
I give up this book

Enter the world in 2022. To follow Matheus in his journey to be a great saint. A 19-year-old dude, that wants to be supremely and definitively happy, since he couldn't find this happiness in this world, he decides to accept a religion that looks true, so that he can be happy in the afterlife. But it won't be easy, the demons, his carnal desires, and the false promises of happiness in this world will try to send his soul to hell. This story's adventures are like in a table RPG, sometimes you talk things out, fight or another thing, it depends on the situation.

MatheusHehehaw · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Matheus tells his parents about his supernatural experiences.

1 July 2022 Friday 240BRL

In the morning, during the shower, Matheus was thinking, when night fell, his father and mother were at home, they invited him to go eat outside on Saturday, and he accepted.

"There are some things I wanna tell you two," he said to them.

"Why not now?" His mom said with curiosity.

"I"m collecting data," Matheus answered.

2 July 2022 Saturday 320BRL (I'm keeping track of his money to not forget if you guys want I can stop.)

Around 10AM the family arrived at the shopping mall of Santos, Sophia started yelling "MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS!" Casca copies Sophia, "Ok, ok stop yelling girl pls," Matheus said annoyed since they hurt his hearing. They take seats to wait for their food to be ready.

Matheus, his father, mother, 6-year-old sister, and Casca are present.

With a smile on her face, Angela(mom) says "I'm so happy that you came with us."

Julio(dad) says "yeah, you stay too much time at home, you are never going to get a girlfriend this way." he chuckles

Matheus's heart is beating fast, he is anxious, fearing how they might react, but he acts calm to not make them anxious too.

"I want to reveal some secrets," casually said "I have regeneration powers like wolverine, this ring can turn into a halbert..." he said all those stuff, and the rest of his supernatural experiences in the previous chapters (except the origin of Casca), so casually, that his parents thought this was a joke. Matheus was expecting this to happen.

Plan B, when they got back around 1PM, Matheus used the halbert to cut himself superficially, just to show them he was telling the truth. They were surprised.

"You did the right decision telling us," his mom said and dad agrees too.

Matheus casually says "I also want to ask something..." they pay attention to him, "I noticed that there is a condom in the condom, you two by any chance are making sex with them?"


They stop looking at him and just watch the TV.

"I ask because using them is a sin, in case you two don't know" he casually said.


"I also remember you guys eating meat on Friday, it's actually okay as long as you two do extra penance or something along those lines, I don't remember that well, gotta search it on google later."


"Also dad should not make a vasectomy, that's a sin too" he is saying all of the time in a very polite and calm way.

But his dad for some reason looks angry catching Matheus by surprise.

Matheus is feeling a little bit of fear, but he endures it for the good of his father and says "this is in the catechism of the catholic church, you can check online if you want sir." he is calm and collected, trying to not escalate the situation, he thinks maybe his father was having a bad day.

The angry father says "look, you read this because it's your interest, I don't read it because it's not mine interest okay?" meanwhile mom is just watching TV in silence.

Matheus feels the desire to cry, but he holds it, maintaining his calm and welcoming face, "I think it's your interest since, it teaches us what is a sin and what is not. Of course, I'm assuming you wanna go to heaven. You have to read it since involuntary ignorance excuses a sin but, if you don't know by negligence it won't. Like learning the transit laws is important for drivers, learning the catechism is important for catholic to learn how to drive to heaven. " he said with genuine intent to advise.

Julio gets up from the couch murmuring in anger words and goes to the kitchen, looks like he doesn't wanna talk.

Matheus starts asking himself if he did something wrong, he did not have the intention to bother his father, and he had the conviction to stop talking if his father said so, he doesn't wanna give advice to people that don't want. He thinks 'he was angry but I thought that he wanted to talk anyway.'

Sad by what happened he goes to his room with a submissive body language and went through the kitchen, looking at the ground to avoid eye contact with his father, he doesn't want his father to think that he is trying to provoke him.

He succeed in revealing his secrets but failed in trying to convert his parent into better Catholics, 'looks like they don't bother to learn the doctrine, imagine following them.' he thought.