

A young man, named Jay, dies in a bar brawl protecting his friend, after which he is randomly chosen by Arceus to reincarnate as a pokémon. A brief warning this novel will be sexual and since our Mc will be a Pokémon, poképhillia will be a common occurrence. I will also be putting in a more thorough explanation in a warning chapter for everyone to read before the story starts. Additional Tags: Futanari, Poképhilia, Pokémon on Pokémon sex, Pokémon on Human sex, Human on Pokémon sex, light Incest, and Beastiality ig

Sin_of_Acceptance · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

New Companions

"JAAAAAAAAY!!!" a familiar voice calls out my name before I'm suddenly tackled to the ground.

"Who-" I begin to question who tackled me, but as I turn around in their tight grip I see Hops burying her nose into my chest. Knowing that it's Hops, I return her hug. "Hey, Hops."

"I missed you, Jay." She said as she moved her face and looked up at me.

"How could you miss me? I saw you like 30 minutes ago." I question while petting her head. "So, doesn't change the fact that I missed you. Besides you're my only friend." She replied with a pout.

"Ditto." I say, smiling at her pouting face. Her expression shifts to confusion as she asks, "What about Ditto?"

Realizing she thinks I'm talking about the Pokémon, I quickly clear up the misunderstanding. " My bad, I meant same here. Like you're my only friend too."

Apparently she found my explanation funny because she started to giggle." Pfft,*Giggle ,Giggle, Giggle*… I'm happy to know you're still a weirdo" She says while standing up. With her off of me, I was finally able to get up too.

Before we can continue talking, we hear someone clear their throat. Simultaneously looking to the source we can see our parents, and some other Pokémon, looking at us. It seems like Lola was the one wanting to gain our attention because she's the first to speak up. "I'm glad to see you two get along so well, but there's other Pokémon here who'd like to meet you." She says while gesturing to her left. Standing there is a Ralts, calmly watching our interaction with a smile, and a Riolu, nervously fiddling with her fingers. Their mothers were also standing there, but I focused primarily on those two. One because they were going to be my allies, and Two because the Ralts stood out with her blue hair and orange horns.

"You're a shiny, right?" I ask addressing the Ralts.

"Indeed. It's pleasure to meet you, my name is Evangeline." She introduced with a curtsy.

"Nice name! Can I call you Eva for short?" I inquire while flashing her a smile.

"I'd love that!" She responded with a bit of excitement. "Good! Now, what's your name?" I question, turning my attention towards the shy Riolu.

"Ju-Jules." She replies as she avoids eye contact, by looking at the ground.

Moving my face directly in front of her eyeline, I greet her with a large smile. "Nice to meet you, Jules, My name is Jay." Getting a shy smile in return I pull back and address both of them. "I'm sure you heard, but my name is Jay; and I hope we all can get along."


"I sure we'll get along nicely." Eva says in response.

"Does this mean more Friends!?!" Hops ask while grabbing my shoulder, almost pulling me to the ground.

"I think it does." I respond, smiling at my future companions. "Wooow! Two New Friends?! That means I made three friends In ONe DAY, THAT"S MORE THEN I MADE MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!" Hops yells out in excitement, unfortunately she did it in my ear. "OW, can you take your voice down a notch. At least while you're right next to me."

"Oops, sorry." She apologized with a blush.

Finished with our introductions, we turn to face our parents. With a smile on his face my father speaks. "Now that you're all done with your introductions, let's get to business shall we?"

Seeing us all nod in response, He continues. "Good, as you three should know, you're here because you volunteered to join Jay on his journey. Well you two did, Jules, I asked for you specifically because you need get out there, see the world." He says focusing on Jules towards the end. "Anyways, You all might be wondering what the goal of your adventure is, the answer... whatever you want. Whether it's to explore all the regions, or just finding a place of your own; You can even enter Human Cities and learn about their culture, since you have Eva with you."

"Why's that? Can she use Telepathy or something?" I ask not knowing what my companions are capable of yet. I've only known the newest ones for like five minutes. That's why I surprised when I get two responses at the same time.

"Yes." {Indeed}

One was my father confirm my offhand guess, the other resounded out inside my mind. In a voice I heard quite recently. "Holy Fuck! Really?" I ask while whipping my head in Eva's direction. She was amused by my surprise and replied with a smile. "Really."

"That's awesome!" Hops exclaimed.

"It really is and quiet useful." I agree while beginning to think of how useful Eva's Telepathy ability will be, but from the corner of my eye I can see Jules' smile become a little cramped; and even though she doesn't physically move, she shrinks in on herself. Almost like she's trying to hide. 'Man, what happened to cause her to have such low self-esteem?'

"Now that we know we can do whatever we want after we leave, is there anything else? Do we need to leave by a certain time? Are you gonna give us any supplies? Can you tell us anything about the surroundings? Is there any threats nearby we should worry about? Which direction is the nearest Human city and what's it called?" I ask one question after the other putting all my concerns out there.

"I don't need anything else from you, I've said my piece. You have to be gone by tomorrow, which shouldn't be a problem considering it's only the middle of the day. It'll give you guys some time to say your goodbyes and prepare a bit more. You can take as many berries as you can carry. There's no particularly strong threats within my domain, but once you leave my sphere of influence there's no telling who you'll run into. The nearest human city is to the North North-West (NNW) and it's called Veilstone City. To the South-East is a city called Sunnyshore. Then if you go to the South-West past Lake valor there's Patsoria City. And that should answer all you're questions." He didn't even flinch before answering my questions one by one with a grin on his face. Finished he waved before walking past us towards the direction of the lake. Following behind him was Sus, the Vaporeon, Cotton, the Altaria, Gia, the Amphoros, and the ever friendly Zoroark, Thea.

After those five left, only us and our respective mothers were left in the forest clearing. The other three quickly ran up and hugged their mothers, leaving me to awkwardly stand across from my mom. Considering I've only know her for less than an hour, maybe more, and she continuously called me an idiot or referred to like one, I didn't really feel like we were on hugging terms.

The first to break our weird stand off was my mother. "So, I guess this is Goodbye, huh?"

"I guess so."

"Welp, since I'll probably never see you again, can I tell ya' something" She said with a light blush on her cheeks. "I guess?" I reply confused

"Well you're only my second kid and I'm not exactly cut out for this motherhood thing. So, if I came off as bitchy or anything like that... imsorry." By the end she was mumbling quietly.

Amused I tried to tease her a little. "What was that?"

"...im... sorry..." She squeaked out in a low voice.

"I'm sorry, What'd you say?" I continue to ask with a smile on my face. This time, instead of repeating what she said, my mother took me into a tight embrace before quickly letting me go. "I said I'm sorry, for you know being all mean."

At first I had a shocked expression, but hearing upon hearing her apology, my smile returned. "It's okay. Thea already explained how you're a bit of a tsundere." Not liking my smug smile, she punched me in the arm. "Don't get cocky, you're still an idiot." She said walking away in the same direction my father had left in.

Apparently, while we had our somewhat cheesy goodbye, the others had finished up theirs as well. Because Viv, the Gardevoir, Lola, the Lopunny, and Luca, the Lucario, were right behind my mother, following after their husband. But before disappearing, Luca sent a threating glare in my direction.