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THIS NOVEL IS NOT MINE AND ITS A TIPICAL CHINESE NOVEL, DON"T READ IF YOU CAN"T STOMACH CHINESE WAYS, OR ACTIONS. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. This is not mine, i found it and im only posting it here so others could see it too. All the credit belongs to the original author. Note: if the author want's me to take it down, write a message or review here and i would. Thank you.

Yasar_Azimi · 映画
404 Chs


Chapter 297: Battle of the Blood Clan

Dracula's voice fell, and he flashed in front of Gambit. He pierced his elongated black nails towards the latter's heart.

At this moment, his speed had reached the limits of mankind. Gambit was still, and it seemed that there was no response. The moment when the fingernails crossed Gambit's heart, he saw Gambit disappear.

Dracula found that he only killed a clone.

"When did Jason learn to clone others?" Dracula reacted.

At this moment of absentmindedness, Deadpool's swords had already been chopped towards his neck.

It was too late to dodge, so Dracula used a special move of the Blood Clan and turned himself into a blood mist.

Deadpool's swords suddenly seemed to hit the air. The blood mist rushed to the other side.

Gambit, as if calculating the position of Dracula's appearance in advance, shot the cards as if it were raining flower petals towards the position of the blood mist.

Dracula, who reappeared, was immediately struck, and his back was filled with cards, looking like a hedgehog.

At this moment, Gambit's eyes began to emit a purple light.

Bang bang!

The cards stuck into the Dracula's back exploded.

This made Dracua look like he had been shot by a box of grenades.

After the explosion of smoke, Dracula reappeared, and his clothes were rickety and drenched in blood.

Actually, these injuries didn't matter for him who had powerful recovery ability, so he just seemed a bit discomfited. However, Dracula's transformed vampires saw their master suffer losses, three of whom had near-fight capabilities. They were dissatisfied and shot towards Gambit.

Their bodies were even more agile than those vampires at the door, and they all evaded the Gambit's cards.

The muscles of one vampire suddenly swelled, bursting his clothes and looking like a hercules.

He punched one of Jason's clones, killing it instantly. Moreover, the muscular man's fist continued to hit the ground, and a large number of clones disappeared due to the violent shaking.

The other vampires saw this and immediately rushed towards Jason who lost a lot of clones.

Deadpool stopped one of the two vampires, but was caught by another vampire using a bleeding net behind the three.

All kinds of long-range magic shot towards them. Soon, all of Jason's clones around him were killed.

Gambit still wanted to use illusion to rescue Jason, but a vampire near him suddenly shot a white light from his eyes, apparently before he transformed into a vampire, he was a mutant with spiritual control ability.

Gambit's illusion ability expired immediately, and Jason's situation became dangerous.

In the end, Jason's clones were all killed, and Dracula stared at Jason.

He was ready to kill this annoying guy. Without Jason's tangle, Gambit would become the vampires' sole target.

Seeing Dracula about to tear up Jason's real body, a crystal clear diamond wall appeared in front of Jason and blocked Degula's deadly blow.

The White Queen and Ghost were behind Jason just in time.

"Ghost, take Jason outside the bar. The battle here is already not suitable for him," the White Queen commanded Ghost.

She knew that Ghost's Void Movement and Invisibility could not only affect himself but also others.

However, the disadvantage was that only one person could be taken at a time.

Ghost complied. He grabbed Jason and disappeared.

Seeing White Queen, Dracula was slightly lost in thought. "you are White Queen? How can you be a killer of the killer Union?"

Hearing Dracula's words, the White Queen was confused until she saw his face and finally remembered.

"You are the Black King of the previous generation? I thought you died long ago."

"Hehe, there are many people who want to kill me in the Hellfire Club, but it's too hard to kill me. Don't talk about others, even I can't do it myself," Dracula said gloomily.

"I've already quit Hellfire Club, and since then I only obey my master." After saying that, the White Queen suddenly attacked Dracula.

This caused Dracula's feet to become diamondized, and this diamondization gradually spread to his body.

At the same time, White Queen also exerted Mind Control on Dracula's subordinates. In this way, Dracula's men could only watch their master become a diamond man.

When the diamondization was about to spread to his neck, Dracula finally woke up.

As the Vampire King, Dracula had a strong spiritual power.

He could use mental abilities to hypnotize others, and then make the hypnotized person do exactly what he said.

The guards of him present were implanted with deep spiritual hypnosis by him. But now, Dracula found that he was not only controlled by the White Queen for several seconds, the spiritual imprints he implanted into these subordinates were gradually being cleared from their minds.

Why was White Queen's spiritual power so strong?

The answer was easy to know, and Dracula immediately got it.

"White Queen, you have become a fifth-level psychic mutant!" Dracula was surprised.

Hearing Dracula's words, the White Queen curled her lip. "That's good. Did you figure it out? However, it's too late. I already know your regeneration ability is similar to Deadpool. Although I can't kill you, I will seal you forever with the power of diamond."

"Ha-ha-ha! In the past, you might be able to do that, but now, I'm about to become a Vampire God." Dracula suddenly laughed, followed by a strange force. Then, he shattered his body that had already been transformed into diamonds.

Although diamonds were hard, it had been blown into powder under the enormous force.

White Queen retreated one step in order to avoid the damage caused by the diamond explosion.

At this moment, she saw Dracula's remaining head turned into a blood-red bat, preparing to escape.

Gambit responded, and dozens of purple-lighted cards shot towards the blood-red bat.

However, even if the kinetic energy of the cards reached the limit that Gambit could exert, it was still not faster than the speed of Dracula.

Dracula, who turned into a blood bat, was accompanied by blood light. It's as if no speed could catch him except the speed of light.

"Before I become a Vampire God, I'll let you be arrogant for a while."

After saying, the blood bat took the ten vampires, who also turned into bats, and left.