
I am Volibear in monsterverse

A man died and found God who made him spin the gacha of the afterlife. In the end, he became the league of volibear legends and went to Monsterverse (The Godzilla universe and the circle of fire). Note: My volibear will have a base height of 100 meters, imagine a huge giant bear covered in lightning. The story time will start in the Jurassic era and I don't know the comics of the series, so some parts will be invented, but I will try to be faithful to the characters.

patinhoDEUSVULT · 映画
24 Chs


At this point in her life Guidorah had never felt so afraid, every step Wilson took towards her, her instincts screamed danger and told him to run away immediately, however his pride would not allow it.

Guidorah roared and sent his rays towards Wilson but something happened that no one ever imagined, Wilson reached out and sent his energy to the stone making it glow.

He simply gestured with his finger down and a great wave of wind came out of his hand and crashed into the lightning, as if the space had bent in that spot the lightning was all deflected downward and hit the ground, destroying it. and breaking it.

" My turn." Wilson muttered and his red rays flashed through his hand before advancing towards Guidorah who wasn't able to react fast enough and got his arm hit.

When the red rays slammed into Guidorah's flesh he crumbled to dust and a shower of blood fell from the stump he was on, "ROARRR!" Guidorah gave a roar of pain and tried to fly upward.

"Who says you can leave?" Wilson jumped into the air and grabbed Guidorah's leg and with all his strength threw him to the ground. The dragon let out a great cry of pain as he crashed into the earth that cracked on contact.

Wilson's red rays advanced in Guidorah's body making him scream in pain as he felt every cell in him scream in pain at the same time and he saw Wilson pull his leg hard and rip it off.

He roared in pain again but Wilson grabbed one of the screaming heads and used his strength to squeeze it, the head tried to get free as Wilson put force and the other heads bit him trying to free him but he didn't move.


With a huge explosion of blood the head was crushed in his hand leaving only a carcass behind and Wilson grabbed both of his wings shortly thereafter before grabbing them and pulling them out of Guidorah's body.

The dragon tried desperately to break free but the big Bear stepped on his chest and pressed him to the ground making the earth that was already cracked open in a big crack and the two fell into it.

However when Wilson was about to fall a message also fell in his head, it was Godzilla's roar asking for help, at that moment the doubt hit Wilson's heart and he let out a sigh before holding the edge and looking at Guidorah who fell in the empty.

"You will live for now, but know that as long as I live I will come back for you." Wilson mentally sent this message to the abyss and rose to the surface before running toward the ocean.

At that same moment he tried to connect with the hive and sighed in relief when he was able to get in touch with the bees that have now come to rest in a cave along with the humans.

"I will fulfill my role as the protector of the hive until the end of time." Wilson muttered as he looked at the gem on his gauntlet and ran towards the sea, at that moment he saw a small rise rising from the sea.


With a huge burst of water a dinosaur-shaped Kaiju came roaring out of the water before a blue light blazed inside it and Godzilla's thunderbolt burst its head and blue blood covered the ocean.

At that moment Godzilla's head popped out of the water and he motioned Wilson down there, "You know I'm a Bear aren't you, not a fish." Wilson muttered sullenly but it looks like Godzilla wouldn't listen to him, "Well at least the sea isn't that deep." Wilson muttered and stepped into the water.

When he entered the water he smelled the strong smell of burning alien corpses, and soon he found where that smell came from, the sea was covered in blue blood with pieces of flesh rising all the time including even whole limbs.

Wilson took a deep breath before diving into the water, don't think otherwise he's got a lot of hate and anger right now but it's still rational he could kill Guidorah later but if the planet dies the hive dies too so he must have priorities in his life.


6 days earlier when Guidorah arrived on the planet.

Godzilla upon hearing the roar of the space dragon immediately began to move towards where he came from, but on the way the planet gave him a severe warning signal in the ocean near the coast farther away.

A big bolt exploded from the bottom of that place and a crack started to open, at first it was small but it spread quickly until it was big enough for a Kaiju to pass through, Gozilla looked menacingly at the crack and prepared to close it with its ray but at that moment Category 1 Kaijus started to come out of the rift.

(One thing, Godzilla can be considered a Category 6 Kaiju as he can literally dig a hole in the planet to the core.)

They looked at him and like animals that had seen prey advanced towards Gogira, and as we know they were slaughtered but more and more Kaijus kept coming out of the rift pushing Godzilla back with numbers.

It came at a time when Gozilla was facing 15 Category 2 Kaijus at the same time on the fourth day and knowing that the situation was getting worse over time there was only one thing he and Earth could do at that point.

He roared for Wilson to help him and the Earth like any other organism that feels threatened began to produce another antibody, elsewhere on the seafloor another Godzilla was forming.


( To be continue.)