
I, Blackbeard, Start By Asking For Dark Fruit

This is an AI translation- there is already someone translating this book on the site under the title- Reborn as Blackbeard and asking for dark fruit - https://www.webnovel.com/book/reborn-as-blackbeard-and-asking-for-dark-fruit_29082071808505505 Original Author: Unruly beauty Mo - raw chapters - https://wap.faloo.com/1371292.html This is just a 1 shot collection of the first 15 chapters because i liked the story and I felt happy with the quality of translation I did compared to the other guy on here. That being said we all have to start somewhere and he has access to the premium chapters that I do not have access to, so if you like the book go support him or the original author :) ******************************************************************************************************** Q: What's it like waking up as the unattractive Blackbeard? A: No worries, I can turn handsome! Q: What if you wake up to find you haven't consumed the Dark-Dark Fruit and aren't as powerful as in the original series? A: I'd straight up demand the Dark-Dark Fruit from Thatch! Q: How does it feel to become Ace's beloved friend and brother? A: I'm not the villain now, so stop messing around! Q: With the Battle of Marineford about to begin, will you go save Ace? A: There was the Battle of Marineford before I crossed over, and it's still here after I became Blackbeard. Wouldn't it be a waste if I didn't cross over? Ace is my beloved friend and brother; of course, I'd consider the situation! Q: After Whitebeard's death, how will you seamlessly take over Whitebeard's forces? A: I am Blackbeard, after all! Zehahaha! Q: After crossing over, what's your ultimate goal? A: What could be more interesting than joining the battle for the throne of heaven, pulling down the deities, and becoming the strongest in the world? Zehahaha! ******************************************************************************************************** My translations are nowhere near perfect put passable enough to let you get lost in the story, enjoy :)

Read_and_Chill · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

【Chapter 9】: Six Powers Training, Fruit Ability Expansion!

One day later.

New World, Whitebeard's territory, the mountain behind Craggy Rock Island.

"Teach, I'll come find you later to learn the Six Powers from you. You better work hard!"

After Ace and a few Whitebeard Pirates crew members put down the living supplies, he raised two fingers and made a gesture towards Blackbeard with an evil grin:

"We'll go first."

Blackbeard grinned:

"Ace, my young brother, you also need to hurry up and train! Don't get left far behind by me later."

"Don't be too arrogant, Teach. I'm your commander!"

Ace smiled smugly, then turned around and left with the members of the 2nd Division.

Looking at the lake and small wooden cabin in front of him, Blackbeard couldn't help but show a satisfied smile.

This place was just right for his upcoming training.

Almost as soon as Ace and the others left, Blackbeard began his Six Powers training plan.

On the other side of the island.

Ace and the other members of the 2nd Division had just arrived at the port when he waved his hand at his teammates beside him:

"Jill, I won't go back with you guys.

If Pops asks, just tell him I'm going to Battilla Island in South Blue.

If you tell Pops this, he'll understand."

"Okay, Commander Ace."

Jill nodded at Ace, then headed towards the dock.

Ace glanced at the Moby Dick, then looked at the mountain behind Craggy Rock Island. Immediately after, his figure soared into the air and landed on a shuttle-shaped small boat on the sea surface below.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh————

As orange flames surged around Ace's body, not only was the yellow shuttle-shaped small boat not burned by the flames, but it also ejected flames from a circular hole at the stern, propelling the small boat to break through the sea surface and speed away!

If Blackbeard were here at this moment, he would recognize this as the technologically advanced flame-powered small boat Ace used during his first appearance in Alabasta in his previous life.

Just from the technological feel of this small boat alone, one could see that the technological level of the Whitebeard Pirates was not only not low but far surpassed some of the great nations in the pirate world.

Splash splash————

With flames ejecting from the stern, Ace's small boat quickly left Craggy Rock Island. He pressed his cowboy hat with one hand, slightly tilted his body, and grinned:

"Teach, you bastard, just you wait!

How dare you say I rely too much on my fruit?


I'll catch up to you sooner or later!

After I finish offering sacrifices to my mother this time, I'll come back and train properly!"


With that said, the orange flames around Ace's body surged, and the speed of the small boat actually doubled!

In just a few breaths, Craggy Rock Island behind him had already turned into a small black dot.

At the same time.

On the mountain behind Craggy Rock Island.

After sorting out the training resources, Blackbeard directly entered training mode.

A black figure could be seen flickering and shuttling among the rocky mountains, leaving behind trails of black afterimages.


Swish swish swish————

Ten-odd minutes later.

The black figure stopped, revealing Blackbeard's handsome face that had been adjusted by [Life Return]. At this moment, his face was full of excitement.

"The Traveler's Clock is indeed awesome! Since Shave is already mastered, let's try this next!"

With a thought, Blackbeard raised his right hand, extending a finger, and following the operation method of [Six Powers Finger Pistol], he thrust it towards the rock wall in front!

"Finger Pistol!"

Pop pop pop————

A few seconds later, looking at the rock wall that had been poked into a honeycomb shape by his finger, Blackbeard instantly showed a satisfied smile.

Although he had some apprehension before, after personally trying it out, he was now very certain that he could fully carry out Six Powers training through the information in his mind.

Next, he just needed to follow the steps.

Blackbeard had already set the second stage of his plan.

He decided to spend two months on this Craggy Rock Island to train in the Six Powers and let the [Traveler's Clock] accumulate numerals in preparation for strengthening and expanding the abilities of the Dark-Dark Fruit in the future.

The first month would be dedicated to complete Six Powers and Six Powers technique expansion training.

The second month would be to strengthen his own physical technique training. For this, he had even specifically taken a pair of sea stone handcuffs from the Whitebeard Pirates.

The purpose was to let himself adapt and carry out higher intensity training under the effect of the sea stone handcuffs!

Thinking about these things in his mind, Blackbeard once again immersed himself in Six Powers training.


"Tempest Kick!"

"Iron Body!"

"Six King Gun!"


Time flies like an arrow, days pass like a weaver's shuttle, and days that can't be spent pretentiously pass by in a flash.

Two months later.

Blackbeard sat by the lake on the mountain behind Craggy Rock Island. At this moment, his hands were locked by sea stone handcuffs, his eyes were tightly closed, and his consciousness had entered the space of the [Traveler's Clock].

After two months of accumulation.

The second hand of the Traveler's Clock had stopped moving since last night.

This also meant that the [Traveler's Clock] had reached its limit of accumulation on this island.

However, this was already enough for Blackbeard.

Because in these two months, he had not only completely mastered the Six Powers and Six King Gun but also carried out technique training and expansion.

Moreover, with his misshapen body, he had also quickly adapted to the strength of sea stone!

He couldn't say he could move as swiftly as a swallow with the sea stone handcuffs on, but at least the situation of becoming weak like Monkey D. Luffy upon touching it would no longer occur.

At the same time, a month ago, he had also used a numeral accumulated by the [Traveler's Clock] to expand and strengthen the Dark-Dark Fruit's technique - Dark Water, evolving it into [Universal Attraction]!

The characteristic of this technique was that it enhanced the black hole gravitational property of the Dark-Dark Fruit, including but not limited to attracting Devil Fruit users, but using powerful gravity to attract all things towards oneself!

At this moment, Blackbeard had already unlocked the sea stone handcuffs. While feeling the lightness of his body, he was preparing to use another numeral accumulated by the [Traveler's Clock] to further expand the [Gravity] aspect of the Dark-Dark Fruit's ability.


As a silver-white glow slightly bloomed on Blackbeard's body surface, the accumulation indicator of the Traveler's Clock reaching [Ⅲ] also gradually disappeared.

At the same time, with Blackbeard's thoughts, the black hole gravitational property technique of the Dark-Dark Fruit once again obtained expansion and evolution!


The next second, a huge black hole with a diameter of four to five meters slowly appeared behind Blackbeard, who was sitting cross-legged on the grass by the lake, and black airflow even emanated from the edges.

At first glance, it was like a small black sun, giving a deep and mysterious feeling!


Immediately after, Blackbeard's cross-legged figure actually slowly left the grass and gradually ascended into the air!

Until he ascended to a height of a hundred meters, his body finally stopped.

At this moment, Blackbeard opened his eyes, looked down at Craggy Rock Island below, and the corners of his mouth gradually rose. His laughter also gradually expanded until it resounded throughout the entire rocky mountain area.


Even if it's the gravitational property of a black hole, it's still gravity!

It really worked!

Am I a genius?

This move will be called [Commanding All Things]!"

After excitedly flying in the sky for a while, Blackbeard finally returned to the small wooden cabin. He picked up the Transponder Snail leisurely eating leaves on the table and the Vivre Card in the box, revealing a full set of white teeth that had been repaired by drinking milk.

"It's time to leave!"