

[[ what would happen if someone have the ability to transmigrate to all anime worlds at will? ]] she's not got helps from a god or system that manage some character transferred to another world like a other story BECAUSE THIS GIRL HERSELF CAN DO THAT WITHOUT IT... “I am the author in my book” “no one can stop me!” she woke up that she was inside a space that was full of white walls. Inside the space that she was standing in look like a BOX. At the centre of the space, she noticed that a small box floating and slowly turning around like a globe. She approached it and placed her both hands above the white box. After a few seconds, the white box was glowing and keep brighter then the lights came out like a hologram. The sentences that were shown on the hologram is - 'WELCOME TO YOUR WORLD OF IMAGINATION' First chapter ‘HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD’…… *just to say that I'm not a native English speaker. And the use of words is just simple and not an expert of it. If you looking for good grammar or difficult words, you can comment on the suggestion and I will try to improve it from time to time. *the cover pic it's not mine so let me know if you are against it. *Each Volume have different stories. Kindly check on Auxiliary Section * Please consider supporting me through Buy Me Coffee > niikaz * Open to all opinions and will not delete any reviews and criticism, cause it will not affect me as I will keep writing the story. So, the change is whether You read it or not. *I will apologize in advance for not replying to any of your comments or reviews as I will spend all my time writing a story and keep writing it until I died.

NiikaZ · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs


Sorry for long hiatus, I'm struggling with the amount of stress piled up during Covid such as work, study and others. Not only that, for now, I have about 10-20 chapter draft to publish here. So thank you for waiting after all this time.


Kazu sits on the couch, feeling hopeless, his eyes are good as dead. Tears no longer come out from his eyes. Dry, much like his heart.

He keeps staring at his parent's corpse. His mind feels numb from all of this shit situation. First, he has to escape from monster's grasp, and then have to fight to the dead, even his friends have almost been killed, and now he has to face the reality that he was alone in this fucking shit world

(haah~ I want to die, this is it, huh, I don't have any will to live on. Dad and mom are dead anyway so why I should I struggle to live)

"I guess I have died too to be with the-" he stops from taken as he realised that the words come out his mouth has already heard by Niikaz. He slowly turns his head, facing her. His eyes widen as he saw Niikaz with unreadable expressions.

Before that words come out form Kazu's mouth, Niikaz busy trying to figure out how to comfort Kazu. Many strategies keep appearing inside her mind as she plays some roleplay to make it look more sentimental or maybe success to make Kazu cheer up a bit...

She frowns as she folds both of her arms with a serious look.

(hmmm, what to do….should I say some cliché line, 'it's alright, I'm here for you. At least you're not

alone' or maybe like 'I bet your mom and dad don't want you to feel sad, they want you to be strong' kind of like but…still if his parent doesn't want him to be sad, they should die in the first place right? Isn't selfish.

Ah! Should I say like this 'live! Someday you will need someone who wishes to stay with you until the end, if you die here, then everything is over.' Err….that's so lame statement, not good with this world actually….urghhhh what to do…)

Niikaz lightly ruffles her head try to come up something more reasonable…really..she didn't know how to cheer up some up..especially someone who just lost his parents in more fucked up way in front of him.

Suddenly a bulb appears in her mind that she thinks this scene is suitable to comfort Kazu. Before she says something to him, she hears unforgivable words come out from his mouth.

"what do you say?" she tilts her head a bit as she kept staring at him like a predator has spotted her prey. Veins pop out to decorate her wide clean forehead. Her eyes are a bit red keep staring at Kazu feeling pissed.

"n-no n-niikaz, you've mistaken- right urghhh" a hand clenched to his mouth tight, his eyes wide as his body shivering in fear.

"Just because your parents are dead, so you want to die, huh? You were feeling hopeless, and there is nobody with you anymore in this world? Are you fucking kidding me? "

His tears continue to wet Niikaz's hand as she keeps gripping Kazu's mouth.

"then what I am to you? Just a stranger? Just because I only met you today?" \

(well, that's true tho. Hmmm what I gonna do with this situation...I like him, but I don't want him to slow me down in the future just because he is feeling depressed, that will be annoying. After all, I wouldn't say I like that personality at all, feeling hopeless and acting like tragedy hero or heroine at their own world without care the feeling from people around him who still care for him. Like me)

She dazed a bit, her hand slowly lifting Kazu without she realise it. Kazu struggles to loosen up the grip. He is scared of her.

(arghh what do I do? Hmmm…..I like his character tho..it this the end? Should I kill him?) she cried a bit, thinking hard as she didn't realise that her grip becoming loosens up because she is too focused in her own world.

"hmmph …hmph…AHHH!" Kazu has escaped from her grasp successfully,

"WHAT THE –" when he is about to yell at her, he saw a glistening tear flowing down her cheeks. He hesitated a bit, feeling wrong from what he said earlier as he speechless when he saw Niikaz cry for his sake.

He suddenly realised that he is not alone in this world; there is also okada and nishinoya waiting for him. Most important….the girl stands in front of him, crying for his sake.

(.how foolish of me thinking to die when a girl is willing to cry only just for me..)

He grips his fist tight, clenched his teeth.

"I am an idiot!" moaned softly.

"huh what?" Niikaz wake from inner fighting, feeling weird as she saw that Kazu stared at her seriously.

"Niikaz!" he walks to her and hugs her body tight.

"huh what-what" blur from the sudden change of pace. She didn't feel shy from that hug, but she is feeling blurred as she can't catch up the feel sudden of change happening here. Why is he like this?

Didn't he act like a tragic hero before? What happens?

She makes a dumb face.

"I'm sorry, …for saying that. I'm so selfish that I didn't realise you're crying for my sake."

"oo you mean crocodiles tea-"

" I AM SO SORRY!! I promise… I will not say that ever…ever again. MARK MY WORDS!" Kazu holds both of her shoulders with a serious face as he makes a vow to stay alive for her at all cost. He misunderstands Niikaz's real intention when she was tearing up before as he didn't hear and quick to interrupt what Niikaz said earlier.

(....whatever…as long as I didn't have to kill you then I'm good with it)

Kazu looks at his deceased parent. He walks toward the corpse and covers them with the blanket.

He sits on his knees, praying to take good care of him or whatsoever.

He wipes his last tears and turns around facing Niikaz ready for next battle.

As he and Niikaz went outside, he noticed Takuzo keep firing his shot below apartment but the position his firing is somewhat far from their distance.

"What's wrong?" Niikaz asked Naomi as she saw Naomi keep a look at the same direction Takuzo's aim. She looks worried at the same time.

"ah, Niikaz. Hisashi…"

"Hisashi?" Kazu said.

"Hisashi's group being ambushed!" Yamada interrupt


Hope you guys like my story, blast me a lot of power stones if this story deserves awards.






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