
I Do Daily Quests In Wizard World

This is a vast and powerful wizarding world community. Powerful wizards willfully capture gods, conquer planes, and transform civilizations. Lin En came to this world and after being exposed to the power of wizards, he gradually realized that knowledge is power and power is truth. On the road of pursuing the truth, I will always be a humble apprentice.

potz4ever · ファンタジー
70 Chs


The man's head was covered in blood and he screamed miserably.

  The noisy tavern suddenly fell silent.

  Many eyes fell on him.

   "There are monsters in the mine, eating a lot of people, it's terrible!"

  The man got up from the ground and cried out for help.

   "They're all dead, they're all dead, those monsters are terrible." The man was in a trance and was seriously stimulated.

"What happened in the mine?" A group of drunkards surrounded by a large table fell silent, and there was no quiet person next to him to keep him physically quiet. An older man with a gray beard and prestige looked up. ask.

  "We were sleeping at night when a monster like a snake broke in suddenly, bigger than a cow. Pete just stood up from the bed at that time, and then his head and upper body were swallowed by the monster."

   "I ran out and found that there were many identical monsters in the mine. If those monsters came to the town, it would be over."

"Hahahaha, Lal, I think you are having a nightmare. I have been digging mines for five years, and I have never seen any monsters. Besides, there are so many people here, what are we afraid of?" a drunken man The drunkard stood up and patted his chest, but his posture was unsteady, his cheeks flushed. "Let's go, you lead the way, I want to see if it's my pickaxe or the monster's head!"


  Lin En's expression froze slightly, this world is really not safe.

  I just hope that tomorrow's journey will not be delayed.

  Hearing that the monster looked like a snake, Lynn's first reaction was to the monster raised by the teacher.

  If that lizard was seen hastily in the dark, it is not impossible to be recognized as a snake. That monster feeds on people, and it might secretly go to the tooth festival.

   But later he heard that there were several of the same monsters in the open space of the mine, and Lynn knew that his guess must be wrong.

   Unless that lizard monster has several companions.

  The drunkards in the tavern yelled for a while, and finally, a dozen or so miners who were still sober left the tavern. Judging from their tone, it seemed that they were going to the church in the town.

  The rest of the drunk alcoholics were placed in a big room with a full shop behind the tavern to rest.

   Lynn ate the food, then got up and went upstairs to the room.

  Mine outside the town.

   A bungalow was built outside the mine for the miners to live in, but at the moment the bungalows are in chaos.

A large number of people fled in all directions, and in the open space, the moonlight shone faintly. A strange creature about three meters long, silver-gray, resembling an earthworm, and a snake was standing there, with its silver-gray head shaking from side to side.

   seems to be distinguishing the smell in the air.

   After a while, it seemed that the direction was determined, and the monster went straight into the ground. The solid ground was like soft mud, and the monster easily burrowed into the ground.

  On a high ground not far away, a tall figure who seemed to be wearing a cloak was condescending and overlooking.

   "It's terrible." Lauren was terrified, and a monster appeared there.

  He and the big lizard followed behind the owner's carriage. They didn't dare to appear on the main road blatantly during the day, and could only follow the owner's trail from the mountains and forests on both sides of the road.

  Anyway, this big lizard has a keen sense of smell, so I just need to follow behind the big lizard.

   As soon as we arrived in town, the big lizard brought him here.

   After coming, I found some monsters rushed out of the mine.

  Turning his head to look at the large lizard beside him with spitting core and faint eyes, Lauren looked down again.

   "You don't want to go down, right? Wouldn't it be exposed to the eyes of ordinary people? I wouldn't make a move without the master's order. I'm really crazy. What if I haven't hit it before." Lauren shook her head crazily.

  But the next moment, Lauren stopped talking.

  Because before he finished speaking, the large lizard beside him had already rushed down the hillside.

  The huge body shuttled quickly in the rocky field, even with Lauren's eyesight, he could only vaguely see a vague figure.

  Looking from a distance, in the mine at the foot of the mountain, a miner was running away. Suddenly, the soil under his feet broke open, and a miner who was running away in the mine at the foot of the mountain suddenly tripped over the rolling soil under his feet.

  The next moment, a huge head emerged from the mud.

  Accompanied by a shrill scream, the lower half of his body was directly swallowed by the monster below him.


  A gigantic monster suddenly rushed out from the oblique side, as arrogant and unreasonable as a bulldozer, directly flying the monster that drilled out of the soil.

  The earthworm monster that was knocked into the air was about to turn around, and a faint red light appeared from the eyes of the lizard monster that had savagely killed it all the way up the mountain.

  Looking into these eyes, this earthworm-like monster froze in place, and the next moment, its head was bitten off.

   The juice is overflowing.

   This earthworm monster, which cannot even be injured by a mining pick, is as fragile as a piece of paper in front of the lizard monster.

   "Sister, I don't want to do this." The blond girl sighed quietly, "Why did my father let me go to Bangor Harbor, I don't want to leave the kingdom."

"Anna, you need to know that the current kingdom is not safe, only that place is relatively safe, only if you become a wizard, these mortal battles will not affect you, and you have the right to choose freely '" Dolores said.

   "I heard that it's hard to come back after going there." Anna stared into her sister's eyes and said stubbornly.

   "Who said, as long as you become an official wizard, you can come back if you want," Dolores said. "And it's not just you, I'll go there with you too, you're not alone."

   "Then why didn't any of our family's ancestors come back?" Antina bit the corner of her lips lightly, a little puzzled.

"And now the plague is still breaking out in the territory, and the kingdom in the north is also invading us. That's war." Anna said: "Why did father let us leave at this time? Did father encounter some danger and wanted us to go first?" take refuge."

  Dolores couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this.

  My sister is really innocent.

   "If this is the purpose, will father make you leave the family territory so obviously?" Dolores comforted her silly sister.

  Anna was taken aback for a moment, thinking that what her sister said made sense.

   If it was really shameful, he would not let Uncle Dempsey lead a team of knights to follow him.

  Uncle Dempsey is a well-known great knight in the north of the kingdom.

There are hundreds of knights in his father's Rhododendron Dukedom, and among the many knights, Uncle Dempsey is above all the knights. He is one of the three major knights in the Dukedom, and he is even named the Storm Knight.

  She heard that Uncle Dempsey once led a ten-man knight squad to defeat thousands of bandits head-on.

  In the next room, Dempsey, holding a sword, stood against the door and stood behind it.

  The corridors in the hotel have wooden floors, and the sound of people stepping on them will be very clear.

  At this moment, the footsteps in the corridor have a low-pitched sound that is deliberately suppressed, and the footsteps also give him an indescribably weird feeling, not quite human.

  The owner of the footsteps is obviously not light, and the sound is particularly dull when he steps on the floor, and there is a faint dragging sound behind him. The owner of the footsteps seems to be dragging things in the long and narrow corridor.

   Dempsey made up a picture in his mind. A tall, strong man with slow steps was dragging heavy things in the corridor.

  Dempsey's thick eyebrows were frowned upon, and his body was tense, like a sword ready to strike.

  The next door is the lady's room, if the owner of the footsteps stops at the door of the lady's room, he will break open the door as quickly as possible and cut out the sword in his hand.

  The layout of the hotel corridor emerged in his mind. If he rushed out, at what angle should he stab the sword, and if the opponent dodged, which move should he use next?

   At this moment in the corridor, Lauren turned her head and looked at the wall beside her in a strange way.

  Ever since he became a lizardman, he found that his hearing has become very sensitive. The woman in the hotel pant, the man pants, the old man coughs... and the very weak breathing behind the wall.

   Is there a person hiding behind the wall?

   Lauren scratched her head.

   full of doubts.