
I finally get a Chance of Another life, to bad I was reborn as a fish.

He wasn’t supposed to die, or thats what some would say, he was to young they would say, but what dead is dead and for some reason he’s now stuck in a game show where he has to spin for a new life And for some reason his luck hates him because he was reborn a fish.

Nic_Solly · ファンタジー
5 Chs


When he awoke he felt as if he died.

And trust him he knows the feeling.

His small fishy body moved around with the tide against his will as he winced as every sore muscle stung from the unwanted movement.

Just what in the world did he eat?

Forcing his eyes open he notice a screen pops up before him.

'Congratulations you have raised your status by 5 times the original amount you can now add points passed the maxed out amount for your species.'

He raised his gun in victory only to wince at the movement. He watched as the daily life in the lake went on, death life and so on but he hid a smile.

He's gonna be one op fish.

Speaking of he never really checked what the raised stats mean when he attacks, he always just inadvertently killed his family members what happened if he kills them with his own fins.

Wow when he go crazy?

Ignoring his moral conscience once again he swam around looking for his next victim. He happened upon a huge frog swimming near the surface.

He almost laughed at the amateur move, everyone knows that if your gonna stray towards the surface keep and eye on what's going on below you.

Thankfully the frogs ignorance if just what he needs to test his new fishy strength. Lining up from below his target he began to swim towards the frog at his top speed.

He suddenly twist so that he could fling his back fin at the frog slapping the frog across the face and sending it towards a nearby log.

The unlucky frog hit a stray stick near the log effectively impaling the frog. He winced as he examine his work.

It wasn't pretty he quickly turned around to flee the scene of the crime, nearby fish stared their blank eyes at him as he swam away with determination.

+15 points

He slowed at the notification before trying to calmly swim away as if he didn't commit frog murder five seconds ago.

It's not like anyone in the gods forsaken lake care about it.

He swam near the shallow end eating surprisingly good bugs that like to swarm this area.

"Patriarch our sect is failing we must send our disciples of towards the competition or we will be publicly embarrassed."

"Don't question me when I say they are not ready than they are not ready"

"Some of our core disciples have been ready for years they are getting restless, if we are not careful they might leave us for another sect"

"Than let them try no self respecting sect would take in a disciple with a history of disloyalty"

He was starting to actually get into the argument, looking towards the pair of humans that stood next to the lake he watched on wishing he had some popcorn cause this would make one interesting tv show in his past life.

The old man continued to ignore the younger instead preferring to turn and look towards the lake with an old man look in his eye.

Curious he swam towards the man as the elderly man sat down near the edge of the water effectively ignoring his younger counterparts.

He heard a huff before the younger man left leaving alone them together.

"Well you look at that" he felt a gaze land on him.

The old man smiled towards him before moving his eyes in order to get a better look at him.

"You little fish have the markings of a dragon..though I can tell it will take awhile before you transform."

The shadow of the man's aged hand hovered above him before he felt some petting motion on his body.

Is this old man petting a fish.

What's up with him attracting weird old men, actually that sounds wrong.

"Maybe before I die I will have the honor of seeing your transformation.. though with my old bones I don't think it's possible little one.. though I don't mind helping you speed up the process."

He felt his body be lifted before he was put into a vase that appeared out of no where.

Seriously what's up with people here and their vases.

His poor sore body ached at the water in the vase splashed around as he felt the old man lift his new cage and walk away from the lake.

Wait.. away from the lake.