
Love Triangle

My blood ran cold, and I began to get scared while I stood behind Daniella looking at Daniel at the door without having any clue on what to say.

"You haven't answered my question Jasmine, where are you going?" he asked

"She's not going anywhere, she's just trying the new dress I got," said Daniella,

Daniel smiled,

"Do I look stupid?"

"No one said you do,"

"Then why are you making me look stupid?" Daniel raised his voice,

"Wow listen to me Daniel, this is my house and no one yells at me in my house, so I'll be a little quiet if I were you," said Daniella.

Daniel tried to walk in after giving Daniella a short glance but Daniella stopped him from walking in. While this was happening, I was praying Marco doesn't come now.

"So now I can't come in?" Daniel asked,

"You hit my girl you have a problem with me," Daniella said looking into his eyes,

"Daniella," I whispered trying to calm her down but she didn't listen.