
I, Blackbeard, Start By Asking For Dark Fruit

This is an AI translation- there is already someone translating this book on the site under the title- Reborn as Blackbeard and asking for dark fruit - https://www.webnovel.com/book/reborn-as-blackbeard-and-asking-for-dark-fruit_29082071808505505 Original Author: Unruly beauty Mo - raw chapters - https://wap.faloo.com/1371292.html This is just a 1 shot collection of the first 15 chapters because i liked the story and I felt happy with the quality of translation I did compared to the other guy on here. That being said we all have to start somewhere and he has access to the premium chapters that I do not have access to, so if you like the book go support him or the original author :) ******************************************************************************************************** Q: What's it like waking up as the unattractive Blackbeard? A: No worries, I can turn handsome! Q: What if you wake up to find you haven't consumed the Dark-Dark Fruit and aren't as powerful as in the original series? A: I'd straight up demand the Dark-Dark Fruit from Thatch! Q: How does it feel to become Ace's beloved friend and brother? A: I'm not the villain now, so stop messing around! Q: With the Battle of Marineford about to begin, will you go save Ace? A: There was the Battle of Marineford before I crossed over, and it's still here after I became Blackbeard. Wouldn't it be a waste if I didn't cross over? Ace is my beloved friend and brother; of course, I'd consider the situation! Q: After Whitebeard's death, how will you seamlessly take over Whitebeard's forces? A: I am Blackbeard, after all! Zehahaha! Q: After crossing over, what's your ultimate goal? A: What could be more interesting than joining the battle for the throne of heaven, pulling down the deities, and becoming the strongest in the world? Zehahaha! ******************************************************************************************************** My translations are nowhere near perfect put passable enough to let you get lost in the story, enjoy :)

Read_and_Chill · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

【Chapter 6】: Dark-Dark Fruit Obtained, the Bane of Ability Users!

January 11, 1518, night.

New World, onboard the Moby Dick.


Blackbeard made a retching sound, and despite his face turning green, he still tightly covered his mouth with both hands.

What he had just eaten was the Dark-Dark Fruit from his previous life's memories, with a purple teardrop-shaped exterior and spiral patterns!

Although he didn't know if there was any connection between the awakening of a Devil Fruit and eating the whole fruit, he didn't want to take that risk.

After all, as a hardcore One Piece fan in his previous life, he had read quite a few fan novels.

Many web novel authors and forum moderators had firmly stated that only by eating the entire Devil Fruit would one qualify for awakening!

Whether it was true or not was yet to be determined.

In any case, his mouth was big, so swallowing a Devil Fruit whole was no problem.

So that's how the current situation came about.

Seeing his expression, the surrounding Whitebeard Pirates who were watching the commotion all burst into laughter and started teasing him.


"Teach, didn't we tell you to just swallow a mouthful? That would have been enough."

"Hahaha, you're really hardcore. That thing tastes as bad as sht, yet you threw the whole thing in your mouth! You're a fcking badass!"

"Huh? How do you know it tastes as bad as sht? Have you eaten sht before?"

"Hahaha, Teach, quickly check what fruit it is and what ability it has?"



Ignoring the teasing and bantering from those around him, after finally swallowing it down, Teach let out a long breath, then grinned with his mouth missing a few teeth and laughed excitedly.


Because just after he swallowed the fruit flesh, a surge of information instantly flooded his mind.

The abilities, characteristics, and skills of the Dark-Dark Fruit were now firmly grasped by him!

Seeing Teach so excited, the Whitebeard Pirates all showed curious expressions.

Even Whitebeard was quite surprised at this moment and said:

"Gurararara, Teach, from your reaction, it seems the ability of this Devil Fruit is not bad? Is it the one you had your eye on?"

"Zehahaha, Pops, my intuition was indeed correct. This Devil Fruit is indeed the one I had my eye on. I've hit the jackpot!"

As Blackbeard spoke, countless black mists surged around his body, making his 3.4-meter-tall figure appear even more imposing and sinister.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh————

The black mist swirled like black flames, slowly spreading five to six meters around Teach's feet before stopping under his control.

"Hey, Teach, what ability did you actually get? Hurry up and show us!"

Thatch, who was behind, couldn't wait any longer and excitedly shouted at Blackbeard.

"Demonstrate my ability?"

Blackbeard grinned, stretched out his right palm towards Ace, and smirked:


Let my beloved commander Ace experience it then!

Dark Water!"

Sizzle sizzle sizzle————

As soon as Blackbeard finished speaking, a black spiral airflow resembling a windmill instantly appeared on his right palm aimed at Ace.

Seeing this scene, Ace instantly became alert:

"Hey, Teach, you bastard, this energy-type ability of yours couldn't be... Nani!!!"

Before Ace could finish his sentence, he, who was leaning against the ship's railing, suddenly flew off the ground and zoomed towards Blackbeard.



Subsequently, under everyone's astonished gazes, Blackbeard directly grabbed Ace's shoulder with one hand and lifted him in midair.

Seeing this scene, the Whitebeard Pirates instantly let out cries of surprise.

"Ooh ooh ooh!!!"

"This kind of ability! Could it be some kind of Paramecia?"

"Tsk! It looks like a pretty good ability!"

"Being able to easily pull someone to oneself? It seems like a Paramecia, but if the fruit's ability is just this, it seems to have quite a few drawbacks too!"

"Hard to say, let's watch first!"

Whitebeard, who was sitting in the center of the Moby Dick, narrowed his eyes when he saw the ability Blackbeard demonstrated, but he didn't say anything.

"What's going on!"

At this moment, Ace, who was grabbed by Blackbeard, instantly cried out in shock, his face full of disbelief:

"My Flame-Flame Fruit ability... has lost its effect!?"


As soon as Ace said this, it caused another uproar.

Blackbeard said:

"Ace, your feeling is correct. This is one of my fruit's abilities.

It can pull Devil Fruit users to my hand and nullify their abilities!"

"Hey hey hey, are you kidding me? There's actually such an ability?"

Ace still had a face full of disbelief.

"Teach, your luck is really enviable!" Thatch behind him said with a face full of smiles upon hearing this.

Having said that, Thatch was obviously more happy that his brother had such an ability.

When his Observation Haki sensed that Thatch and the others only felt happy for him, as a hardcore One Piece fan, he couldn't help but criticize Blackbeard's actions in his previous life.

Blackbeard, you deserved to die!


Ace, who was put down, punched Blackbeard in the stomach and laughed:

"Teach, you bastard, you're always using your commander for amusement, aren't you! But your ability is really not bad."

"Looks like my luck is indeed not bad."

"Teach, you just said that your ability can nullify the abilities of Devil Fruit users. Can it nullify any ability? Give it a try on me."

At this moment, Marco on the side showed a curious expression.

"Hmm, it should be possible."

Blackbeard thought for a moment and raised his hand towards Marco.

"Dark Water!"


Actually, when he saw the black mist spinning like a black electric fan on Blackbeard's palm, he had secretly prepared himself, but he was still instantly pulled off the ground and absorbed into Blackbeard's hand in the blink of an eye.


Just like Ace earlier, Marco was also easily grabbed in midair by Blackbeard.

"Marco, how's your ability? Can you still use it?"

Diamond Jozu behind immediately asked upon seeing this scene.

"Eh! Are you kidding me? My Phoenix ability is completely nullified!"

Marco's face was filled with astonishment:

"This feeling is like being locked up with sea stone!"


The Whitebeard Pirates, who were still somewhat skeptical due to Ace's situation, were completely shocked when they saw even Marco's ability lose its effect!

This ability was simply the bane of Devil Fruit users!

However, what truly made them feel shocked had only just begun.

Blackbeard suddenly turned his head and looked at Whitebeard behind him with a grin:

"Pops, have you ever been defeated?"


As soon as Blackbeard said this, it instantly caused an uproar on the entire Moby Dick.

Before the crowd could speak, Whitebeard laughed heartily:


Teach, you little brat, what do you want to do?

Don't tell me you've become inflated just after eating a Devil Fruit?

You're still far from being able to defeat this old man!"

Blackbeard also grinned.

But it was an awkward smile.

He thought, damn, this idea was too smooth. He couldn't hold back and brought out the "Old Heavenly Master, have you ever been defeated?" meme.

He almost couldn't bring the situation under control.

Immediately, he chuckled and said:

"Of course that's not what I meant, Pops. I wanted to see if my ability has any effect on your Tremor-Tremor Fruit."


Hearing Blackbeard's words, Whitebeard also became interested.

The other Whitebeard Pirates also showed curious expressions.

"Then let's give it a try!"

As he spoke, Whitebeard directly raised his hand and clenched his right fist. Then, with a "hum" sound, a white halo appeared on his right fist, and he smashed it down towards Blackbeard without hesitation, grinning evilly:

"Teach, this old man won't hold back. If you can't catch it, you'll be in for a rough time!"

Feeling Whitebeard's fierce punch coming, the smile on Blackbeard's face also immediately turned into a solemn expression.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh————

The next instant, black mist surged around his body. His right hand formed a palm, with the deep and dark large windmill attached to it, and he met Whitebeard's punch head-on.


The next second, a crisp sound of fist and palm colliding rang out.

But what made everyone feel astonished and in disbelief was that Whitebeard's punch, which could usually shatter space, completely lacked the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit at this moment!

Moreover, the white halo surrounding Whitebeard's fist actually disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.


Seeing this scene, everyone fell into a state of stunned shock!

Even Whitebeard's face was filled with astonishment and shock.

This was the first time his ability had lost its effect since he had obtained the Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

He also didn't expect Teach to obtain such an incredible fruit.

Immediately after, he let out a hearty laugh:


Teach, you little brat, your luck is indeed not bad. To think you obtained such a rare fruit.

If it's properly developed in the future, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to call it the bane of Devil Fruits!"

Blackbeard also laughed happily. It seemed he had indeed chosen the right path.

However, he was quickly surrounded by the Whitebeard Pirates.