
I, Blackbeard, Start By Asking For Dark Fruit

This is an AI translation- there is already someone translating this book on the site under the title- Reborn as Blackbeard and asking for dark fruit - https://www.webnovel.com/book/reborn-as-blackbeard-and-asking-for-dark-fruit_29082071808505505 Original Author: Unruly beauty Mo - raw chapters - https://wap.faloo.com/1371292.html This is just a 1 shot collection of the first 15 chapters because i liked the story and I felt happy with the quality of translation I did compared to the other guy on here. That being said we all have to start somewhere and he has access to the premium chapters that I do not have access to, so if you like the book go support him or the original author :) ******************************************************************************************************** Q: What's it like waking up as the unattractive Blackbeard? A: No worries, I can turn handsome! Q: What if you wake up to find you haven't consumed the Dark-Dark Fruit and aren't as powerful as in the original series? A: I'd straight up demand the Dark-Dark Fruit from Thatch! Q: How does it feel to become Ace's beloved friend and brother? A: I'm not the villain now, so stop messing around! Q: With the Battle of Marineford about to begin, will you go save Ace? A: There was the Battle of Marineford before I crossed over, and it's still here after I became Blackbeard. Wouldn't it be a waste if I didn't cross over? Ace is my beloved friend and brother; of course, I'd consider the situation! Q: After Whitebeard's death, how will you seamlessly take over Whitebeard's forces? A: I am Blackbeard, after all! Zehahaha! Q: After crossing over, what's your ultimate goal? A: What could be more interesting than joining the battle for the throne of heaven, pulling down the deities, and becoming the strongest in the world? Zehahaha! ******************************************************************************************************** My translations are nowhere near perfect put passable enough to let you get lost in the story, enjoy :)

Read_and_Chill · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

【Chapter 8】: I've Become Handsome and Stronger!

Standing in front of the mirror, when he saw the person in the mirror, Blackbeard almost didn't recognize himself.

In the mirror, apart from those slightly sinister-looking big eyes that hadn't changed much, that originally fat and ugly face had already slimmed down, and the skin was tightly attached to a thin layer of facial muscles.

Of course, as long as he didn't grin and reveal that big mouth missing four teeth, he still looked relatively normal and pleasant.

In fact, he looked about 70-80% similar to his handsome face from his previous life.

Moreover, his body proportions had also become harmonious after adjusting his fat cells using [Life Return].

The big belly was gone, replaced by a faint hint of abs. With a period of training, those abs would naturally become visible.

The two originally thin and disproportionate thighs were now just right.

Seeing this, even though he had seen all kinds of hardcore people doing liposuction and body sculpting in his previous life, compared to his mastery of [Life Return], they were simply leagues apart!

No wonder Lucci from CP9 could transform his body shape so easily.

It had to be said, Life Return could also be considered a kind of unorthodox divine technique!

Afterward, Blackbeard also carefully trimmed his full beard and curly long hair, immediately making him look more spirited.

Especially with his height of 344 cm, the oppressive feeling he gave off became even more intense.

Then, Blackbeard used the water bucket in the room to wipe his body, while using [Life Return] to sense the changes inside his body. After making sure there were no issues, he finally fell into a deep sleep.

One night passed uneventfully.

Early the next morning, Blackbeard woke up from deep sleep.

This was also an ability he could have only after fully mastering [Life Return].

Not only could he quickly fall asleep, but he could also enter deep sleep with the best sleep quality.

This was also why [Life Return] was the most difficult technique to comprehend among the Six Powers of the Navy!

To comprehend such a technique, only geniuses with extremely strong comprehension abilities could do so.

Thinking of this, Blackbeard couldn't help but sigh at how awesome the [Traveler's Clock] was.

Because not only did he comprehend and fully master [Life Return] in just one night, he had also completely mastered the other Six Powers of the Navy, even the ultimate secret technique among the Six Powers, [Six King Gun].

Now, he only needed to find a secluded island where he could freely move his hands and feet to focus on training the [Six Powers] for a period of time. After familiarizing himself with various techniques, he would be able to fully integrate them!

With these thoughts in mind, Blackbeard decided to report his training plan.

After all, he was a member of the Whitebeard Pirates. If he wanted to leave the Moby Dick to train alone, he still had to inform Whitebeard.

Moreover, he didn't know which island was suitable for his training.

Naturally, Whitebeard was the most knowledgeable about his own territory.

After figuring this out, Blackbeard simply tidied himself up, then went to the deck of the Moby Dick.

As soon as he stepped onto the deck, the crewmates who were still yawning due to waking up early gradually widened their eyes as they stared at Blackbeard.

Until Blackbeard opened his big mouth missing four teeth and let out his signature "Zehahaha" laughter, everyone was dumbfounded.

"You... are Teach!!!"

Cries of surprise rang out one after another on the entire deck of the Moby Dick!

In the next minute or two, all the crewmates on the Moby Dick were startled. Everyone surrounded Blackbeard in the middle and looked at him as if he were a rare animal, then started asking questions one after another.

"Holy sh*t! Teach, how did you do it?"

"Could it be that the Dark-Dark Fruit also has this kind of plastic surgery and body sculpting function? Unacceptable! If I had known there was such an ability, I would have asked Thatch for it!"

"Don't joke around, Jozu! If I had known that Devil Fruit had the ability to make one handsome, how could I have possibly given it to Teach, you bastard!"

"Hey hey hey, Teach, your transformation is too exaggerated!"

"My goodness, I almost thought I was dreaming!"

"God, it's simply unbelievable!"


Blackbeard: ...

Although he knew it might cause a bit of a commotion, he didn't expect everyone's reactions to be so big.

The most ridiculous thing was that these guys actually started envying, being jealous, and hating him for possessing the Dark-Dark Fruit at this moment.

It seemed that looks were hard currency no matter which world it was!

Especially this kind of heaven-defying body sculpting and plastic surgery skill.


You foolish sons, not sleeping in the early morning, what are you making a fuss about?


You're Teach?


While everyone was discussing, Whitebeard's voice rang out from outside the crowd, immediately followed by his shocked voice.


As Whitebeard arrived, the crowd immediately dispersed, opening up a path for Whitebeard's huge 6.6-meter figure to walk into the crowd.


Teach couldn't help but laugh loudly when he saw Whitebeard:

"Pops, how's my brand new look?"

"Teach, how did you become like this overnight? Could it be that the Dark-Dark Fruit also has this kind of ability?"

Whitebeard stroked his beard, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

Seeing the expectant and curious gazes of the others, Blackbeard laughed:


Of course it's not the ability of the Dark-Dark Fruit.

Pops, do you still remember the materials about the Navy's Six Powers you gave me last night?

Although the contents in those materials were basically fake except for the training method of Shave, I inadvertently comprehended a technique called [Life Return] among them.

After training for one night, it made me become like this."


Hearing Blackbeard's words, the entire Whitebeard Pirates were shocked again, even Whitebeard was dumbfounded as he looked at him.

This works too?

However, after the shock came excitement.

Those who originally thought it was the ability of the Dark-Dark Fruit and could only secretly feel regret, now one by one, they looked at Blackbeard with eager eyes, itching to try.

Feeling the wolf-like gazes of the crowd, Blackbeard naturally understood what they were thinking and immediately said:

"Don't worry, give me some time. After I fully grasp the training insights of [Life Return], I will compile them into a book and teach everyone then."


As soon as Blackbeard said this, it instantly caused an uproar, followed by a round of flattery from everyone towards him.

Whitebeard couldn't help but show a gratified smile. He sat alone on the huge sofa behind, watching this scene of a group of family members laughing and joking, his eyes filled with satisfaction.

As for Blackbeard, after giving his promise, he came in front of Whitebeard and said earnestly:

"Pops, after my research on the [Navy's Six Powers] last night, I discovered that I seem to have some talent for training the [Navy's Six Powers].

So, I want to find a quiet island suitable for training to train alone.

After I master the [Navy's Six Powers], I'll teach everyone.

By then, the overall strength of our Whitebeard Pirates will be able to rise to another level."


After a hearty laugh, Whitebeard agreed without a second thought:

"Alright, we'll prepare the supplies you need for training. The mountain behind the next port where our Moby Dick is docked is suitable for your training. At that time, let Ace take you there. He knows that place."

Blackbeard showed a smile.

The first stage of the plan was accomplished!

It was indeed good to have the backing of a big tree for shade.