

A young man, named Jay, dies in a bar brawl protecting his friend, after which he is randomly chosen by Arceus to reincarnate as a pokémon. A brief warning this novel will be sexual and since our Mc will be a Pokémon, poképhillia will be a common occurrence. I will also be putting in a more thorough explanation in a warning chapter for everyone to read before the story starts. Additional Tags: Futanari, Poképhilia, Pokémon on Pokémon sex, Pokémon on Human sex, Human on Pokémon sex, light Incest, and Beastiality ig

Sin_of_Acceptance · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Dad, Father, Papa~

With my mother leading the way, I walk into a small clearing, where I'm suppose to meet my dad. But what I see, after pushing past the brush, leaves me speechless.

In the middle of the clearing two Pokémon having vigorous and rough sex. The first being a Vaporeon, who's on the receiving end of the other Pokémon's large dick, jack hammering in and out of her pussy. The other Pokémon, who I can only assume is my father, is a Dragonite.

Weirdly enough, a Dragonite and a Vaporeon roughly fucking right in front of me isn't what left me speechless. No, it's the fact that there are three other Pokémon scattered around the clearing while breathing rough, like they just ran a marathon, and leaking jizz from their vaginas. There's a Altara on the other side of the couple currently having sex, then there's a Amphoros lay on her stomach to the left of us, and about two feet to our right there is a Zoroark laying on her back while covering her eyes.

Not knowing what to do, I look towards my mom hoping she has some ideas. Yet, somehow, she's even worse then my father because we've only been watching this scene of them fucking for about thirty seconds, but here she is standing next to me masturbating. Or at least I think she is because her hand is currently inside her loose skin, which doubles as pants, and she's panting with a red face. 'What The Fuck Is Going On!' I yell in my mind, while deciding to look back towards the couple fucking in the middle of the clearing. I feel like that's better to watch than my mother touching herself.

After focusing my attention, I can see everything. Right now my Father has the Vaporeon in a downwards dog position, He has her face pressed to the ground while lifting up her back side via her tail, so the that he has an easier time penetrating her pussy.

Thankfully, I don't have to watch them go at it for too much longer because after around a minute or two my father let's out particularly loud grunt before he started to cum inside her. He then pulled out, causing the Vaporeon to fall to the ground, due to her legs not being able to support her body weight, before taking a step back and looking in our direction. The Dragonite takes seat on the ground before speaking in a low, baritone voice. "Scar, come clean me up." He says while gesturing towards his cum covered penis.

To surprise my mother follows his command without a single complaint. In the blink of an eye, almost like she teleported, my mom was on all fours, deepthroating his dick.

*Gyak, gluck, gyak, slurp, gyak*

My Father, being the absolute G he is, the proceeds to talk to me, as if he didn't just command my mother to give him a clean up blowjob right in front of me. "So, Boy, tell me what moves you can use."

Alas, I was to shocked by all these events, so I said nothing in response. "..."

"Boy!" He called out.

"Hmm, What?!" I say startled by his raised voice.

He repeats his question from earlier. "What moves do you know?"

"I-I don't know." I stutter while looking away.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you," He commands and after making eye contact with me he continues asking questions, "What do you mean 'I don't know'? Every *umph* Pokémon knows what moves they can use. Try."

"But I don't know how, I don't even know where to begin."

"Just try, clear your mind, reach to the very core of your being, and then you'll know." He teaches in a calm and steady voice.

Following his advice I take deep and attempt to clear my mind. *Inhale, Exhale*

*Slurp, gyak,gyak, slurp*

Unfortunately for me there's a very obvious distraction happening in across from me. "Urgh, I can't. I don't know what I'm doing!"

"He mwight, jwest be, an idiwot." my wonderful mother says while still sucking my dads dick.

"Scarlett, don't talk with you mouth full. And you try again." He says turning his attention back to after addressing my mother. My mom listening to his words, as if a decree from Arceus himself, just goes back to sucking him off, and I decide to try again, but this time I'm gonna do it my way.

'Fuck trying to focus and look into the core of my being. I'm a reincarnator. Plus I don't think I'll be able to focus, so I'll just try this. Status!' I think to myself while still trying to ignore the sounds of my mother's sloppy blowjob. Regrettably nothing happens so I open my eyes prepared to tell my dad I failed to do it, but when I open them in there's a translucent blue screen in front of my eyes, containing some information.

[ Pokémon Number: 0559

Name: Scraggy (Jay)

Gender: Male

Level: 1

A.K.A: The Shedding Pokémon

Type: Dark and Fighting

Height: 2'5"

Weight: 26.7 lbs

Abilities: Moxie, Intimidate

Known Moves: Leer, Headbutt, Dragon Dance, Fire Punch, and Thunder Punch]

"Haha, I knew it!" I shout out in excitement.

"Knew what?" My father asked causing me to realize, in my excitement, I said my thoughts out loud, again. "Uhh, I knew I could do it." Luckily, I'm quick on my feet, so I recovered and responded quickly.

"Ywou, Dwid, it?" My mother says in surprise while still sucking my dad's dick. 'She's still down there?! He's gotta be clean by now.' I thought before thinking up a response for my mother's surprise, but my dad beat me to it.

"Of course he did it, he's my son after all!" He said while laughing loudly with pride. "Besides Scar, you're talking far to much considering where your focus should be." He stated in displeasure. My mom, seemingly scared of what was about to happen, attempted to pull away. Alas, she was to late; my father quickly placed both hands on her head and began to roughly fuck her throat.

As my dad roughly face fucks my mother, I am once again left not knowing what to do as he deals out her punishment. By the grace of Acreus, I wasn't force to watch for too long before a voice came from behind me. "What a fucking idiot. She knows Draco isn't patient when it comes to venting his lust."

A bit startled I look towards the source and see the Zoroark, from earlier, standing next to me. "Ye-yeah she deserves her punishment." I say a little upset, with how my mother has been treating me like an idiot ever since I hatched. "Punishment? Who said she was being punished? If you take a closer look at her face Scar's having the time of her life. I just said she's idiot because if she wanted the rough treatment all she had to do was ask, and she knows that. Bu~t, she's to prideful to admit when she wants it, so she instead she chooses to provoke him into it." Zoroark says correcting my apparent misinterpretation.

Understanding my mistake I continue to stare at Zoroark, hoping she continues the conversation. Feeling my stare, she stares back, saying nothing. Figuring that she's not going to crack, I choose to introduce myself, to break the ice. "Uh, hi. I'm Jay." I utter. Zoroark flashes me a slight smile. "Hi Jay, I'm Thea."

Seeing her smile a sense of relief washes over me. "*Exhale* So, can we talk about... anything while they finish up?"

"Sure Kid, I guess I can do some introductions." Thea says before pointing at the Vaporeon still lying on the ground. "The Vaporeon over there is Sue, then the Altaria on the other side of your parents is Cotton, and the Amphoros is Gia. Lastly there's of course your parents, the Scrafty Scarlett, and the Dragonite Draco."

"Hmm, how long have you all been together?" I ask, after taking notes of the names she said. "Well, I'm fairly new, only been apart of this family for around a year. Same for Scar, but if you want to know who's been with Draco the longest, then it's gotta be Luca, she's a Lucario."

"Ooh, I've seen her. She was sparing with a Blaziken." I interrupt in excitement of knowing who she's talking about. " Yeah, that sounds like her." Thea replies. Much to my chagrin, before Thea could finish answering my questions, my father lets out a loud grunt, a borderline roar, before he released a huge load in my mothers stomach. "Aah, that's just what I needed. Now where were we?" He says while looking at Thea and me.

"My known moves."

"Yeah, that's right, but Thea since you're up and about, you wanna come clean me up?" Draco asks with a smirk, as if he doesn't already know her answer. Thea rolls her eyes and proceeds to walk up to him, with an extra sway in her hips. She then drops to her knees, before pulling my mother off my dad's dick and gets work. 'What the hell, again?! You've got to be kidding me!'

"Ugh, that's the stuff. So, Jay, what are the moves you know?" My father says while gently placing a hand on the back off Thea's head.

"So we just gonna act like- you know what nevermind. I can use Leer, Headbutt, Dragon Dance, Fire Punch, and Thunder Punch." I declare unenthusiastically. At the start of my move list my father seemed uninterested, but once I got to Dragon Dance his eyes show a glimpse of surprise. "Not bad Jay, not bad at all. You've got yourself quite a unique move list for a newborn Scraggy."

I was prepared to humbly dismiss his compliment, but before I could he clapped and continued speaking. "I've decided. Scarlett get up and go tell Viv and Lola to send a willing child to join Jay on his adventure. Hmm, you know what, also tell Luca to send 'that' Riolu as well."

"O-Okay, sweetheart." my mom responded with a tremble in her voice. If it wasn't for my conversation with Thea I'd think the tremble was because of exhaustion or maybe even fear, but now I'm pretty sure it's because of arousal, arousal at the fact she's being commanded by my father. As my mother dragged her overtaxed body to disappear into the woods, I turned my attention back to my father. "Is there a particular reason you told her to do that? And what do you mean my adventure?"

"Haha, of course there's a reason. It's beca- hold on a sec." He stops before pulling Thea off his dick. " Thea dear, while I appreciate your help, but its time for a serious conversation and you're a bit of a distraction.Can you find something else to do?"

Thea wipes the drool from her mouth? Snout? Whichever it is, before responding. "You got it Big Guy, I'll go help Scar. I'm sure she hasn't gotten too far." She finishes before jogging off in the direction my mom left.

"Now where were we, ahh yes, Scar is going to get you some willing companions to join you on your journey. You see, whenever I have a male child, depending on how well -I believe- they can survive, I send them away to go find their own purpose and territory alongside some of their female siblings."

"Oka~y, why is that?"

" Because I don't want them to get any ideas, when it comes to my women. And I'd really rather not have to kill another one of my children because they had the bright idea to challenge me for dominance." He concludes with a tooth filled grin.

"Gotcha, while I'd like to assure you I would never do such a thing, I'm sure you've heard it before; so I understand." I say while nodding.

He smiles hearing my response. "Gotta say, I really appreciate it when my kids have some semblance of intelligence."

"Thanks for the compliment, I think. So, what type of Pokémon are Viv and Lola. Just so that I can know what type of companions I'll have." I ask trying to gather more information on my future allies.

"Damn, I really love it when my kids are smart." He says as his smile grows bigger. "Anyway, Viv is a Gardevoir and Lola's a Lopunny."

"That means a Riolu, Ralts, and Bunea-" I start to think aloud, but I'm interrupted by a shout before being tackled to the ground.

"JAAAAAAAAAY!!!" a familiar voice yells out.

Here's a new chapter and please leave me some feed back and comments. I want to do better and can only do that if y'all tell me what you think. Please and Thank You.

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