
I Can Hang Up And Upgrade In The Game

【Your game character has been hung up for 24 hours】 【A total of 500 battles! 】 [Get 10,000 battle experience points! 】 【Level up! 】 [Basic boxing proficiency increased by 10,000 points! Evolved into high-level boxing! 】 In this era of martial arts for all, Chen Yu, who is not low in qualifications, but not a top genius, was surprised to find that he could upgrade in an idle game. Not only can you upgrade, but you can also gain proficiency in martial arts, meditate on-hook, dig treasure on-hook, sweep dungeons, As long as you hang up, you can become stronger! Most importantly, there is no upper limit to the level and proficiency obtained by hanging up! As the level continued to rise, Chen Yu found that he could crush everything with just numerical values. When the gods entered the world and attempted to occupy the human world... Chen Yu: "Let me tell you, what is God!"

dreamMasterO · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 22, Chen Yuan Loses, Chen Yu Wins!

Chen Yuan felt powerless.

He had never felt this feeling before.

In the past, warriors who were of the same blood as him were no match for him at all, because his Bajibeng had a deeper understanding than his peers.

Fighters with higher blood qi than themselves, such as that perverted Zhao Muzhi from Qingxuan High School, will be suppressed by their blood qi, which is a battle of crushing.

But the fight with Chen Yu made him feel like a kind of chronic torture.

Chen Yu's blood gas is obviously lower than his own.

When fighting, every time it seems to be successful, but it often falls into the fighting trap designed by Chen Yu.

As long as one enters this trap and wants to get out, at least one has to suffer a few tricks, or consume a lot of blood energy.

This made Chen Yuan very aggrieved.

He can't use his strength, and he can't hit Chen Yu with some moves.

This kind of battle, the more he fights, the more impatient he becomes.

If he uses an elbow, he will be resolved by Chen and the wild horse's mane.

If he uses Baji Benghammer, he will be dodged and counterattacked by Chen Yu's horse-shaped fist.

Chen Yu's dragon step, which can be called a master level, made it impossible for him to catch the opportunity of Tieshanjiao.


Just impatient.

Chen Yuan had never felt this emotion in a battle.

"You are not a battle between warriors at all!"

It caused Chen Yuan to even say such words.

"Oh, what do you think the two of us are doing? Playing house?"

"Before you say this, take a look at your own situation. You have been hurt enough."


Only then did Chen Yuan notice the fishy smell coming from his mouth.

Internal bleeding!

This means that his internal organs have been injured.

He and Chen Yu exchanged injuries, but Chen Yu had already beaten him to the point of internal bleeding.

"you lose."

Chen Yu said calmly while punching.

"I didn't lose!"

Chen Yuan couldn't accept it at all. He was defeated by his big brother who he always thought was "untalented".

He made one last move.

The blood is released.


Chen Yu sighed.

With Chen Yuan's current injury, the release of blood will only aggravate his injury.


Chen Yuan spit out a mouthful of blood after his blood was released.

But he didn't give up, he still rushed towards Chen Yu.

"Let's end it."

Chen Yu shook his head, he couldn't let Chen Yuan continue to fight, even for a warrior, internal bleeding is not a minor injury.

Chen Yu suddenly increased his speed.


Visible blood was exploding on him.

Chen Yu also used blood energy release.

The two groups of blood collided with each other, which was unexpected, but very reasonable, Chen Yu, who was not injured, was better.

"Grit your teeth."

Hearing Chen Yu's words, Chen Yuan gritted his teeth subconsciously, because he found that he couldn't avoid the kick no matter what.

Turn over and kick!


There was a crisp sound.

Chen Yuan flew out all over.

It hit the edge of the ring heavily.

Blood was scattered all over the place.



Seeing Chen Yuan who could no longer stand up after landing, Chen Yu let out a deep breath.

He won.

This battle benefited Chen Yu a lot.

Not just because of winning.

It was also because it was the first time that I converted the income from the on-hook simulator into my own.

Chen Yuan was indeed the toughest opponent he had ever encountered.

If Chen Yu hadn't made the defense in time, he would have been taken away by Chen Yuan with a high probability.

However, once Chen Yu defended, he would not give another chance.

With the second-level Xingyiquan proficiency, he will never lose to Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan's blood gas is around 450.

It hadn't reached the point where blood energy alone could affect the battle, so Chen Yu said that it would not be difficult to defeat Chen Yuan.

"Chen Yuan suffered a fractured right leg bone, a fractured left arm, a severe blow to the abdomen, internal bleeding, severe head injuries, confusion, and was unable to continue fighting."

"Chen Yuan is defeated."

"Chen Yu wins!"


Following the referee's announcement, everyone in the audience gasped.

No one thought that Chen Yuan was injured so badly.

It seemed that the two of them were evenly matched before, but who knew that Chen Yuan had broken bones and internal organs were bleeding.

Just now they were wondering why Chen Yuan stood there in a daze, unable to escape Chen Yu's heavy kick.

It turned out that he was so injured that he couldn't move.

"Chen Yu is really ruthless."

Someone clicked their tongues.

"Can you blame Chen Yu for being ruthless? Why don't you go up and get a elbow from Chen Yuan?"

"That's unnecessary, I guess I've lost all my supporters."

"The battle between the two of them is to get rid of each other. They are all killer moves. This is Chen Yu. If it is someone else, Bajibeng will be crippled if he is next to him."

"In the same way, this is Chen Yuan. If I had been side kicked by Chen Yu, I would have been kicked off the court long ago."

"This battle is really top-notch. Although the blood energy of the two is not high, only the battle of such low blood energy warriors can see the real basic skills."

"Textbook-level combat."

"Chen Yu and Chen Yuan are called fighting. What's the point? What's the mutual learning? If this really enters the secret battlefield, who will talk to you about this?"

"Yes, this is anti-stress training. Our previous battles were just small fights."

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, the medical staff carried Chen Yuan down.

He must receive treatment now, and if it takes too long, it will leave sequelae.

At this time, Chen Yuan was not unconscious. He was lying on the stretcher and trying to open his mouth to say something to Chen Yu.

Chen Yu shook his head and said to Chen Yuan:

"Treat first, I will go to the hospital to find you."

After Chen Yu left this sentence, he also stepped off the stage.

Because the students in the audience were all staring at Chen Yu, which made him a little uncomfortable, so he didn't stay in the martial field, and he left the martial field without telling the head teacher.

No one stopped Chen Yu.

Only a few medical staff stopped Chen Yu for a brief inspection.

It was found that Chen Yu was not injured at all.

He could only watch Chen Yu leave the martial field in surprise.




They didn't react until Chen Yu left.

In this mock competition, the winner was actually a martial artist from their ordinary high school.

Although Chen Yu is no longer close to ordinary people, he is still a middle school student.

"It's outrageous."

"I suddenly remembered what Zhao Zehai said before. Didn't he want to abuse food? Why was he abused instead?"

"Not only was he abused, but their captain was also abused."

"Did you see just now, Chen Yu doesn't seem to be injured at all."

"It's outrageous. Chen Yuan was carried away, but Chen Yu walked away standing. Doesn't that mean that Chen Yu passed the entire Qingxuan High School without any injuries?"

"Although it is not accurate, it can be said so."

"Hahaha, I laughed to death, I have never been so happy."

"Yeah, I still remember the arrogant looks of Qingxuan High School before, I don't know what their expressions are now."

"Hey, where are the people from Qingxuan High School?"

When they looked at the seats where Qing Ze high school was sitting before, they could only see some empty seats, and there was no figure of Jiang Cainan.

"Huh, fortunately I ran fast."

Outside the arena, Jiang Cainan took a few people from Qingxuan High School and got on the bus to leave.

She made a judgment long before Chen Yuan's blood was released.

As long as she runs fast, she won't hear the ridicule.

Although not ridiculed in person.

Jiang Cainan still blushed.

"Hey, if Zhao Muzhi finds out about this, he will die of anger."

I don't know who mentioned Zhao Muzhi.

This sentence made the car instantly quiet.

Even the corners of Jiang Cainan's eyes twitched uneasily.

Obviously, they were very afraid of this warrior named Zhao Muzhi.