
I can rewind time to prevent death

Reborn in a parallel world, this place is imbued with eeriness everywhere... Do not enter the bathroom after midnight. At two in the morning, the sound of knocking resonates on time. A woman, haggard and emaciated, always stands with her back to oneself. Encountered a strange event? Lucky for me, I can Rewind! This is the story of a Reincarnator, carefully navigating a reality invaded by the bizarre, combating the strange with bizarre poses.

Nightwalk Dog · ホラー
207 Chs

Chapter 147 Who is the most bizarre? (Alliance Leader Sabahdanis 1221 added more)

"Password entered incorrectly, 4 more attempts remaining."

Seeing this line suddenly appear on his phone screen, Yan Junze got a jolt that made the hairs on his back stand, feeling a chill permeating his entire body.

He immediately sat up from lying down, turned his head and looked around. Although it was rather dark, he could still see objects in the bedroom, and everything was as quiet as before, without any unusual occurrences.

He looked again at the lit phone screen, the line of text was still there.

Had someone just touched his phone? And they had entered the wrong password to boot.

Yan Junze picked up the phone, unlocked it with his fingerprint, and flipped through it casually; nothing was amiss.

More importantly, no mission prompt had come up so far.

Unsure if it was a problem with the phone system or if there really were some anomalies, Yan Junze held his phone, continuously pondering.