
I, Blackbeard, Start By Asking For Dark Fruit

This is an AI translation- there is already someone translating this book on the site under the title- Reborn as Blackbeard and asking for dark fruit - https://www.webnovel.com/book/reborn-as-blackbeard-and-asking-for-dark-fruit_29082071808505505 Original Author: Unruly beauty Mo - raw chapters - https://wap.faloo.com/1371292.html This is just a 1 shot collection of the first 15 chapters because i liked the story and I felt happy with the quality of translation I did compared to the other guy on here. That being said we all have to start somewhere and he has access to the premium chapters that I do not have access to, so if you like the book go support him or the original author :) ******************************************************************************************************** Q: What's it like waking up as the unattractive Blackbeard? A: No worries, I can turn handsome! Q: What if you wake up to find you haven't consumed the Dark-Dark Fruit and aren't as powerful as in the original series? A: I'd straight up demand the Dark-Dark Fruit from Thatch! Q: How does it feel to become Ace's beloved friend and brother? A: I'm not the villain now, so stop messing around! Q: With the Battle of Marineford about to begin, will you go save Ace? A: There was the Battle of Marineford before I crossed over, and it's still here after I became Blackbeard. Wouldn't it be a waste if I didn't cross over? Ace is my beloved friend and brother; of course, I'd consider the situation! Q: After Whitebeard's death, how will you seamlessly take over Whitebeard's forces? A: I am Blackbeard, after all! Zehahaha! Q: After crossing over, what's your ultimate goal? A: What could be more interesting than joining the battle for the throne of heaven, pulling down the deities, and becoming the strongest in the world? Zehahaha! ******************************************************************************************************** My translations are nowhere near perfect put passable enough to let you get lost in the story, enjoy :)

Read_and_Chill · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

【Chapter 13】:Seven-Star Sword in Hand, Under Control?

It must be said, Teach's words sent a shiver down the spines of everyone present.

There was no helping it. The contrast was simply too stark!

The Marine officer who, in their eyes, possessed the power of a god, couldn't even touch the hem of this mysterious man's garment who had suddenly appeared!

This sense of contrast, coupled with Teach's words, truly seared an indelible mark of invincibility into the depths of their souls!

Could it be that he was the true god?

This thought couldn't help but simultaneously surface in everyone's minds.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!

I possess the power of a god!


Seeing this, the Marine Vice Admiral let out a deranged howl. The red glow around his body intensified as a terrifying energy rapidly gathered in the Seven-Star Sword in his hand.

And that Marine Vice Admiral's body, over 2 meters tall, visibly shriveled by a whole size!

The Seven-Star Sword in his hand became even more sinister and sharp!

Witnessing this scene, Teach couldn't help but grow even more interested in the Seven-Star Sword.

To think it could absorb a person's life force as a source of power?

It seemed somewhat similar to the Enma sword from his past life's plot after Zoro became a human sword rack.

That Enma sword could at least only absorb Haki, but this Seven-Star Sword absorbed not only Haki but even life force!

Needless to say, Teach wanted this Seven-Star Sword even more!

Seeing this, Teach spread his arms and declared with incomparable arrogance:

"Someone who can't even control a mere sword dares to call himself a god?

Come on, show me the strength of your so-called god with your mightiest slash!

The thing I love doing most is dragging gods down from their pedestals!



As he spoke, black mist surged around Teach's body. At the same time, a stream of purplish-black energy, flowing like water, instantly gushed forth from his body!

His over 3-meter tall frame seemed to be enveloped in a flowing purplish-black armor, with countless wisps of black mist rising and swirling around the armor's exterior, exuding an immense pressure!

Especially from the perspective of the people below looking up at the sky, Teach at this moment resembled an ancient demon god standing in the heavens, his aura ferocious and overbearing!

"Mere human, you're seeking death!!!"

The Marine Vice Admiral let out an enraged roar. The Seven-Star Sword in his hand, intertwined with red and green light, shone exceptionally bright in the dark night.

In the next instant, a red and green sword qi, hundreds of meters long, directly followed the Marine Vice Admiral's slashing trajectory and came crashing down towards Teach!

Sensing this terrifying sword intent and sword qi, Teach couldn't help but lick his lips.

This single slash gave him the feeling of directly facing a Supreme Grade Swordsman!

Not even Vista, the 5th Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates known as Flower Sword, had given him this feeling.

Just what power was hidden within this Seven-Star Sword?

These thoughts in his mind didn't hinder Teach from counterattacking in the slightest. Amidst his laughter, he bent his arms forward, clenching his fists until they almost touched. However, his fists were aimed in the direction of the altar.

As the dual-colored Haki gathered in his fists, he simultaneously activated Life Return and directed the attack of the Six King Gun downwards!

At the same time as that red and green sword light soared into the sky, Teach also shouted:

"Flowing Cherry Blossom · Six King Gun!"


The next instant, a purplish-black shockwave erupted from Teach's fists, transforming into a massive pillar of light several meters in diameter, surging towards the incoming red and green sword qi.


The two attacks collided in the sky.

Rumble rumble!!!————

After a momentary standstill lasting a few seconds, the two attacks completely exploded in the sky!


In the next instant, the night sky, which still had some clouds, was instantly blown apart by this terrifying energy fluctuation. The bright and clear moon fully revealed itself before the eyes of the crowd in the plaza below.

Seeing that horrifying, dazzling explosion in the night sky, the crowd almost instinctively squinted their eyes, anxiously wanting to see the result of the battle.

Dozens of seconds later, the aftermath subsided.

When everyone saw that towering figure, resembling an ancient demon god, still standing in the sky, their eyes instantly brimmed with incomparable joy and excitement.

"Not a bad sword slash, but too bad it's useless against me."

"No! No! This is impossible!!!"

The Marine Vice Admiral on the altar couldn't believe what he was seeing. He raised the Seven-Star Sword, pointing it at Teach, and growled:

"You bastard, just what kind of monster are you!"


Hearing this, Teach let out a hearty laugh and grinned at him:

"Remember this!

I am the 0th Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, Blackbeard-Marshall D. Teach!

A man destined to stir up the tides of this era!"


As soon as Teach said this, it once again caused an uproar in the plaza below.

Although they had never heard of this Blackbeard's reputation, how could they not have heard of the legendary Pirate Emperor-Whitebeard-Edward Newgate?

But what shocked them even more was that a single commander of the Whitebeard Pirates possessed such terrifying strength?


The Marine Vice Admiral had obviously also heard of the Whitebeard Pirates, but he wasn't an ignorant fool. He immediately roared:

"Just who the hell are you? I've never heard of anyone like you in the Whitebeard Pirates, and what's this 0th Division!

You sneaky little rat!

Since you refuse to say, then go die!"

As he spoke, the Marine Vice Admiral once again wanted to slash at Teach with his sword.

Seeing this, Teach let out a light chuckle, not in the mood to play with him anymore.


Swoosh swoosh swoosh————

In the next instant, Teach's figure, originally hundreds of meters away from the altar, transformed into a black shadow. Stepping on air explosions, he arrived in front of the Marine Vice Admiral in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the Marine Vice Admiral was just about to swing his sword down again.

However, in the next second, a scene that shocked everyone occurred.


As the crisp sound of metal clashing against metal rang out, everyone saw that terrifying Seven-Star Sword being directly blocked by a single finger of that Blackbeard.


Seeing this scene, everyone felt their scalps go numb as they began to gasp in disbelief!

Even that Marine Vice Admiral was somewhat dumbfounded at this moment.

Although he knew this guy called Blackbeard was very strong, he never imagined he could be strong to this extent.

Blocking the Seven-Star Sword with a single finger?

Don't be ridiculous!

This was a weapon used by a god!

"This... how... is this possi————"


Before he could even react, he was directly sent flying by a kick from Teach.



Subsequently, that Marine Vice Admiral transformed into a black shadow, kicked from the altar to the center of the plaza, smashing a huge crater into the ground. He could no longer get up.

And the Seven-Star Sword in his hand had now fallen into Teach's possession.


The moment the Seven-Star Sword entered his hand, Teach instantly understood most of the information about it. He immediately held up the nearly 2-meter long Seven-Star Sword and laughed up at the sky.

At the same time, an eerie red light soared into the sky, mixed with the black mist of the Dark-Dark Fruit, making Teach appear even more demonic and bizarre.

Seeing this scene, the old priestess from the original Asuka Island below cried out in horror:

"It's over! It's completely over! This lord has also been controlled by the Seven-Star Sword!"

Hearing this, the crowd was struck with terror and dread!