
I am in the PJ universe now!

Aiden died and was reincarnated into the world of Naruto. After defeating Kaguya and achieving the peak that is possible in that world, he is in dire need of a vacation. Follow Aiden as he hops into the world of Percy Jackson and witnesses everything since the beginning of time.

Raj_Chatterpaji · 書籍·文学
10 Chs

What is wrong with my family?

Safe to say, I destroyed Chaos. All my kids love me more than her. After this fiasco, I got the cold shoulder from her for like a thousand years but we mellowed out after that. She can't remain angry at me for too long.

Anyway, another 4-5 million years passed, and all my kids are proper grown-up adults, and being the shameless father that I am, I still coddled them and spoiled them. Am I ashamed, nyet!!

I am going to create a father's association in the future where all fathers will meet up and discuss who children are the cutest of them all. My angel (Nyx) will win, obvio.

Speaking of my angel, something really big happened and it gave me a huge wake-up call.

One day, I was just chilling and watching the universe ever expand and I could hear a faint whisper,

"Daddy", I whipped my head so hard that I broke my neck, but it healed in nanoseconds. After orienting myself, my gaze fell upon Nyx, Aaah my angel. She is a lot like her mother in the aspect of her aesthetics, just as beautiful as Chaos. She is wearing her super black chiton which is a perfect match to her hair which is as dark as the night sky. She is the primordial of Night.

"What do you want my angel. Do you want me to create a new universe for you, 2 universes, 3-"

"Dad I am pregnant"

"Univer-", Wait did I hear that right. Nah I am hallucinating.

"Can you repeat that my angel?" I asked in an eerily calm tone.

Nyx was shivering under my glare. Tears were forming in her eyes as she shakily replied,

"Dad I am pregnant"

Then all hell broke loose

My mind short-circuited and my body went on autopilot, but even then I didn't lay a finger on Nyx.

I needed to vent my anger. My will started flaring out wildly. Chaosland got utterly decimated. The stars, planets, and every celestial body around Chaosland were destroyed.

My Rinne-Sharingan activated on its own and I formed my Susanoo. A pure silver Susanoo with black flames in the eye sockets. (Indra's Susanoo with silver instead of purple and black instead of orange? ig)

I started slashing my sword wildly, destroying stars and that is how the first black holes were formed.

Chaos, Chronus, Gaia, Tartarus, and Erebus were trying to stop me but they couldn't.

This went on for a few thousand years and I calmed down.

I went up to Nyx and asked, "Who is the father", in the same eerily calm tone.

Looking at this, Nyx asked wearily, "Wha-What will you do to him?"

I replied with blue flames dancing wildly in my eyes, barely trying to suppress my anger,

"I will wipe him out of existence". The flames in my eyes were turning hotter and wilder.

Seeing this, Chaos just jumped in between us and whispered into my ears.

My eyes widened in shock and all my anger was replaced with... with...

"You are pregnant with Erebus' children??"


(Nyx POV)

I was born 2 million years after the birth of Tartarus. The first thing that I remember is my Daddy's dark blue eyes filled with love and joy. Even though I was a baby when I was born, our minds are fully developed. We could change our body and grow it to adulthood right after birth too, but when my Dad lifted me and started cooing and singing some lullaby, I thought, 'Let's remain like this for a while '

A few million years have passed and I am a teenager (A/N- In human terms), I have grown closer and closer to my Daddy. He spoils me and Big sis a lot and Big Bro Chronus always reprimands him and Daddy just waves him off. It is always so funny to see them argue. Daddy would always say that we were the greatest things that happened to him in his life and all of us siblings could feel the love radiating off of him. It always keeps me at peace when I am around my Dad.

I am now an adult, I thought Dad would stop it with his antics but he keeps saying that all of us are his 'archangels' and what not. He keeps calling me his 'angel' so I asked Dad what does it mean, and he replied, "Angels are the light in a dark world", he turned to me smiled softly.

My brothers and sister might act as if we hate all the coddling but that is never the case. Chronus might act as if he is irritated but he always has a smile on his face, Gaia may act indifferent but she always has a small blush on her face, Tartarus will keep on giggling and would drop all his barriers in front of Dad and Erebus' face will be as red as a tomato (Dad told us that it is a fruit. What is a fruit?) sputtering and laughing.

Looking at this, all the happiness and joy and the sheer fulfillment, a desire bloomed in my heart, 'I want kids too'

This feeling kept increasing over the years and I came to a decision, I want kids and I will raise them with all the love in this world. So I decided I will have Erebus' kids. I could Chronus but he is my big brother and it feels a bit weird (A/N- Srsly?), Tartarus is not my type so that leaves me with Erebus.

It was a very unique and eye-opening experience but I am now successfully pregnant. I told this to my brothers and sister and my mom and all of them are really happy.

I ask mom, "Mom, where's Dad? I gotta tell him this news"

And all hell broke loose.


(Back to Aiden)

I kept thinking about all that happened. MY SON AND DAUGHTER HAD SEX!!!! Damn!!!

But I should have seen this coming, all the Greek Gods should have got their incestual tendencies from somewhere.

*Sigh*, well I can't help it. Better go and wait for my first grandchildren and spoil them rotten.

As I was relishing in the thought of spoiling children, Gaia comes in and sits beside me;

"Aah princess, it is really good to see you, what do you want, 1 universe, 2 universes, 3-"


"Dad please don't freak out. I have two kids, Uranus and Pontus. Uranus is the sky or heaven to my Earth and Pontus rules the sea. I gave birth to both of them by splitting my essence, which means you have two grandchildren already. But I fell in love with my eldest son Uranus and he with me so we consummated our relationship and now I am pregnant with his kids. All I am asking is for your blessings. Bye Dad, take your time to wrap your head around all of this."

I Give up.

Hey Readers,

I was having a lot of fun with this dynamic so I got carried away, there will be many different POVs in the future to spice things up and for those who are not aware, Incest relationships are very common in the Greek Myth. Happy Reading!!!


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