
I give up this book

Enter the world in 2022. To follow Matheus in his journey to be a great saint. A 19-year-old dude, that wants to be supremely and definitively happy, since he couldn't find this happiness in this world, he decides to accept a religion that looks true, so that he can be happy in the afterlife. But it won't be easy, the demons, his carnal desires, and the false promises of happiness in this world will try to send his soul to hell. This story's adventures are like in a table RPG, sometimes you talk things out, fight or another thing, it depends on the situation.

MatheusHehehaw · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Giant furry

30 June 2022 Thursday

Matheus went to the kitchen and found his Dad visibly disturbed.

"What's wrong?" Matheus asks him.

"Not big of a deal. I just have to get money to buy bread, because my friend is having problems with rats that came from the neighbor."

Matheus is visibly confused.

"He owns a bakery, he gives me free breed."

"Oh," Matheus said.

"Do you remember the bread you ate yesterday, it's his."

"Damm, his bread is the bomb where is his bakery?"

Matheus arriving there asks his guardian angel through telepathy "ok, I do now?"

"Do you see that dude with a dad belly and white shirt? tell him..."

Matheus approaches the man that looks tired, around his 40s, and says "hi, you are Osmar right?"

He looks Matheus in the face like he is about to realize something then says with disbelief "Matheus?"


Osmar drops the tired body language, gives and heartwarming hug to Matheus, and even wiggles him a little bit "Damm I didn't even recognize you, you grew so much!"

It's like water and oil, Osmar sanguine, and Matheus with his phlegmatic temperament.

"Oh sorry I'm stinking" Osmar stops hugging him "finally leaving your cave, what brings you here?" Matheus opens his mouth to speak but Osmar continues talking "I would bring you some fresh bread but I'm still trying to kill this damm rat." he whispers in Matheus's ears. "man my back is killing me, I'm getting too old for this, guess I'm calling for help." reaches his pocket.

"Where is the rat? maybe I can get him." Matheus said.

Osmar says "no, you don't have to do this, it's okay." what a kindy man not trying to put his burden on the shoulders of others.

"No problem." Matheus said.

Osmar put his arm around Matheus back hugging him and whispers in his ear "look, I hit this bastard really hard and he straight up ignored me and kept eating, he has the height of a freaking cat."

Matheus looks worried he says "oh, let me think for a bit."

Osmas releases him and then says "ok buddy, remember, I totally understand if you don't help me, I can just call someone to fix it." then starts looking at his phone.

Matheus says to his GA "ok can you tell me your full plan already, first you tell me to go here, and talk to him, now what? what is the end goal of all of this?"

Ga says "check your pocket."

Matheus finds a ring with the world "halberd" in it.

"This ring can turn into a halberd. I want you to kill the rat."

"Ok but why me?" Matheus said.

GA says nothing.

Matheus thinks "ok I gotta use it hidden... but Osmar is evangelical maybe if he sees me using the ring, he can think this is a miracle and convert to catholicism... I'm not sure... he can freak out and think is witchery too... but he goes to church very often... ah but he is gonna tell my dad..."

"Hey I'm going to house-pick something to deal with him," he said to Osmar.

2 minutes later...

Osmar is in the front of his bakery he sees something that makes him surprised "wow" he said.

It's Matheus wielding the halbert.

Osmar admired says "how the hell you got one of these?"

"A friend gave it to me."

Osmar is excited "oh boy this rat is dead already" he hands Matheus the backroom keys making Matheus feel surprised by his trust in him.

Matheus at the front of the door, can already hear things moving inside the room, he gets his weapon resting on his shoulder and with his left hand opens the door a little bit just o look inside, it's an L-shaped room, The thing is probably hidden at the end of it, he enters and closes the door unlocked, put both hands on halbert and slowly walks to the origin of the sound...

A rat 1 meter in height comes and rushes towards Matheus, he releases a vertical swing hitting the head but can't penetrate the skull, rat bites his left thigh and scratches his legs, Matheus punches the rat's injury making him leave Matheus and his head straight to the door, it opens the door, and runs away.

Matheus uses the halbert as a walking stick, goes straight to the refrigerator to grab a soda, and drinks the entire can fast.

Osmar gest inside then says "DUDE WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THAT?!"


He leaves the bakery with haste, his wounds regenerated.

This is mainly a residential area so the rat won't find a lot of people but he still might injure someone.

Matheus starts running following the tracks, and he can see the rat, a cop patrol car also sees it leave to shit the rat, but it manages to jump into the sewer and escape.

Matheus goes back to the bakery with the cops.

Matheus more calm says to Osmar "sorry for screaming at you earlier, I was stressed."

Osmar forgives him.

The cops check the backrooms to see if there are more, but no more rats are found, everyone was shocked they never saw a rat so big. The news will spread on the TV, the internet and etc. Some cameras even recorded it.

Matheus goes back to his house, and his dad hears him, and he appears worried "you are alright son?! Osmar told me what happened."

He lifts Matheus's shirt and touches him to see if he is injured.

"It's okay," Matheus said, "just let me rest for a bit."

He goes to his room and lies in his bed with Casca that was sleeping this whole time.

In his mind he says to his GA "ok, I'm ready."

Since earlier GA said he would explain what happened.

With a serious voice, the GA says "I'm afraid, God will punish humanity..." his voice gets goofy" oh actually nevermind, it's not necessary anymore."


Later that day Matheus got interviewed by the local TV.

Matheus felt sad that God allowed his suffering.