
I got transmigrated as the female lead

I certainly didn't expect, that I would die in a car crash on that day. But while dying in a car crash was one thing, getting transmigrated into a novel was something completely else. Wait, why am I the main female lead of this novel? Wasn't I a man?

VoidCeremonist · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Transmigration (2)

You know, I've always wondered why girls liked dresses so much.

Sure, they were pretty and all, but they always looked really uncomfortable to me. Even if I would've been born as a girl, I couldn't imagine ever wearing a dress.

However, now that I am actually wearing one...

...I can confirm that my assumption was true.

They fucking suck.

On the way from my room to the library alone, I tripped almost twenty times, and it would've been way more if I hadn't found a butler that guided me to the library.

"At least I am here now..."

I sighed as I walked through the library, looking for any books regarding the history or culture of this world.

"Oh, what are you doing here, milady?"


I got startled by an unknown voice calling out to me.

The voice was deep, probably belonging to a man.

As I turned around, I could see that my guess was proven, as a tall man who looked to be the librarian stood in front of me.

He looked like an important character with his blue hair and eyes that reminded me of the tones of the sky.

At least I think that he is the librarian.

My theory was based on the sole fact that he wore fancy glasses, and I couldn't imagine the author of a harem novel actually thinking deeply about the character designs of the characters other than the main character and harem members.

Looking into his deep blue eyes, I responded.

"I was just looking for a book."

I didn't know how advanced Weiss' vocabulary was at the age of 8, so I tried to talk as little as possible.

"Is that so?" The man nodded thoughtfully, putting his hand on his chin. "Hmm...then what are you looking for, milady?"

Every time he called me 'milady', a feeling of utmost cringe crawled down my spine, as it reminded me of the discord mods in my previous world.

Is that how being a discord kitten felt like?

"History and culture."

Widening his eyes, he gave me an impressed look.

"Oh, you are already so advanced in your studies?"

I nodded.

Truthfully, I didn't even know what I was supposed to be studying, but I just decided to go with the flow.

"Alright." The man reached out his hand to me, flashing me a gentle 'handsome guy' smile. "Then let me take you to those books."

If I was in any other place than my own home, I would've probably run away by now.

A suspicious glasses guy who keeps calling me 'milady' and tries to hold my hand seemed pretty shady to me.

However, this was my own home, and I doubted that the Azelios' would hire untrustworthy employees.

Grabbing his hand, he dragged me to the history books.

On our way to those shelves, both of us didn't say anything, just silently walked, which I preferred.

"I will be going then. Please call for me when you need me, milady."

He pointed over to a desk at the other side of the room, followed by him bowing down to me before leaving my sight.

Seeing people respect me and bow down to me was kind of satisfying.

I wondered if this was also one of the effects of power.

If so, then it was just one more reason for me to gain it.

Absolute power.

Power so great that nobody could bother me anymore and everybody would either fear or respect me.


Turning my head to the bookshelves, I used my skill [Reading] to roughly locate the books that I needed right now.

I skimmed over the names of the books and filtered them by their names one by one.

"This one should be fine for now..."

I whispered as I stood on my toes, grabbing a book that was called 'the history of the world'.


As I pulled the book out of the shelf, I was taken by surprise by the sudden heaviness of the book.

Well, not really surprised by the heaviness of the book, as the book was pretty big, probably entailing more than a few thousand pages, but more surprised at my current weakness.

I forgot that my current body was weak, so I carelessly took the book from its shelf.

It was a no-brainer that this book probably entailed all the information I needed to get a rough summary of this world.

Another book I grabbed was called 'Difference in cultures', which I will use to broaden my knowledge about the cultures of this world.

Of course, I also had some knowledge about this world.

The main story should start in around 8 years when I turn 16 and enter the Arcadien academy, so I still had plenty of time left.

According to my memory, Weiss' parents were also really chill, so I had plenty of freedom to do whatever I want.

No, rather, I remembered them as even doting, so that was just another advantage to me.

Seriously, if I would be ignoring the fact that I transmigrated into the body of a little girl, everything else was practically a perfect setup for me.

Walking to a nearby table, I dragged the books behind me.

"Aaaand hup!"

With a short call, I threw the books on a table before jumping on a nearby chair.

With my current height, I was barely able to look over the book, but I could still read it, so it was fine.

"So let's start with my plan on gaining absolute power..."

Activating [Reading], my eyes were filled with mana, as the world started to turn into letters and words.



Hundreds of years ago, a cruel demon lord existed in the demon realm.

With the might of the Demon lord, the demons and other monsters could escape the domain of the demon realm and spread around the world, terrorizing humanity.

However, one day, a human appeared with enormous talent.

This human was called 'the hero'.

In a ferocious war against the demon lord and its army, the hero managed to seal the demon lord by sacrificing their own life.

And thus, the demon lord was sealed, nowhere to be seen, and the demons and monsters retreated into the demon realm.

Although the demon lord was sealed, he was still alive, waiting for his time for the seal to grow weaker and break free from his shackles, coming back to the world and terrorizing it.


I clicked my tongue when I finished reading the first part of the book.

The first part of the book seemed to be a mix of different legends and stories about the hero and told their journey in utmost detail, from their beginning to the end.

What a cliche story it was.

However, it got more interesting the further I read, as history slowly approached its current time.

In summary, there were a few wars between the different races, and most of the wars were started by the alliance of the orcs and the dwarves.

While humans seemed to be the weakest race on paper, because they don't have any special racial abilities, they had the most potential due to a single trait.

While every other race was restricted to one mana attribute due to their harmony with nature, humans possessed the ability to use a wide arsenal of attributes, thus being able to overpower the other races when they fought in a group.

In a 1v1 though?

The humans would absolutely get destroyed.

Well, there are, of course, exceptions such as the hero or the knight commander, but these were monsters that one usually didn't even consider fully human.

The second book about culture also seemed to be interesting enough and very informative, as it explained the different etiquettes and societal structures of the different races.

To put it simply: Elves liked nature, Orcs do boom boom strength and dwarves made clink clink blacksmith.

Closing my eyes, I sorted all that information into my brain to not get a headache.

Usually, taking in so much information at once wasn't possible without any major drawback, so I guessed that it was a passive ability of [Reading] that wasn't explained in the description.

While I could still feel a slight headache incoming, it was barely a drawback, considering the advantage it offered.

"Alright then." I sighed as I closed the book, massaging my temples. "This is enough for today."

Jumping from the chair, I wanted to put the book back in its original place, as I was suddenly interrupted by the voice of a man.

"There you are, Weiss!"

The man called out to me when he passed by the floor, stopping as he saw me in the corner of his view.

Judging by his white hair and blue eyes, which resembled mine, I deduced that he was a relative of mine.

Probably either my father or my brother.


I said in a monotonous voice, not wanting to say too much to reduce the possibility of saying something that could be suspicious.

"How was your day?"

Unfortunately, I forgot that my communication skills were absolute garbage.