
Alexander Stone

Yes, he too was not immune to her charms. But he wasn't attracted to her in the pursuit of romance, no of course not. He hated her. Detested her. Elizabeth had never done anything to deserve such a reaction from him, but for some odd reason, he couldn't find it in himself to not act enraged around her. He was like a ticking time bomb around her, ready to explode at any moment. Just the sight of her made his blood boil, yet he couldn't stand to be away from her. He would glare at all the guys who dared look at her in the hallways, and he had trained her enough to always look down when going to her next class that he didn't have to worry about her returning the gazes of those perverts.

You see, the only reason why Elizabeth kept her head down in the first place was because of the almighty Alexander Stone. From the moment they entered the senior sector of St Hawthorne School, he was no better than an annoying pest coming to bother her incessantly. He would poke names at her, tease her about her outfits, and purposefully budge her so that all her books exploded in an array of colourful notes on the floor. He wouldn't stop and apologise, no, his ego was far too great for that. He just pretended she didn't exist in his path in the first place and kept on walking, along with a lecherous wench grappling his arm wantonly. Eleanor was obsessed with him. She would do anything for him, and he would just take it from her with no gratitude or thanks.

They were known for their inappropriate acts of misconduct around the school, yet the headteacher was not brave enough to expel them since their parents were some of the top contributors to the school's wealth. And so they continued contaminating any and every surface of the school they could find whenever Alexander found it necessary to vent his frustrations on Eleanor's body, and she was all too willing to accept his disrespect towards her, believing that one day she will make him fall for her. But Alexander was far too heartless and cunning for her tricks.

Her body was just like any other girl's for him, and he knew that he could replace her in a heartbeat whenever he liked. It was just convenient she was always there when he got turned on, and so that's how he took her virginity. After class, one random afternoon. They were each other's firsts, and Eleanor made sure to brag about the proud achievement of being banged by the great Alexander Stone whenever she was with her friends. She didn't even realise that Alexander treated her as nothing less than a whore.