
I Can Hang Up And Upgrade In The Game

【Your game character has been hung up for 24 hours】 【A total of 500 battles! 】 [Get 10,000 battle experience points! 】 【Level up! 】 [Basic boxing proficiency increased by 10,000 points! Evolved into high-level boxing! 】 In this era of martial arts for all, Chen Yu, who is not low in qualifications, but not a top genius, was surprised to find that he could upgrade in an idle game. Not only can you upgrade, but you can also gain proficiency in martial arts, meditate on-hook, dig treasure on-hook, sweep dungeons, As long as you hang up, you can become stronger! Most importantly, there is no upper limit to the level and proficiency obtained by hanging up! As the level continued to rise, Chen Yu found that he could crush everything with just numerical values. When the gods entered the world and attempted to occupy the human world... Chen Yu: "Let me tell you, what is God!"

dreamMasterO · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Chapter 23, No Matter How Good The Martial Arts Gym Is, How About An On-Hook Simulator?

"Hahaha, good, good, good."

The headmaster of No. 1 Middle School laughed and his mouth cracked open.

"I have long seen that Chen Yu has potential, and he is indeed my student."

The head teacher on the side rolled his eyes that the principal couldn't see.

Did you see Chen Yu's potential early? Didn't you like Zhang Yuanyuan before? How did this change again?

Of course, the head teacher dared not say this sentence.

"Where's Chen Yu?" asked the principal of No. 1 Middle School.

"He left first."

Before Chen Yu left, he sent a message to the class teacher, saying that he was too tired, so he went back first.

"Well, then let him have a good rest. Let's talk about tomorrow's business tomorrow."

The headmaster said in a good mood.

He organized this simulated competition this time to give his students an anti-stress competition and increase their experience of confronting the strong.

Although in the end, the one who resisted the pressure became Qingchou High School.

However, the effect is the same.

Chen Yu won against Chen Yuan, Ma Tao and Zheng Yi were tied, and Zhang Yuanyuan played her own demeanor as a female warrior.

They are telling other students that genius is not invincible.

At this time, many students have already gone to the martial arts field to practice together.

Enthusiasm at an all-time high.

"Oh, by the way, when Director Hu left just now, he asked for Chen Yu's information, so you sort it out and give it to him."

The principal turned to Chen Yu's class teacher and said.

"Hu Ju? The old man with a little girl just now? The Education Bureau wants to focus on training Chen Yu?" asked the head teacher.

The principal shook his head: "There is a high probability that he wants to rob people."

"Steal people?"

"In addition to being from the Education Bureau, Director Hu is also the person in charge of a key provincial high school. He probably wants to poach our students again."

"It was he who poached the good seedlings from our school before."

Speaking of this incident, the principal of the No. 1 Middle School had a bad face, and even wanted to scold her.

"Then shall we still give him the information?"


The principal of No. 1 Middle School nodded and said, "First of all, I can't influence Chen Yu's choice because of my own reasons."

"This is his life, and he has the right to choose a better place."


A confident smile appeared on the face of the principal of No. 1 Middle School.

"The Education Bureau has taken away too many of my students over the years, but this time he can't take them away."

The head teacher's eyes lit up.

Chen Yu's strength is very likely to enter the prestigious martial arts school this year, which is also her achievement, and she certainly does not want Chen Yu to leave.

Once they go to a key high school, then any grades have nothing to do with them.

"Principal, are you confident?"

"Heh, I'm very confident." The principal smiled softly.

When Chen Yu returned home, he found that his mobile phone had received a lot of messages and missed calls.

There are friends and classmates.

One of them was Ma Tao's message.

"Really, when you fought me before, did you let me in on purpose? Or are you playing me?"

Chen Yu immediately replied: "Really not, my previous strength was real, and my current strength is also true."

"It's been promoted in the past two months?"


"Damn, I thought I had improved enough, but I didn't expect a perverted genius to be by my side. No, you have to treat me to comfort my broken heart."

"...Tomorrow, I will order some nourishing food for you in Dehui Building, and I will send you to the hospital."

"I am enlightened, seeing that you are so enlightened, okay, I choose to believe in you."


Chen Yu replied to Ma Tao with a "contemptuous" emoji.

Then continue reading for additional information.

Most of them are messages of congratulations from classmates.

According to the strength Chen Yu showed today, as long as he doesn't die, the future is limitless, and there is no harm in getting closer to Chen Yu in advance.

Chen Yu replied politely one by one.

In addition to these congratulatory messages.

There are also two messages, one is a message from his father Chen Jun: "I have a mission at night, I won't be coming back, I will cook something for myself."

One is a message from the class teacher: "You performed very well today. You have worked hard. Go home and rest more. I have asked you for half a day off. You don't have to come to school tomorrow morning. After you come to school in the afternoon, come directly to the office to find me. I have an important to tell you about it."

important things?

Chen Yu scratched his head.

Should be something rewarding.

As for the reward, Chen Yu is still looking forward to it.

Because the reward must not be low.

the reason is simple.

The battle between him and Chen Yuan is destined to be noticed by the key high schools. No. 1 Middle School needs their own grades, and they will provide better resources than the key high schools to keep themselves.

"I'm worried that I don't have money to buy martial arts."

Chen Yu muttered.

If the conditions offered by No. 1 Middle School are good, Chen Yu is more inclined to stay in No. 1 Middle School.

One is because my friends are all in one middle school.

There are only a few months left before the college entrance examination, and there is no need to change places.

Also, the most important point.

Chen Yu doesn't need the resources of key high schools.

What the key high schools can provide is nothing more than better martial arts masters, more professional martial arts gyms, more professional guidance, and some materials that are not easy to get.

No matter how good a martial artist is, can he compare to Black Face and Dragon Claw?

No matter how good the martial arts gym is, it is not as good as the one in the on-hook simulator.


He is even more forbidden to ask for it.

It would be nice of him not to instruct other people.

As for materials, potions and weapons...

As long as you have money, these are not difficult to do.

Rare items can only be obtained in secret realms.

Each region has a limited number of secret places, so it's not that easy to get.

Therefore, what Chen Yu wants more is money.

Use money to buy martial arts, and then increase your proficiency in the idle simulator.

In addition to martial arts.

Chen Yu still lacks many things.

Such as weapons.

The use of weapons is not allowed in competitions between students, but it does not mean that warriors cannot use weapons.

On the contrary, a weapon at hand is the most important foreign object for a warrior.

The world is full of wars.

There are wars between countries competing for the secret territory.

There is the threat of the void world beyond the secret realm.

Warriors will basically go to the battlefield.

The responsibility of defending the family and the country is one aspect, and more for meritorious service.

Only meritorious deeds have status.

For example, the principal of No. 1 Middle School was a warrior who was seriously injured and retired from the battlefield. His meritorious service was neither high nor low, and he also had the status of a principal.

In clerical work, it's not bad.

His father, Chen Jun, also went to the battlefield when he was young.

After retiring, he came to the Weapons Control Bureau and became a detachment leader.

In terms of development, the Armed Forces Control Bureau must be more developed than the Education Bureau, because this is the world of high martial arts.

Working in the Armed Forces Control Bureau, even if you don't go to the battlefield, you can get meritorious service.

After all, with strength, some people will have small thoughts.

There are many people who violate the taboo with martial arts.

The Armed Forces Control Bureau is in charge of these people.

Whether it is competing with other countries for secret lands, or exploring the nihilistic world, or fighting with warriors and criminals like the martial arts bureau, it is not a small game like a game.

More of a real fight.

It is mortal.

A handy weapon that can kill and fend off enemies and protect oneself is definitely more important.