
I, Blackbeard, Start By Asking For Dark Fruit

This is an AI translation- there is already someone translating this book on the site under the title- Reborn as Blackbeard and asking for dark fruit - https://www.webnovel.com/book/reborn-as-blackbeard-and-asking-for-dark-fruit_29082071808505505 Original Author: Unruly beauty Mo - raw chapters - https://wap.faloo.com/1371292.html This is just a 1 shot collection of the first 15 chapters because i liked the story and I felt happy with the quality of translation I did compared to the other guy on here. That being said we all have to start somewhere and he has access to the premium chapters that I do not have access to, so if you like the book go support him or the original author :) ******************************************************************************************************** Q: What's it like waking up as the unattractive Blackbeard? A: No worries, I can turn handsome! Q: What if you wake up to find you haven't consumed the Dark-Dark Fruit and aren't as powerful as in the original series? A: I'd straight up demand the Dark-Dark Fruit from Thatch! Q: How does it feel to become Ace's beloved friend and brother? A: I'm not the villain now, so stop messing around! Q: With the Battle of Marineford about to begin, will you go save Ace? A: There was the Battle of Marineford before I crossed over, and it's still here after I became Blackbeard. Wouldn't it be a waste if I didn't cross over? Ace is my beloved friend and brother; of course, I'd consider the situation! Q: After Whitebeard's death, how will you seamlessly take over Whitebeard's forces? A: I am Blackbeard, after all! Zehahaha! Q: After crossing over, what's your ultimate goal? A: What could be more interesting than joining the battle for the throne of heaven, pulling down the deities, and becoming the strongest in the world? Zehahaha! ******************************************************************************************************** My translations are nowhere near perfect put passable enough to let you get lost in the story, enjoy :)

Read_and_Chill · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

【Chapter 7】: Cheat - Traveler's Clock! Mastering Rokushiki!

Afterward, Blackbeard demonstrated the abilities of the Dark-Dark Fruit to his beloved crew brothers and friends once more.

Although learning that his Dark-Dark Fruit was a Logia but couldn't dematerialize still elicited a wave of envy.

As for the Dark-Dark Fruit's ability to steal others' fruits, Blackbeard had no intention of informing them now.

He would find an opportunity to tell Whitebeard about this ability alone.

These abilities weren't important information for Blackbeard, after all, in the future, he might not only have the Dark-Dark Fruit.

Currently, it was just to gain some favor with the Whitebeard Pirates, paving the way for future matters.

Moreover, now that he had become Blackbeard, the Summit War shouldn't happen if there were no accidents.

Therefore, he didn't plan to hide too much from Whitebeard.

Of course, it was limited to the abilities of the Dark-Dark Fruit. He would never tell anyone about his true cheat.

At least before the era went wild, staying under Whitebeard's flag was the best choice!

Before transmigrating, after learning about the World Nobles destroying a country every three years and their hunting competition games, as a hardcore One Piece fan, he had already completely lost hope and felt disgusted with the so-called Navy and World Government.

Especially as a soul from China, that kind of killing competition game always evoked very unpleasant historical memories for him.

Since he had already become a pirate, in this rotten world, the only things he could pursue were becoming the strongest and transcendence!

Particularly after knowing the World Nobles' powerful strength, becoming stronger was his only choice.

After he finished demonstrating the abilities of the Dark-Dark Fruit, Whitebeard had Marco hand over the training materials about the "Fake Rokushiki" to him.

Therefore, after returning to the cabin, he couldn't wait to start studying these materials.

After an hour of reading, combined with some information Marco told him, Blackbeard also learned that these "Fake Rokushiki" materials still had a certain level of importance.

Although these materials couldn't allow one to master all six techniques, at least the [Shave] among the six could be figured out by some crew members with strong physical techniques.

For the current Blackbeard, even if it was just one [Rokushiki - Shave], it would be a huge gain for him.

But his purpose in asking Whitebeard for information on the six techniques wasn't just for Shave!

(Dong~ Dong~ Dong~~)

Just as Blackbeard was thinking about this, the grandfather clock deep in his mind rang again.

Almost the instant Blackbeard closed his eyes, he once again arrived in this space deep within his soul.

The surroundings of the space were completely dark. In the center of the darkness, a huge silver-white grandfather clock nearly twenty meters tall emitted a silver light and stood there.

Beside the giant clock in this space, there was also a human-like soul fragment enveloped in silver-white light.

Although it had no consciousness, Teach felt that before he thoroughly understood the function of this giant clock, he decided not to touch that unconscious soul.

Compared to that unconscious soul, the giant clock in front of him made him feel amazed.

Although it wasn't the first time he saw this huge grandfather clock, Blackbeard still felt extremely shocked.

This grandfather clock was called:

[Traveler's Clock].

When his soul traversed space, it had quietly appeared in the depths of his soul, and he had learned all the information about this [Traveler's Clock].

Looking up at the Traveler's Clock above, he could clearly see the clock face of the Traveler's Clock.

They were displayed before his eyes in Roman numerals: [Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ, Ⅵ, Ⅶ, Ⅷ, Ⅸ, Ⅹ, Ⅺ, Ⅻ.]

Among them, the Ⅰ to Ⅻ numerals were the directions of the hour hand.

The minute hand pointed from Ⅰ to ⅥⅩ.

The second hand was the same.

Through his grasp of the [Traveler's Clock]'s information, he already knew that every time he arrived at an unfamiliar place, the second hand and minute hand of the Traveler's Clock would start rotating until they accumulated to a time numeral before stopping.

Until he, the host bound by the [Traveler's Clock], used up the ability of the hour hand's numeral, the clock would start rotating again.

Based on his current understanding of the function of the [Traveler's Clock]'s hour hand numerals, each numeral could help him complete the expansion and comprehension of a skill or ability!

This was also the reason why he was so insistent on reading the six techniques materials, even if they were fake and couldn't be trained at all.

Because the [Traveler's Clock] was the foundation of his confidence in being able to fully expand and comprehend the [Rokushiki]!

Moreover, with his knowledge of the Navy's Rokushiki from anime and manga in his previous life, combined with these materials and the ability of the [Traveler's Clock], his confidence was quite sufficient.

Thinking of this, Blackbeard no longer hesitated and directly used the energy of this numeral accumulated from [Ⅻ to Ⅰ]!


The next moment, when Blackbeard applied his thoughts to the [Rokushiki], a silver glow instantly enveloped his entire body.

A few seconds later.

The silver glow gradually faded and disappeared.

Blackbeard, who was sitting in the chair, slowly opened his eyes, which were now filled with excitement and agitation!

Navy Rokushiki———— Get-Da☆Ze!


The Traveler's Clock is awesome!

To think it would let me comprehend the [Rokushiki] so easily!"

Feeling the complete information about training the [Navy Rokushiki] in his mind, Blackbeard instantly had the urge to give it a try.

However, after thinking about the current time, he gave up the idea.

Even if he wanted to train, he had to rest well first.

But then he had a thought. It seemed sleeping could also be a kind of training!

Thinking of this, he immediately began to attempt it.

After lying on the bed, he immediately started training [Life Return].

As soon as he began training [Life Return], he instantly entered that state.

He felt like he could control the blood and cells throughout his body.

First were the long curly locks on his head. Under the urging of his thoughts, they actually started separating one by one, then curled together in strands like snakes dancing!

The blood throughout his body also began to circulate faster, and the cells started vibrating intensely!

"This feeling of controlling my entire body is simply amazing!"

Blackbeard was extremely excited.

"I originally thought losing weight would require a period of crazy exercise. Now it seems it's not that difficult after all!"

After getting used to training [Life Return] for a while, Blackbeard's aura surged, and the muscles and cells all over his body were trembling.

"Life Return!"

With a low shout from Blackbeard, the cells all over his body instantly began rapidly moving and positioning themselves as his thoughts desired, while also consuming cellular energy to provide nutrients for his body.

Sizzle sizzle sizzle————

Subsequently, Blackbeard's sturdy 344 cm body was enveloped by the mist evaporated by the cells.

If someone were in the cabin, they would be able to see Blackbeard's sturdy body slowly becoming slender, and the fat all over his body visibly turning into water droplets on the surface of his body, then being turned into steam by the scorching flowing blood and surrounding his body!

A few minutes later.

The mist surrounding Blackbeard's body slowly dissipated, and Blackbeard's body that had been adjusted by [Life Return] was completely revealed.

If someone saw Blackbeard at this moment, as if he had undergone liposuction and bone removal, they would definitely scream in shock!