
"How do I make you go away for good?"

Survival is an instinct learned by only those who are strong enough to endure and fast enough to retreat. Fear is a powerful thing and can derive only the darkest of emotion within one's self. Survival does not necessarily mean fighting or running, it is a power buried deep within someone. When we are at our weakest sometimes, we can become the strongest. This was a quote from Mia's psychology paper based on trauma…as she was cornered by the darkness it spurred a strange reaction deep inside of her and she was no longer afraid. Taunting them all to advance she clenched her fists tightly and began waging war.

Lang Hai sneered and ran up towards her, Mia reached her leg up and delivered a brutal kick to his groin, seeing a path of freedom she sprinted past him towards the parking lot. As the cold wind airbrushed her face, she felt the claws of an animal grip her waist and hold her back. Mia swung her body around and elbowed Sam as hard as she could until his strong grip released. In truth, she was outnumbered but she knew the minute they trapped her within a vehicle her chances of success fell drastically. Men panted either side of her attempted to catch up, but this was the one time she was grateful for her size. Yelling and obscenities were called after her, but she was deaf hearing only the sound of her heavy heartbeat strumming deep inside. It acted like a pendulum and it was haunting when solely heard. Mia stared at her lonely Volkswagen as she passed it by, it would take too much time to retrieve her keys, time she didn't have.

Sounds began getting quitter and Mia tried to suppress the hope she had outrun them until she was safely tucked away somewhere but that hope grew like a seed in her stomach. Her aching legs carried her up to the high street, she had forgotten all about Mika praying he would come and save her. When she was surrounded by people that hope became more enlighten and she slowed her pace still unable to look back. Mia stumbled around frantically trying to locate the mob snapping at her heels but when she spun around, she felt like a mad woman, there was no-one in sight. People began eagle eyeing her so she sheepishly put up her hood and started walking quickly as her little legs could carry her.

Safety can also be an illusion, just because you can't see your enemy does not mean they aren't there. Mia began cautiously tiptoeing through the street surrounded by dusk, people began getting sparser and she felt more insecure by the minute when she remembered she had her phone. Mia pulled it out and punched in the buttons for the police when a hand snatched the device from her. Mia fore and looked up wearily slightly dazed at where she was.

"I can't let you do that beautiful." His sickly seductive voice made her stomach churn as she felt her feet move before her body his strong grip returned with a vengeance pulling her into a nearby alley. Mia was pinned u against the stone wall cracking her head violently against it. Sam and Lang Hai were out of breath glaring at her with animosity, Mia felt her bravery diminish and began searching for some form of psychology to talk her way out.

"The police already know your after me, if you let me go, I won't say anything." She said loudly trying to attract attention. His sweat writhe hand wraps its way round her mouth shunting her heavy breaths. Mia was exhausted running all that way, she hadn't engaged in exercise since University.

"You talk too much." Lang Hai said coldly punching her in the stomach, Mia was grateful she was still conscious and gripped Sam's wrist twisting the skin until it was red raw. Luckily her feet were still free, and she delivered another violent kick to Sam's chin. Sam winced in pain before slamming his free hand next to her head. Mia wondered what her face looked like right now. Did she look afraid? Weak?

"She really is a feisty one." Lang Hai chuckled actually surprised how much fight this little woman had. Sam smirked devilishly as if flaunting her. Mia's brows furrowed at him, they were both stronger than her and her ability to run was slowly running out like a sand timer as the adrenaline drained from her body. Still, she was in survival mode and would fight until her last bout.

"I wouldn't like her this much if she wasn't, I like strong women but she's by far my favorite." He said cunningly stroking her cheek with his thumb.

"The rest will be here in a second so keep her there for now." The throbbing in Mia's abdomen frisked her sullen heartbeat, the minute she heard the other men would be here any second, she began writhing her body. Sam looked a little shocked at her strength. Mia plunged deep into her brain to her Judo classes, when she learned substantial self-defense when a light-bulb popped in her head. Mia felt her mouth twitch into a smirk.

Suddenly, she bit down on the loose skin covering her mouth before shoving his hand upwards and ducking under his arm, Sam groaned in pain and before he could react Mia sprinted back onto the street. Like a knight in shining armor Mia spotted a familiar face standing at the end of a street searching in a panic.

"Mika!" she called out desperately before running towards him, Mika met her half way and embraced her tightly as her last bout of adrenaline caused her body to give out. Mika breathed heavily in relief as Mia felt the tears gush from her eyes.

"Where is he!" Mika looked behind her to see three men walking briskly their way, Mika flinched and stood ahead of him.

"That's enough, you lost!" she said childishly, it was like hide and seek but it was true Mia had won now she was safely in Mika's arms. Sam clicked his tongue at her before raising his head studying the tall man behind her giving him the most dangerous glare he had ever seen.

"You really do go after the money don't you Mia. Mika Hu out of all people." He laughed; Mika's anger flared as he walked forward before coming face to face with Sam who was slightly taller.

"Touch her again and I'll kill you, you f*cker." He growled viciously; Lang Hai backed off slightly. There was one category of people you did not mess with and that was celebrities, so he whistled and called off his men.

"You put up a good fight beautiful." Sam said in aggravation. Mia stood back in fear.

"I'll see you in court asshole." Sam scowled and spun on his heels leaving Mia and Mika still in shock at what had just happened. Mika turned around and grabbed Mia holding her close to his body, he could feel her heart thumping out of her chest, and she was shaking from head o toe.

"I never knew you could run so fast." He said humorously trying to lighten her mood, Mia chuckled catching her breath.

"H-How did you find me?" she said confused, she was sure he was calling the police. Mika pulled her back and lifted her chin assessing for injuries.

"I saw them corner you at the entrance and I jumped out to try and help but you were like a bullet, you sure gave them a good fight I'm impressed." He said in adoration, Mia smiled bypassing the lingering anxiety. It was strange being in another man's arms like this apart from Aiden's.

"I called the police they should be here soon, did they hurt you?" he pulled back and scanned her up and down, Mia didn't feel pain until she was reminded and pressed her had against the ribs.

"Bruised ribs but that's about it." She said sheepishly, Mika sighed and hugged her again. Before long the police found them, and Mia stood wrapped in Mika's coat on the pavement giving her statement. Thankfully, she had no lasting injuries so didn't need to go to the hospital, but the commotion had attracted a crowd. Mia watched Mika's face lower as a group of people nosily came to witness what was going on. Eventually, he was recognized, and people began taking pictures. Mika huddled close to Mia with his head down.

"Excuse me officer, do you have everything you need we need to be going soon." She asked slightly agitated people were, cornering Mika. Mika smiled at her thankfully as the young officer nodded. They both ran to the car and revved up the engine, as the crowd disappeared in the rear mirror, they both in sync expressed a long sigh before chuckling to each other.

"Are you alright?" Mika looked at her in disbelief before bursting into laughter.

"You were just chased by a stalker and Yakuza gang and you're asking me if I'm alright. You really are one of a kind." Mia smirked when she realized what she was doing.

"You're right but won't the paparazzi hound you to see what this was all about?" she asked worriedly feeling somewhat like a burden. Mika nudged her arm playfully and smiled.

"I can deal with the paparazzi, but my main concern right now is you. He really doesn't know when to quit does he?" Mia shook her head.

"A cornered animal will lash out begging for freedom, I think maybe Sam knew he wasn't going to win against me. So, he tried to shut me up for good." Mia looked out of the window imaging the horror that would have ensued if she hadn't of fought for her own freedom. Sam was a sadist and he wanted to break her it was clear about his comment in that desolate alleyway.

"Don't worry, I swear he won't hurt you. Can I ask you something?" he said shyly, Mia looking at him in apprehension. Mika cleared his throat.

"I won't be able to sleep if your alone, would you stay at my place tonight. I have a spare guest room." He added quickly on the end trying not to sound too perverted. Mia thought about her answer carefully, if people caught wind, she was staying at Mika Hu's house she would be swarmed with questions.

"Will it put your mind at ease?" she said happily, Mika nodded his bushing cheeks were adorable he was like a teenage boy.

"Thank-you, I'd appreciate that just for tonight." Mika smiled victoriously and began speeding towards his house.


Aiden was working hard in his office watching the sunset out of his window, Alice was sitting not far from him impatiently tapping her heel against his desk. Annoyed he glared at her until she smirked tauntingly.

"When can we go home?" she whined. Aiden rolled his eyes, he had never hated a woman so much in his life, she was a spoilt brat but since their arranged marriage she latched to him like a sloth. Aiden ignored her and began filing his documents begging she would vacate eventually. Alice huffed and pouted before turning on the television. Aiden zoned out the new broadcast and Alice giggled as she watched the reports, in truth she was quite sadistic and looked down on the poor which aggravated him immensely.

"Could you turn it off I'm working." He said bitterly purposely avoiding seeing her heavily made face. When Alice was silent, he looked up to see what had caused such a rare occurrence when the broadcast caught his attention.

"At approximately 8:30 pm a group of men belonging to the Yakuza attempted to kidnap and contain a young woman. From reports it seems famous movie actor Mika Hu was on site at the time. Unfortunately, the police were unable to apprehend the suspects, but the young woman managed to outrun their advances. We have issued a state of warning for the main city of Hangzhou." Aiden read the lips of the old reporter and felt his whole stomach shift when an image on none other than Mia and Mika standing on the sidewalk surrounded by police.

"Isn't that the girl who caught us kissing a few months ago?" she said humorously. Alice looked over at him to see his face whiter than a sheet.

"Get out." He said rudely before frantically searching for his phone. Alice tutted and strutted over to him.

"Did I not say it clearly enough get the f*ck out." He said angrily, seeing Mia's worried face made his heart sink and just the mere presence of Alice grinded on his last nerve.

"You still have a thing for that poor girl don't you, ugh you're so boring." Aiden stood up slamming his hands on the desk, startled Alice stumbled back catching her heel on the carpet.

"Alright, I'm leaving." Alice pouted and strutted out of the office, Aiden bit his nails as he picked up his phone. This was enough, he couldn't stand to see her in danger or with Mika Hu a second longer. Aiden pulled his cell phone to his ear praying they would answer.

"Father it's me, I need Lang Hai's number and I need it now." Aiden was the definition of pissed, there was a long pause before his father's voice called back.

"Why would you need such a thing, you're not in trouble are you?" It was funny how concerned and paternal his father could be once Mia was no longer in the picture and it boiled his blood.

"No, I need you to trust me. If you don't hand it over, I'll find him myself." Aiden overheard a pen scribbling in the distance and almost immediately his father gave in and called out the numbers one by one. Like lightning Aiden hung up cutting his father off. His phone was raised to his ear once more as he impatiently tapped his pen against the desk, his aura right now was frightening.

"Chu, I need a favor." A long sigh echoed back in frustration.

"I already saw the news; you want his address, right?" Aiden smirked it seemed they were on the same wavelength.

"Give me a second." Chu sounded tired as if he was begging Aiden not to call, whenever his dark tone spoke through the receiver it was always concerning Mia.

"You're torturing yourself you know." Chu said sympathetically. Aiden frowned hearing the sorrow in his friend's voice.

"I know what I'm doing Chu, could I have it please?" Chu gave in a called out his address, being a private investigator Chu had certain ways and means.

"Thankyou." Aiden hung up and threw on his coat in a hurry. Staff turned heads left and right seeing the usually composed boss running through the office like a madman. Aiden shrugged off the chatter around his and jumped into his car. Traffics lights couldn't turn green quick enough, he just wanted to see her face. See her bright blue eyes glow at him again, ensure her porcelain skin was untouched. Flashing images of her and Mika huddled together made his heart burn with jealousy.

Aiden glanced at his phone seeing missed calls from his father and mother as well as Chu most likely trying to talk him out of seeing her. To his despise Alice had also been calling him none stop so he turned his phone over so her didn't have to see her name. Aiden drove up to a higher-class estate protected by silver gates, it was safely guarded but the security recognized his ID and buzzed him through after he expressed this was a business meeting. Aiden could talk his way out of murder if it meant seeing Mia again, he was smart and slick. Glancing at the passing large houses he finally stopped off at the Hu residence.

Aiden took a deep breathe and looked at the white stone mansion, it was truly captivating but enclosed compared to his house, he pondered back to the way Mia would sit and stare out of the glass walls at the forest. She loved how the light would penetrate through the trees casting ombre shadows across the earth floor. Mentally he prepared himself and got out of the car, before his mind could settle, he watched as the front door opened. Immediately he scowled as Mika walked out of the house with a kind smile on his face, his attitude rubbed Aiden's nerves the wrong way.

"It's Aiden, right?" he said politely, wearily he nodded back. Mika chuckled and nodded his head towards the side of the house. Reluctantly he followed until he was met with a large garden washed in moonlight, Mika sat down and pulled out a cigarette from his pocket.

"Do you smoke?" he asked inquiringly, Aiden shook his head. Mika smiled and lit up his cigarette leaning his head back as the exhaled smoke evaporated in the air above.

"I figured you'd show up eventually." This time his voice wasn't as polite in fact it was quite cold. Aiden smirked seeing his true colors finally come out.

"Where is she?" Aiden asked sternly. Mika looked surprise how frightening his voice could really be. Chuckling he stood up as if sizing Aiden up.

"Mia's sleeping right now, she's exhausted. Anyone would be after going through that." Aiden clenched his fists, hearing she was sleeping in his house made him furious. However, hearing how concerned Mika was made him worry more.

"Let me ask you something." Aiden said angrily. Mika tilted his head childishly, judging by his expression Mika already knew what he was going to ask.

"Are you dating?" Mika took a long draw off his cigarette before clenching his fists.

"Not officially, what do the kids call it these days. Unrequited love?" Aiden walked over and sat opposed to him glaring intimidatingly.

"Are you in love with her?" he said tauntingly, Mika smiled.

"Who wouldn't be. She's kind, strong, smart, pretty. What more can any man ask for?" Aiden lunged forward grabbing his collar, Mika rolled his eyes nonchalantly.

"Now it's my turn to ask you something." Aiden squinted his eyes cautiously, this kid didn't seem phased at all.

"How do I make you go away for good?"

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