
"Are we going to do this or what?"

"Are you f*cking kidding me Mika Hu?" Mia gave him the sharpest glare Aiden had ever seen, this was their first meeting in two months and it sure was hostile. Aiden waited for her reply when she turned around and began unlocking her car after rolling her eyes.

"Mia!" she jumped as he shouted her name angrily, instinctively she spun around and pushed him away, in a bout of fear and rage. Aiden stumbled back a few steps and looked at her in disbelief.

"Are you really one to talk? Pot meet kettle Aiden, next time you want to confront me get your business in order." Once more she spun opening her car door, when his hand reached over and held it open.

"You're really going out with him?" his hot breath shifted the hair around her ear and his cologne consumed her as well as the faint smell of alcohol, she sighed in annoyance.

"Mika is my friend. Without him, I wouldn't have been able to cope. We're not together you idiot." Aiden kept his grip tightly on the door refusing to budge. Mia wouldn't turn around stubbornly afraid to let him see her bright red face.

"What do you mean? So, what is he your comfort now, does he hold you at night huh?" Mia felt a chill run down her spine, this didn't sound like Aiden at all, he was bitter. Aiden's usual taunting and happy tone was cold and dark. Mia bravely turned around feeling the adrenaline run through her veins.

"How many times do I have to tell you before it's drills into your thick skull, it's not like that. Even if it was what concern is it too you?" Mia gritted her teeth warningly and clenched her fists. Mia watched as his glare turned cold and suddenly, she was pressed up against the side of the car with his lips pressed violently against hers. Mia groaned and tried to push him of, but he was always stronger than her. His tongue slipped into her mouth, Mia was not letting him dominate her that easily and bit down. Aiden flinched in pain and backed off. Mia panted out of breath clutching her chest.

"You f*cking asshole how could you…do that to me!" Aiden eyes slowly widened as he realised what he had done.

"Mia—" He advanced forward attempting to console but Mia slapped his hand away with force and gave him a tearful hateful glare.

"Stay away from me Aiden! What did you think you'd kiss me, and I'd bow at your feet? Don't flatter yourself!" Mia jumped into her car slamming the door and sped away leaving his standing shell-shocked on the sidewalk.

Mia shook in anger on her way home, this was the last thing she needed. The past had a way of dragging her back and seeing his big green eyes and feeling his soft lips against hers ignited the beating in her chest until she could barely breath.

"Pull yourself together Mia!" she muttered to herself in frustration. That night she could barely sleep and woke up feeling groggy but today was a huge day for her and Taira. It was the day of the police interview and Mia's could feel a lump in her chest like a large stone since she opened her eyes. It was going to be tough, but she needed to support Taira through this. Mia had also collected employment openings from all over who were willing to take Taira in so she wouldn't have to worry about income.

"Morning Doctor James." Hao and Kai were waiting for her at the entrance knowing what kind of day this was going to be.

"Good morning are you guys ready for some mayhem?" they both nodded determined and Mia gave them a proud smile.

"Okay, the police will be here at 11am so I will be on leave for an hour, would you both kindly see to the patients while I'm gone?" Kai nodded and went ahead but Hao stayed put in her office giving her a peculiar glare.

"Did you sleep last night?" he asked concerned, Mia gulped and tried to put on a front but Hao could see straight through her.

"Barely, but I'm fine let's just get this day started." Hao was reluctant but agreed and started the morning routine, Mia schedule migrated mainly around Taira, she was organizing her paperwork when a bundle of hyperactivity invaded her office.

"Doctor James! Good morning!" his sweet little voice called out, Mia observed the mop of brown bed head above her desk and looked down to see two big green eyes beaming at her along with a wide smile.

"Good morning Hiro, did you sleep well?"

"I did, I had awesome dreams about dinosaurs and football all night." Mia chuckled, she had never seen a happier child, it made her job worthwhile.

"That's good, have you seen your mom today?"

"Not yet, she's still sleeping but mom's a lot happier since coming here." Mia couldn't help but smile at him.

"That's really good to hear, your mom should be awake now so go and give her a big hug okay?" Hiro nodded and sprinted out of the office with excitement. Mia smirked then went back to her paperwork.

"Full of energy, aren't they?" Mia nodded thinking it was Hao coming back for a report but when the voice didn't continue, she looked up nonchalantly. Mia's heart dropped to the floor and she couldn't breathe.

"S-Sam what the hell are you doing here?" she said it with vicious intent, but he simply smiled and strutted into her office like he was untouchable, Mia stiffened up and went on the defence.

"How did you get in here?" Sam gave her a devilish smirk.

"Are you that narrow minded, I used a fake name. Funny thing is I got a letter through my door yesterday, are you pressing charges against me Mia?" Sam sat on her desk facing her, his eyes were bold and frightening, and Mia felt uncomfortable beyond belief.

"So, you can read? That's a good start, secondly you obviously already know that so what's your business here. Are you here to threaten me, assault me again?" Sam leaned forward and Mia leaned back she was putting on a brave front, but she was afraid.

"Both are really enticing but I'm just happy you still think of me. Did Taira tell you she's your substitute yet? This is what happens when you refuse me Mia, and I noticed there's something missing. Did that pathetic rich boy finally throw you away?" Mia clenched her fists, he was waiting for a reaction out of her, but Mia was smarter than that.

"That's none of your business, are you done I have work to do?" she casually began filling out her paperwork on her knee, Mia felt her breathe leave her body when he snatched it from her hand and lowered his face down to her level, she was backed against the wall with no way out.

"Touch me I f*cking dare you." She whispered tauntingly, Sam backed up a bit surprised she wasn't shaking in fear, Mia knew the stronger her mind the weaker his offence. Sam reached over and lifted her chin seductively. Mia smacked his hand away and stood up, Sam slammed his hands either side of her head causing her to shudder in fear.

"You can act tough all you want beautiful but remember who your messing with, without rich boy around you'll be that much easier to take. Hell, I'd take you right now if I could, but your work colleagues would probably jump to save you." Mia couldn't say anything back at first, she was completely frozen, then suddenly she got her nerve.

"I'm going to take you down if it's the last thing I do, I'll add this to your charges list. You might not think much of me but don't underestimate me. Are you done?" Sam expression changed seeing he hadn't scared her out of the police involvement, Mia could read his mind and smiled tauntingly. Sam backed up a few steps.

"I don't need a man to protect me. Oh, and word of advice, get yourself a good lawyer. Taira may be mentally ill but I'm level minded and more than enough to destroy your life so savour it while you can." Sam scowled and stormed out of the office, Mia let out a breath of relief and clutched her chest painfully. She felt a level of achievement for standing up to him, but his threats disturbed something in her. Mia was still riled up and called Hao into her office. Hao sheepishly walked in seeing the thunder on Mia's face.

"I want all staff to refrain from letting visitors in until further notice. Am I understood?" Mia voice was dark and fearsome, Hao looked at her teary eyes and became worried.

"What happened?" Mia couldn't contain her emotions and blew up.

"I was just assaulted in my own office because my staff don't know how to listen to instructions. I'll ask again am I understood?" Hao was stunned and sat nodding his head.

"Get the police in here right now, this is no longer a safeguarding issue this is a complete policy reprimand. Could you ask Taira to come to my office please." Hao nodded obediently and fled off to fetch her. Mia put both hands on the desk and breathed heavily, she had never been so afraid in her life. Although she acted tough in the back of her mind, she was subconsciously calling out to Aiden to save her. Mia fanned her face and did some breathing exercises, she couldn't be distressed in-front of her patients. Just as she settles Taira knocked at the door. Mia opened it and gestures that she sits down, Taira could feel the tension in the air and was immediately on edge.

"Sorry for calling you in here so suddenly but I have an important matter to discuss with you." Taira suddenly felt connected to Mia, she had seen the expression on her face many times before in herself.

"Is this about Sam?" Mia nodded immediately, trying to keep calm even though just the thought of his face close to her made her skin prickle in discomfort.

"Taira I haven't been completely honest with you about this situation and I apologize for that." Taira didn't look anxious or disturbed which was very surprising considering the situation.

"You're a victim, too aren't you?" Mia mouth suddenly clamped shut, she was smarter than Mia had thought. Some people have the ability to identify those similar to each other, some explain it as an aura only known by those who had experienced similar trauma. Mia caught her breath and leaned back mentally preparing to tell her the truth.

"Sam James is my cousin on my fathers' side…" she said painfully, Mia watched Taira face drop and her eyes twitch. How horrifying it must be to sit in the same room as his family member Mia thought.

"I moved to Shanghai when I was sixteen, because the mental health crisis here was horrific and I wanted to apply my skills somewhere people would need them. I decided on that long before my mother was sick." Taira sat and listened with interest, Mia was good at expressing herself and Taira could feel the emotion behind every word like she was reading a novel.

"Two months after I moved here, we discovered my father's brother was also in the area, our family is originally from England, so it came as a shock. As soon as we discovered my uncle had a son we were bombarded with requests. Sam would come to my house almost every day and beg me to marry him. Politely I declined every time, but then he would start waiting for me outside of school. I don't know exactly where his obsession stemmed from, but I remember how afraid of him I was. If it wasn't for my boyfriend at the time, he most likely would have attacked me every day." Mia glanced up at Taira who smiled at her kindly listening to every word.

"I moved away for University and he lost contact with me, and the relief I felt was unbelievable. I thought I was finally free, but this past year Sam found me again." Mia stopped when she noticed her hands were shaking, so she gradually tucked them under the table so Taira wouldn't see.

"In this past year he has attempted to kidnap me, payed dangerous people to hurt the ones I love and attempted to sexual assault me more than once, but I've had enough. I should have involved the police much earlier but now he is targeting other people I can't watch someone else go through that. So, I'm begging you as a professional and fellow victim to be truthful with the police, so he can't hurt you anymore. I will protect you and Hiro with every ounce of strength that I have." Mia had tears in her eyes, Taira was also crying and she stood up in a rush. Mia watched as her arms wrapped around her before Taira broke down and hugged her tightly. Mia was fighting to keep her emotions in check feeling this quivering body filled with pain consume her.

"I'm not alone." Taira whispered through her sobs. Mia squeezed her back for comfort.

"The police are coming today so we can make our statement, he's not going to get away with this I promise you." Taira settled down after a while and returned to her room. Mia sat at her desk overwhelmed with emotion and fear, she knew as soon as this statement was taken all hell would break loose. In truth, Mia was terrified that Sam had turned up at her office. In her state she contacted the only person she knew too. Mia sat with the phone to her ear praying he wasn't on set.

"Hey Mia, everything okay?" Mika sweet voice made her chest relax, she was so thankful he could make time for her.

"Hey, I'm so sorry for calling you during work but I need your help on something." Mia felt guilty disturbing him on shoot, but her fear levels had reached the max.

"Of course, anything." He seemed pleased she was relying on him which made her feel relieved.

"Sam came to my office today and threatened me, I was just wondering if you could make sure I get home." There was a long pause and Mia heard Mika take a deep breathe, she knew she was being a bother.

"Are you okay? How the hell did he get in your office?" Mika was more concerned than annoyed, and it made Mia feel at ease.

"My security needs revamping but I'm fine he just caught me off guard I guess."

"Listen, don't worry I'll take you home. He's not going to get anywhere near you I promise." It's funny how protection can peel a vein over you and Mia felt her heart rate steady.

"Thank you, I owe you one." They exchanged goodbyes after Mia detailed her finish time and address.

3 Hours later…

After a two-hour meeting with the police, there was now an arrest out for Sam James. After discussing both of their concerns Mia and Taira were now under protection after the police enforced a restraining order against him. Mia debriefed Taira after the very emotional discussion of her abuse but surprisingly Taira was very mentally strong and thanked Mia for her support. If anything, they both felt quite empowered finally taking a large step in reprimanding the monster which had haunted their lives for many years. Clinic wise there had been no large incidents and the rest of her shift ran smoothly.

Mia got dresses and excused herself from the building praying Mika was waiting for her but when her feet met the pavement her whole body switched into survival mode. Mia gulped as she prepared herself for a fight, it was deep rooted in her mind that he would be waiting for her, but she tried to be optimistic.

"Breaching your restraining order already Sam?" Although her voice trembled her fists remained bawled, Mia was not weak, and she could handle herself. Sam's expression was cold like the air around them, his whole body was soaked from the rain. Gradually his lips puckered into a smirk, Mia squinted at him precariously when she heard footsteps all around her. Backing herself against the building she watched as none other than Lang Hai stood before her. They had obviously been plotting while Sam had been missing in action. Mia almost laughed out loud seeing the group getting bigger. Mia pointed her finger upwards towards a camera planted on the outside of the building glaring straight at them.

"Go ahead, try it." She said tauntingly. Lang Hai gave her a dangerous glare unphased by the camera above him, it seemed this was more than just a payed job. This was a vendetta.

"I have to admit you're a pretty brave girl to taunt me like that or have you forgotten what happened the last time I squared off with you." Mia's mind flashed back to her blurry vision and bloodstained head leaning against Aiden's chest. The emotional attachment to that memory made her face go red with rage.

"You didn't hit me that hard that I would forget. Out of curiosity, are you here due to cowardly behaviour or would you like the satisfaction of watching me break. Because either way this will not go the way you want it to." Mia had keen eyes and just ahead she could see Mika's car in the distance playing smart, most likely calling the police.

"I'm tired of chasing after you Mia, I'm going to take you somewhere no-one will ever find you." His terrifying threat make her feel physically sick, when it came to comments like that sociopaths did not mistake their words. Mia had connections, people were reliant on her and she was not ready to let anyone down.

"I'm tired of talking. Are we going to do this or what?"