
Where it all started

St Hawthorn School was known to be one of the most prestigious schools in all of Averna. It collected names of heirs and heiresses from top organisations and businesses that surmounted to an unbridled position as the number one place for future CEOs to be raised and bred. Sent here from a young age these elite packages would have to navigate their way around the ever so complicated high-class society etiquette that started at nine in the morning, till 4 in the afternoon. Their days would be packed with gruelling activities that would hopefully prepare them for their promising futures, but it doesn't mean it was a smooth journey to get there. At least not for these lot.

"Hey Lizzie, wait up!" Isabella rushed to reach her best friend, who, as per usual, was dragging her feet along the white polished floors to her next class. The girl raised her head slightly, flaunting perfect rows of white pearls. Only her closest friends were allowed to call her Lizzie, and she cherished them very much. Isabelle linked her arms with her friend, and they made their way to their maths class. Isabelle was practically dragging her timid friend to class, as maths was one of the many subjects she excelled in, and when they got there they scavenged the room for their usual seats and plopped down, readily.

Elizabeth "Lizzie" Carlyle was known as the school's ultimate beauty. She boasted a slender, pale neck that would put to shame any white swan. She also had a tall and slim silhouette that would convince anyone that she was an unworthy gift from the gods. Her face was soft and unblemished, displaying years of meticulous care from her mother, and complimenting her delicate features were a pair of light-hazel eyes, adorned with speckles of gold when graced by the sun.

She never truly realised how beautiful she was, and many people envied her for her careless beauty. They craved what they couldn't have, and so they chose to ruin it instead. Eleanor Lockbridge was one particular person who saw her as a pollutant in their heavenly school, and she always took the opportunity to embarrass and harass Lizzie in any way possible. Elizabeth was always one to keep her head down. She avoided gaining the attention of her lowly competitors, like Eleanor, even though they could never ever touch her due to her parents' extravagant practice of placing secret bodyguards to spy on her throughout the day, but she didn't know that. She also never begged to gain the attention of the playboys of the school, and yet they stalked her like she was a vulnerable prey whenever they had the chance. Their eyes would scan her flawless frame from head to toe as they passed her, and no one was immune to her charms and Alexander Stone was no exception.

Hope you liked this first official chapter. There's more to come, so keep reading xxx

dooby_creators' thoughts