
How Long Are Going To Do This

When I arrived at the parking lot, I took a deep breath, then walked out of the car and headed into my house. When I got in, I dropped my keys on the sitting room desk, then I headed up to my room. When I got there, I met Daniel sleeping. My heart was still pounding even though he was sleeping so I quietly closed the door,

"Where are you coming from?" he asked and sat up,

"I won't lie to you, after work, I went to grab dinner,"

"With who?" he asked,

"No one,"

"You're lying to me,"

"I'm not," I said.

He came down from the bed and walked to me, I stood bold in front of him even though my heart was still pounding,

"Where are you coming from?" he asked,

"Listen Daniel I already told you the truth, I'm so exhausted, I can't be arguing with you right now," I said and walked away from him, while I was leaving, he held my wrist and pulled me back. He then grabbed my face and looked into my eyes,

"Listen to me Jasmine, you better tell me the truth," he said but I was so scared to talk,

"I'm not lying," I said in fear,

He let go of my face and slowly walked away from me,

"Okay, if you said you went to have dinner, show me the transaction receipt on your phone," he said


"The payment proof of your dinner,"

"I paid with cash," I said,

"Lair...we both know you prefer making payments with your credit card,"

"Daniel, why are we arguing, if you love me you'll trust me. I already told you I went to have dinner, it was a long day at work today and I was starving," I said but then because of the guilt I felt lying to him, tears rolled out of my eyes I quickly wiped them with my wrist.

Daniel stood where he was looking at me then he sighed and sat on the bed,

"How long are we going to do this? I've tried Daniel, I've tried really really hard, Heaven knows I've tried to be good but it's like I'm just wasting my time. I've tried to be honest but the more honest I am, the more you give me reasons not to. I won't lie, I went to grab dinner with a friend, but believe it or not, nothing happened afterwards," I said and walked to him then I politely rubbed his face, "I love you Daniel, and no matter how late you come home I never question you because I trust you, and I hope you do the same because I'm your woman, and I'm not going anywhere," I said,

"But what if you find someone else? Because I'm so scared it might happen," he said fearfully,

When he said this, I remembered the promise I made to his mom, then I replied,

"Believe me I won't," I said then he hugged me, after a short while, I whispered, "It's not like I have a choice,"

That night I couldn't sleep, by 2 AM I was awake and thinking about the promise I made to his Mom, at the same time I was thinking about Marco. I know myself, if I'm not careful, I'll fall in love with him. I stood up from bed and walked into the bathroom, then I looked at myself in the mirror,

"What have you done Jas," I said to myself. I love Daniel, not just because of the promise I made but because he's a really nice guy, at least as of the last two years, now he hit me, treats me badly and well, I don't seem to use it against him but he's not rich enough, and the craziest part is he doesn't even want to look for a job, he stays home all day trading forex and loosing much more than he has.

Each time I think of breaking up with him, I remember his mom then I begin to think of the bright side of having Daniel as my boyfriend. The pressure wasn't too much on me before but ever since I met Doctor Marco, the pressure increased and I don't know why because I'm sure I'm not in love with Doctor Marco.


"I don't know why it's this way, Daniella, it's like Doctor Marco's presence keeps giving me a reason to break up with Daniel and I'm sure I'm not in love with him because it's been barely a month since we met,"

Daniella sighed,

"Let me tell you something about women. When a woman is in a toxic relationship, she gets mentally affected and has the mindset that men are terrible which isn't true, but when you finally meet another guy who is so nice to you, you suddenly become a little addicted to him, and it makes you hate your toxic boyfriend because now you know there is someone else who could treat you nicely," she said,

On hearing this I remained quiet while I continued to sip my juice,

"Tell me Jas, is it because of the promise you made to his mom? Because I'm sure what I said is exactly what's happening in your relationship, and you confirmed it, you said the pressure became too much on you ever since you met Doctor Marco," Daniella said,

"It's harder than you think Dani, I watched his Mom die, and each time I think of breaking up with him, I remember his Mom, I swear it's hunting me,"

"I understand you Jas, but his mom won't be happy if she knew he hit you,"

"But why then did she make me promise?"

"Because you two were dating, and in love. If you didn't love him she wouldn't ask you to promise her," said Dani

I took a deep breath and leaned my back on the couch. For a short while, I was quiet and when Daniella noticed this conversation was making me sad, she cleared her throat,

"So...how was your dinner with Marco?" Daniella asked, the moment she asked, a big uncontrollable smile appeared on my face.

"It was nice, really nice," I said remembering how it went.

"Looks like my baby girl already found a better man," she said and cheered me, I smiled but I asked her to stop because it was a little hard for me.

"We're meeting again tonight though," I said, then she looked at me excitingly,

"Really?" she asked and began to cheer me again,

"Yeah, that's why I'm in your house. I already told Daniel I would spend the weekend in your place so he won't see me leave tonight," I said,

Daniella stood up and walked to me, then she placed her hand on my shoulder,

"Baby girl, you're in the right place," she said and smiled at me.

Two hours before our date, I began to get dressed because I knew if I began dressing up one hour before the date, I'd be an hour late. Daniella's room was untidy because I was busy searching for a nicer dress, a dress better than the one I came with, I have to admit, Daniella has an amazing dress collection. After a long period of searching, I finally made up my mind about the dress I was going to wear, it was a black pretty dress. Daniella said I could borrow her jewellery and her heels too.

When I was done dressing, I won't lie, I looked like a million dollars so Daniella kept calling me pretty.

"So, are you going to pick him or he's coming over?" Daniella asked,

"Actually he's coming over to pick me up, I gave him your address, I hope you don't mind?" I said,

"Baby girl I don't mind," Daniella said and we both laughed,

"By the way I thought you said he's from out of town, did he get a new car here?"

"I'm not sure, I think he's going to rent a Limo or something," I said,

"Okay," she said,

After a while, there was a knock on the door, then we both looked at each other excitingly,

"I think he's the one," I said and picked up my purse,

"I'll get the door," Daniella said and went to get the door, I was right behind her while she headed to open the door, on our way to the door, she kept giving me advice on how I should act around Marco, and when she opened the door, It was Daniel, we both were shocked when we saw him.

"Hi Jasmine, where are you going dressed like that?" He asked as I and Daniella remained quiet.