look full of determination, raising both hands slightly in the shape of fists. She seemed ready for any battle.

 Seeing her like this would make me laugh evilly inside, that scissors girl will have a very busy few days.

 While we were talking I could notice how was already getting late so I would put my hands in my pockets and then see Kasumi

 "It would be better to go home, it's getting dark, it was a pleasure meeting you Toyama-san" I would say while I showed a small smile. The truth is that it was fun this day despite the embarrassment I experienced at being called a vampire all the time.

 "Oh you're right... it was nice to meet you too haru-kun we will meet again! The shine of the stars will guide us again!" Kasumi would say with a sincere tone, smiling tenderly with her hands behind her back she seemed to firmly believe that the stars would make us meet again.

 she is so adorable!

 "Haha surely... see you Toyama-san" laughing a little at her cuteness, I would turn around to walk away and start walking to my home turning my gaze a little to her watching her say goodbye with her hand very animated

This girl... was very special

 Being able to smile like that and talk to people without any fear, showing that passion in what she sets out to do... it's incredible.

 With a smile that didn't disappear from my face I would return home arriving just as it got dark

 Once I entered my home I would stretch, feeling very good, maybe Kasumi had given me good vibes.

 "Okay, the first day of the walk, it went well," remembering everything that happened, feeling hungry, I would go to the kitchen to prepare something to eat, taking out some hamburgers from the refrigerator and some vegetables.

 While I was preparing the food I couldn't help but hum the songs of glitter green

 'Damn, I admit they sounded really good' I hated to admit it but first-hand experience of something I hated made me see that the Idol genre wasn't so bad.

 'Could it be that I ended up becoming one?' as I cooked the burgers and cut the vegetables,I would think having an idol system that means I am bound to become one one day.

 That thought would come with the image of me next to kasumi and the Tsundere, me wearing a skirt... in front of many girls... the wind would come lifting my skirt and...


 No no no no no no!!

 I do not want that!

 I would put my hands on my head shaking it trying to get that terrible image out of my mind.

 I must prevent that from happening no matter the cost!

 "Anyway... I'll leave that for another time, I don't think it will happen soon" I would let out an exhausted sigh, stopping thinking about that topic to relax, once the burgers were ready I would make a healthy burger with vegetals 

 [Cooking +20]

 The system would send that message in front of me , making me think 

 'it gave me more points than when I made the cereal... it seems that the more complicated is the thing I cook, more points I get' I would put a hand on my chin while that was in my head I would have to try later to corroborate that fact

 Stopping thinking about things, I would start eating the hamburgers, enjoying their flavor and looking around lightly observing my new house... it still gave a strange feeling living here but I knew that with time I would get used to it.

 In my mind would come the smile that Kasumi gave me... and the moment we crossed paths with that Tsundere as well as when we went to see that band

 Despite all the problems I had to admit something else

 "This world... Maybe it's not so bad" I would say as a small smile appeared on my lips again.