
I Became the Weakest Demon Prince!

[Welcome, chosen ones, to the world of Aurelia!] The system's voice echoed in the vast white space. [Your mission is to save this world from the demon threat!] My classmates and I found ourselves transported into our favorite fantasy novel. Each of us was given skills and classes to help protect humanity. We received blue panels, symbolizing our mission to eliminate the demons. But my panel glowed blood-red. [Your mission: Annihilate all the races and conquer the world.] Reborn as Azazel, the weakest prince of the demon royal family, I am scorned for my incomplete runes and weak aura. “This can't be real...” I whispered to myself, staring at my reflection. “How am I supposed to conquer the world like this?” Armed with my knowledge of the novel’s plot and driven by a hidden potential, I must navigate the treacherous politics of the demon court, outwit my powerful siblings, and fulfill my dark mission. Caught between my past life as a human and my new identity as a demon prince, I face a journey filled with peril and moral dilemmas. Can I rewrite my destiny, or will I succumb to the darkness within?

Ascendent · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Six Months Later

Six months had passed since I first set foot in the Mortalis Training Grounds. Six months of grueling training, endless drills, and constant bruises. But also six months of progress.

I stood in front of the mirror, barely recognizing the person staring back at me. My once frail frame had filled out with muscle, and my eyes, once filled with uncertainty, now held a determined glint.

"Open System Panel." I thought in my mind.

The familiar blood-red system panel materialized before me, its ominous glow illuminating the room.


Name: Azazel (Noah)

Race: Demon

Class: Demon Prince (D) (can be evolved)

Skills: Night Vision (C), Enhanced Agility (C), Basic Fireball(C), Hellfire Burst (B), Stealth (C), Demonic Regeneration (D), Shadow Manipulation (S) (Locked), Inferno Blast (A) (Locked) ..


Nice! It looks like I've unlocked [Hellfire Burst]. Moreover, [Basic Fireball] and [Enhanced Agility] have also advanced to C rank.

I grinned happily while looking at the panel, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Let's see what [Hellfire Burst] does. I clicked on the skill, and a detailed description popped up.

[Skill: Hellfire Burst]

[Grade: B]

[Description: Conjures a dark, swirling orb of fire about the size of a melon, radiating crimson and black flames. Upon impact, the orb explodes, causing significant damage to the primary target and additional area-of-effect damage within a 3-meter radius. The lingering hellfire continues to burn and weaken enemies caught in the blast.]

Oh ho, this is pretty awesome!

Finally, a good offensive skill that I can actually use at my level. This will definitely come in handy during training and real combat.

I closed the panel and took a moment to reflect on my progress. Six months ago, I could barely hold a sword, let alone cast a proper fireball. Now, I had a growing arsenal of skills and the physical strength to back them up.

Wait a second...

My eyes widened in realization.

I haven't looked at my stats since I came here! How could I forget something so important?

I facepalmed, feeling a mix of embarrassment and frustration. "Open Stats Window." I thought, hoping I wasn't too late to check my progress.

The stats window popped up, displaying my attributes in detail.

"Open up the Stats Window." Noah commanded.


Name: Azazel (Noah)

Race: Demon

Class: Demon Prince (D) (can be evolved)

Demonic Energy Capacity: S

Strength: C

Agility: C

Stamina: C

Charm: C


My jaw dropped as I stared at the screen. "S rank demonic energy capacity?!" I practically yelled.

"That's... that's insane! How is that even possible?!"

I rubbed my eyes and looked again, but the rank didn't change. Starting with such a high demonic energy capacity meant that as I trained and leveled up, it would only get higher, potentially reaching astronomical levels.

This was beyond just having a head start; it was like being given a jetpack in a footrace.

The sheer amount of power I could wield was mind-boggling.

"This... this means I have the potential to become insanely powerful. I might actually have a shot at evolving my class and unlocking those higher-level skills much more easily!"

The thought made me giddy with excitement and a bit nervous about the responsibility that came with it.

Even though my class is currently D grade, having a demonic energy capacity of S grade is already a tremendous achievement. I mean, it would be impressive enough if I had a C grade capacity, given my starting point. But to think it's S grade... that's beyond extraordinary. It's like being the scrawniest kid in school and then finding out you can bench press a car.

I couldn't help but grin at the possibilities. I was grinning like a maniac, probably looking more like a crazed demon than ever. "This... this is huge. With an S grade capacity, I can potentially master spells and techniques that others can only dream of. As I grow stronger, this capacity will only expand, giving me an edge that's almost unfair."

I chuckled to myself, feeling a mix of awe and excitement.

"Well, looks like I've got some serious potential. Time to make the most of it."

Which reminds me...

Why can't I view both stats and skills in one panel? It's pretty annoying to call them separately.

"Hey System, merge the stats window and skill panel."

[Both panels have been merged successfully. You can try viewing the system panel again.]

I thought about opening the panel, and a new, combined interface popped up.


Name: Azazel (Noah)

Race: Demon

Class: Demon Prince (D) (can be evolved)

Skills: Night Vision (C), Enhanced Agility (C), Basic Fireball (C), Hellfire Burst (B), Stealth (C), Demonic Regeneration (D), Shadow Manipulation (S) (Locked), Inferno Blast (A) (Locked)...

Demonic Energy Capacity: S

Strength: C

Agility: C

Stamina: C

Charm: C


"Ha, this is much better." I nodded to myself, satisfied with the new setup.

I looked at my runes and was confused on how to use them.

Its been six months and I still haven't figured out how to use these runes. All they do is just glow faintly.

According to the novel, every member of the Demon Royals had different powers contained in their runes. But the Demon King? He was on another level. His runes were the Rune of Infinite Regeneration and the Rune of Cataclysm, and they were so overpowered it was almost unfair.

The Rune of Infinite Regeneration made the Demon King nearly immortal. No matter how bad his injury were, he'd heal almost instantly.

Cut off his arm? It'd grow right back. Stab him through the heart? That wound would close up in seconds. It made fighting him feel pointless because he never stayed injured.

Then there's the Rune of Cataclysm. This one let him unleash massive destruction. He could summon apocalyptic-level disasters like hellfire storms, earthquakes, and tsunamis. It wasn't just a little bit of damage either—he could wipe out entire cities and armies with a single thought.

In the novel, the Main Character had an insanely tough time dealing with him. Every battle was a desperate fight just to survive. The heroes had to come up with crazy strategies, use every bit of their power, and rely on sheer luck to even stand a chance. The Demon King's regeneration meant their attacks didn't last, and his Cataclysm power could destroy them all in a flash.

What, you think the Main Character is weak because he was struggling? Hell Noo!! Imagine a guy who's loaded with so many abilities, has sky-high stats, and a growth rate that makes everyone else look like they're standing still.

His sheer presence was like a black hole, sucking the hope and confidence out of everyone around him. Just being around him made you realize how powerful he truly was, like facing a living, breathing apocalypse.

Now, things have become much crazier since I got pulled into this novel along with my classmates.

I held my head like I was having a headache just thinking about how the story is going to progress.

Having the original main character and his team was already enough to give the Demon King and his lackeys a run for their money. But now, with the addition of my classmates and me, the dynamics have completely changed.

It's like tossing a bunch of wild cards into an already insane deck.

I mean, the main character and his team were powerhouses on their own. They had their skills honed to perfection, their strategies were top-notch, and their teamwork was unparalleled. They were already a force to be reckoned with, capable of annihilating the Demon King and his minions.

But now, adding us into the mix? It's a whole new level of chaos. I can't even begin to predict how this is going to play out. Will we tip the scales in favor of the heroes, or will our presence throw everything into disarray?

My classmates—Jason, Sarah, Adam, and the others—each have their unique powers and abilities now. They've been training just like I have, unlocking new skills and growing stronger.

But here's the kicker: while they're on a mission to save the world from demons, my mission is the exact opposite. I'm supposed to annihilate all the races and conquer the world. Our goals couldn't be more contradictory.

Talk about a plot twist! We were all tossed into this world, but on opposite sides of the battlefield. It's like some cosmic joke, except the punchline could end with me facing off against my own friends.

I mean, back when we first got thrown into this mess, I thought the worst part was just surviving. Turns out, the real nightmare is knowing that the people I used to hang out with are now my potential enemies.

I ran a hand through my hair, tugging at it in frustration. "Arrghh, this is so messed up!" I muttered while pacing the room.

How am I supposed to navigate this? Do I try to stick to my mission, or do I find a way to subvert it? Can I even trust my classmates anymore, knowing we're destined to be enemies?

I sighed, feeling the weight of it all pressing down on me. This wasn't just a story anymore. It was real, and the stakes were higher than ever.

I slumped into a chair, staring at the flickering candle on the table, the tiny flame dancing in the dim light.

But one thing was clear. I needed to get even stronger. If I'm going to survive in this world and protect my friends, I can't afford to be weak or unprepared. There's no room for hesitation or second-guessing.

But one thing was clear. I needed to get even stronger. If I'm going to survive in this world and protect my friends, I can't afford to be weak or unprepared. There's no room for hesitation or second-guessing. I clenched my fists, determination burning in my eyes.

"I will get stronger. I have to."