
I Do Daily Quests In Wizard World

This is a vast and powerful wizarding world community. Powerful wizards willfully capture gods, conquer planes, and transform civilizations. Lin En came to this world and after being exposed to the power of wizards, he gradually realized that knowledge is power and power is truth. On the road of pursuing the truth, I will always be a humble apprentice.

potz4ever · Fantasy
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70 Chs


The place to rest tonight is a hotel in the town.

  The decoration style is somewhat similar to the Red Leaf Hotel. To be precise, the decoration style of many hotels in the current era is very similar.

  A hotel serves many functions at the same time: accommodation, food, storage, consignment, and entertainment.

   Those who can become innkeepers often have backgrounds in the local area. Apart from the nobles, innkeepers are basically the wealthiest group of people.

   Come down the stairs and walk into the open space outside the hotel.

  The wind at night is a bit cold, the hotel is surrounded by a fence outside, and there is a wooden plaque on the main gate.

  The side of the hotel is the well-built cowshed and stables, and the smell of livestock spreads far away.

  Some horses in the stables buried their heads, lowered their heads, and chewed the few dry types of grass left in the manger.

   Behind it is an empty area, where some carriages and four-wheeled flatbed carts or trolleys are parked.

   There are smoke stars and conversations faintly coming from there.

  The hotel will have special people guarding these carriages and four-wheel flatbed vehicles at night, but they also need to pay a guard fee to the hotel.

   Behind it is the stone building of the hotel, where the place to drink and the place to stay are separated.

  The drinking tavern is on the first basement floor, and the accommodation needs to go up the stairs in the other direction.

  Under the night, the gloomy stone building is gloomy gloomy, with only a few dim lights flickering slightly between the windows.

   On the contrary, the hall of the underground tavern next to the cellar is brightly lit, and the noisy sound comes from the underground tavern.

  The night was a little damp and cold, Lynn hugged his coat tightly, and pushed open the oak door, and the tallow candle mixed with the sour smell of sweat came to his face.

This small town is very big, and it is the largest town that Lynn has seen along the way. I heard from Old Kim that there is a big iron mine next to the town. Iron ore is the main source of income for this town. Miners It is a hard and tiring job, but the pay is not low.

  So many miners will come to the hotel to drink a glass of happy wine when they are on vacation.

  Stepping on the stone stairs into the underground tavern, the inside is much warmer than the outside.

  Although it was late at night, there were still a lot of voices.

  Behind the bar, the counter is a whole wall of wine cabinets, which are filled with various kinds of rum, ale, and beer.

  There are many round wooden tables in the cellar, surrounded by seats like tree stumps.

  Many drunkards were sitting on the seats, and a few drunkards in the corner were drunk, took off their shirts to reveal their chests covered with chest hair, and sang folk songs from their hometown with their shoulders crossed.

  On the other side, there were several women in bold and avant-garde clothes sitting in the corner.

Lynn saw a drunken alcoholic walking over to talk to the woman, and the conversation started. The woman was a little angry at first, but after she took out some diaphragmatic things in her chest, she looked at the golden beans, and a smile appeared on her face. Standing up and wrapping his arms around the drunkard's neck, the whole body would hang on him, bright red lips whispering in his ears.

   The two got up and left the cellar together.

  The drunkard's hands are not clean, and the woman is like a puddle of water that almost melts on the man.

   When the two passed by, there was a faint voice.

   "made a fortune."


  The smell of hormones was fermenting, Lynn sneezed, and the smell of inferior perfume was a bit pungent.

   Stepped on the thick carpet on the floor, perhaps it hadn't been cleaned for a long time, and it was a little dirty.

  Lin En found a remote vacant seat and sat down. The bartender ran over with a towel and wiped the table, "Sir, what would you like to drink?"

   "Some wine," Lynn said.

  Drinking too much ale recently, and he wants to try new flavors.

"There are three kinds of wine, one is the red wine made by our hotel, using the grapes selected from the local orchard, eighty copper coins a bunch. Then there is the bottled red wine imported from the northern vineyards, two silver coins a bottle. The last one is from The finest white wine brought by the brandy family, the finest wine, eight silver coins a bottle."

   "Except for the most expensive one, order a bottle for the rest, and another barbecue," Lynn said.

   "Ok sir, a total of three silver coins and thirty copper coins." The waiter said.

  Lin En threw the coins into the tray held by the waiter. The waiter had good eyesight, silently counted the coins in his heart, and then bowed and left politely.

  The cold wind poured in, and a golden girl in a luxuriously dressed and fluffy princess dress walked into the hotel.

   Behind the girl, a man and a woman followed on the left and right respectively.

  The man was tall, wearing a cloak, his figure was hidden under the cloak, and there was a scar at the corner of his eyes on his rough and dark face.

   Can't see the exact appearance.

  The woman next to her is a little older, wearing a white cloak with a platinum knitted lace dress inside, and has long golden wavy hair.

   "Where's the menu, bring the menu here." The golden girl also found a remote corner, which happened to be diagonally opposite Lynn, and the girl couldn't wait to greet the waiter.

  The older woman next to the girl seemed to dislike the environment there. After entering the tavern, she covered her nose and wiped the dust on the table.

  The waiter walked in small steps, holding a wooden board in his hand, engraved with various dishes in the tavern.

   "A bottle of brandy wine, a cumin roast meat, a roast rabbit, and a salad creamed corn." The girl ordered food enthusiastically.

   "Uncle Dempsey, Sister Dolores, what do you want?" the girl asked the two people beside her.

  The older woman smiled slightly, with dimples on her face, "I want to keep my figure, and I can't eat at night, or I won't be able to wear the prom dress if I gain weight."

  The man next to him shook his head slightly, his eyes hidden in the shadow of the cloak scanning the tavern.

   His eyes paused for a second on Lynn, who was sitting diagonally opposite and nearest, and then he looked at the noisy alcoholic in the distance.

"Sir, your wine is here." The waiter was carrying a plate with a bottle of wine and a large bottle of red wine on it. Smoked barbecue.

  A fork and a knife were placed beside the dinner plate, and Lynn picked them up to cut the barbecue on the dinner plate.

  Eat it in your mouth, it tastes a bit like beef.

   He picked up the wine in the large glass bottle next to him and took a sip. It was sour and astringent, with a slight smell of alcohol.

The blond girl sitting not far away lowered her voice and asked the woman sitting next to her, "Sister Dolores, is Bangor Port really as prosperous as those in the Royal Capital say, is it more prosperous than the Royal Capital? "

   "Of course, the area of ​​Bangor Port is not as big as the capital, but it is an open port. It is indeed more exotic than the capital, and there are many exotic delicacies." Dolores said.

   "Food?" The girl's eyes lit up when she heard that there were many delicacies she had never tasted before.

   "There is still half a year before the fleet that comes out of that place to recruit wizard apprentices will arrive at Bangor Port. It may be many years before we return to the kingdom next time." Dolores said softly.

  The conversation between the two was not loud, and many people in the noisy tavern couldn't hear it clearly, but Lynn, who was relatively close, still heard it vaguely.

  Although the voice of the person at the table diagonally opposite was low, they did not cover it up deliberately.

  A fleet to recruit wizard apprentices? Bangor Harbor?

  Lin En pondered, and the speed of cutting the barbecue in his hand gradually slowed down.

  He knew that his teacher came from a certain academy that specialized in cultivating wizards, is that the place they mentioned?

   There is also a dedicated fleet, isn't that place on this continent?

  My teacher took me to Bangor Port, could it be related to this fleet? From what they said, it is not convenient to come back from that place. Could it be that my teacher is a traitor wizard who sneaked out?

  Lin En thought about it but felt that it was not necessarily true, since there was a place to train wizards.

  Then there may be two, perhaps other than the academy that Angelet mentioned, there are other forces that cultivate wizards.

  Going out for a late-night snack unexpectedly yielded unexpected rewards.

  The taste of wine and barbecue can only be regarded as mediocre to Lynn.

  Compared with those delicacies in memory, the food of this era has a feeling of a gourmet dessert.

  Since the power of wizards is so magical, can I make some kind of magic props that specialize in gourmet food in the future, or cultivate some particularly delicious animals and plants?

  Lynn just wants to get to Bangor Harbor quickly, find his family when he arrives in Bangor Harbor, then meditate with peace of mind, and complete daily tasks every day.

   Just when Lynn's thoughts diverged, bang—

  The oak door was suddenly knocked open. A man dressed in disgrace staggered open the wooden door, stepped on the stairs all the way, and finally fell to the ground, "There are monsters, there are monsters."