
I Am The Reaper Of Death

A spirit is trapped inside a skeleton's body. Unable to do anything. He accepted his fate and continues his life. But one day, a book suddenly appeared in front of him. Despite its simplicity. It proclaimed itself as the book of death. The book had chosen the spirit to become the next enforcer of death - The reaper. Out of curiosity, the spirit accepted the offer and receives a life-long mission, a duty. [Killl the immortals!] But how can a mere spirit trapped inside a skeleton's body kill an eternal being? And what happened to the previous owner? This is the tale of a grim reaper. A being that will reap anyone's soul that dares to violate the laws of life and death. _______ I made this story to join the WPS contest. And although this is just a spontaneous decision that I took in the middle of the night. But hey, give this story a chance, will you?

TheUnsuspicious · ファンタジー
3 Chs

The Book Of Death

{A Spirit's POV}

A few days have passed since I am trapped inside this stupid and useless skull.

And naturally, I've calmed myself quite considerably.

I've tried to figure out the reason why I am trapped. And I have noticed some peculiar things.

First, I haven't grown to become a low-level spirit yet.

And even if I did, I've never heard that a spirit can be trapped inside a skull.

So the problem should come from the skull itself.

After a while of experimenting with anything, I could think of. I've found something mind-blowing.

I am able to move the skeleton…

'This is impossible'

Although I am not used to it, it is theoretically possible to use it as my new body.

I just need practice.

But the problem is not this, the real question is why I can move the skeletons?

I am pretty sure I am not a soul, because if I am, I would have already been fused towards this skeleton and became a mindless monster.

The difference between a soul and a spirit may not be intuitive as both of them are in essence just a consciousness.

The main difference comes from the 'purity' of it. And a pure spirit is unable to fuse with a skeleton for sure.

I don't know much about it so I can't really explain it either. But you get the important part.

The fact that I, a spirit am able to somehow control a skeleton as if I am a soul. Yet also not fused into the skeleton as if I am a spirit…

Hmm, this is too complicated.

As I don't have enough information to solve this problem. I put it into the back of my mind and focuses on getting used to the skeleton.

Ooh after a while, I also realize that moving the skeleton actually requires energy for me.

Which means I can get 'tired' as time goes on.

So this is indeed a major disadvantage…

Aiya~~ Why did I enter this damn skeleton in the first place… I am an idiot.


~~3 days later~~

Hmm, I guess this can call as progress?

Although awkward, I can already walk quite well. And goes for at least one kilometer before I get tired.

It took me around 5 minutes to gain my energy back so that's also a good thing.

But there's a big problem though…

I can't fight.

Well, it's not like I need food to eat but it is almost impossible not to meet a single monster in this forest.

And yes, I am talking to you, you damn goblins. How the hell am I meeting 3 of you every 30 minutes? Is your reproduction that fast?

Sigh~~ I guess it's a good thing that I've only met goblins for now.

Although I've been making sure to distance myself from the road used by humans or elves.

If I were to meet them…

Aiya, why do they have to kill every single monster that they meet… It's not like a skeleton can be sold for money alright?

Hmm? What did you say? Shouldn't I be happy that the skeleton will get destroyed?

Bro, what if they didn't destroy the skull? Won't I be completely stuck in this hell hole forever?

Well at least for now, I haven't met a single sign of them anywhere. So that's something I gues-

"Ooh, a book…"

As I walk through the forest, not really knowing where to go. I saw a book, placed right in the middle of the ground.

The book had a pure black cover on it. With no decorations found on any side.

It is not thick nor is it thin. It probably only contains around 50 pages.

It does look quite well-worn though.

Nevertheless, it is just a simple and ordinary-looking book.

'…Meh who cares. The book probably doesn't contain any interesting thing'

With that in mind, I continued my journey, leaving behind the ordinary book.


{5 days later}

I have a problem…

No, it's not about the humans or any other races.

I haven't met them yet thanks to my knowledge of this forest.

The problem is because of this book.

Laid in front of me was again another plain-looking book that really doesn't possess any interesting aura.

I have already met this book several times now. And the intervals get shorter and shorter each day...

What is this? Some kind of horror story?

Although a bit afraid and hesitant, my curiosity had been rising since long ago about this book.

And finally, I moved my skeleton hand and pick the book that is laid on top of a rock

But at the very moment when my skeleton hand touches the black cover.

A deep voice with a wise tone suddenly resounded inside my very own spirit.

[Ooh, you pick me? I thought you're an idiot, so this is unexpected!]

…I must be a fool for saying it is wise.



I dropped the book and continues my journey.

"Must have been the wind", I said.

As I walk for a few steps. I turn my head over to check-



A book suddenly crashed onto my face with quite an amount of force making me fell onto the ground.

[You can't even feel any pain yet, why are you reacting like a little girl?]

Massaging my boney face. I look at the book and complaint lightly.

"That's not very appropriate"

[Nor is dropping me to the ground right?]

"You insulted me!"

[I am just telling the truth!]

Feeling that arguing with this book will only take forever. I calm my anger and focuses on the important part.

"What do you want?"

[I want you to become my owner!], The book responded.

Giving out a stupid expression on my face. I asked in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

[You have been chosen to become the next Reaper! The Enforcer of Death!]

[And I am the book of death!]

Hearing new terms, I ask again.

"Reaper? What's that?"

[A reaper is someone who takes the soul of living beings that violates the law of life and death!]


[Do you want to accept it?]

Shaking my head, I quickly refuse.

"I don't want to become a serial killer. So no"

[You won't become a serial killer. The one that you must kill is people that have violated the law!]

"So I kill bad people?"


My mouth was shut and I began to contemplate. But after a few seconds, I got my answer.

"Hmm… Sure!"

[Wait seriously? That was easy!]


I fell silent and began to doubt my own decision. After all, I just accepted it out of pure curiosity. But it was already too late.

Suddenly dark smoke began to appear from the ground.

It then gathers into one spot as an occasional blue light pierce out from inside the smoke.

All of a sudden, the smoke freezes on the spot. After a time that felt like an eternity. The smoke then falls back into the ground as if it had never been here before.

But now, an object had replaced the spot where the smokes gathered. A lantern.

The lantern was of a cubical shape with translucent glass on all four sides.

A thin string was strap on top of the lantern. And an unknown metal of obsidian color was used to create the support for the lantern.

Inside the transparent glass contains a tiny flame that gave out a cyanic light.

The lantern slowly moved towards my hand.

Holding the lantern using its string, I touch the crystal-clear glass.

[This will be your gift for becoming a Reaper!]

[As you grow stronger, you will receive more gifts befitting of a Reaper!]

Mesmerized by the small flame, it took me a few seconds before I closed my eyes and directed my gaze towards the book.

"So? What do I need to do?"

"Who's the bad guy that I need to kill?"

Responding to my question, the tone of the book suddenly turned serious.

[Master only has one duty!]

[Kill the immortals!]

When I heard the word 'immortals' I froze on the spot.

"…You're kidding right?"

The book stayed silent.

"It's the immortals you know? The I-M-M-O-R-T-A-L-S!"

"A being that stood on top of this world!"

"Its mere existence shook fear of any beings from any races! And you want me to kill them?!"

"Didn't you said that I am killing bad guys?!"

After I throw out a barrage of questions. The book responded lightly.

[They are indeed the bad guys. They have violated the laws of life and death and as the Reaper, Master must obtain their soul!]

This book is crazy!

I can understand if the immortals were killing people left and right! But the fact is the opposite! The immortals are the rulers of races and are the one that keeps the world at balance! They are anything but bad guys!

As if knowing what I thought, the book continued.

[Master may think they are a good thing to the world. But that is only because they manage to control themselves. It is just a matter of time before they fail and bring destruction to the world!]

"..What do you mean?"

[There's no hurry, Master. You will understand in the future!]

[As of now, I recommend Master to focus on getting stronger!]